Who are the aces of your server on each faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iflybad420, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Seaker Drone

    Yeah I even have started flying libs more and gals... can survive much longer and do WAY more damage overall. ESFs are just to weak now. Waiting for the new one so I can master something else.
  2. Kurohagane

    Well, the people that give me the most challenge on Miller are ZaltCW, OptimusBanana and Daddy. I know some other TR pilots that are supposedly good but i've not fought them enough to tell.
  3. isaidhi3

    Ctrl + F "isaidhi3"
  4. chrisbeebops

    VS: Javers
    NC: Hammerboss
    TR: Sinist
    • Up x 3
  5. IamnotAmazing

    I think you meant
    waterson: hammerboss
    the world: hammerboss
    • Up x 2
  6. why spend my cash?

    2nd most kills max ravens both arms all servers.
  7. Wizz

    On connery

    TR: pinkvoid

    NC: datablue, xervous (spelling?)

    VS: str8, nox, ovenmitts (pretty sure he's waterson NC now)
  8. IamnotAmazing

  9. Chubzdoomer

    Me. (Waterson NC)

    EDIT: Nevermind, Hammerboss is way better than me.
    • Up x 2
  10. IamnotAmazing

    dude he's better than everyone at every aspect of the game :p
  11. Wizz

    Who isn't these days. Amirite?!
  12. IamnotAmazing

    eh, there's not really very many pilots left on waterson, but of those left a very large amount of them are nc
  13. PeanutMF

    I'm not an ace in the air by any stretch of the definition, I hardly touch air.

    The closest I usually get is hovering 5m above the ground in my Magrider.

    I will shoot down air with said Magrider if that counts though.
  14. Wizz

    I know I still play waterson under false names on occasion to mess with you all.
  15. Schwak

    Well aren't you just the skillful player.
  16. rguitar87

    have I wrecked you?
  17. Wizz

    Haven't fought you on my visits actually.
  18. Xervous


    Must I keep telling everyone that I'm not an ace?

    Gawd the other Connery NC pilots must be terrible if it's come to this.

    *Logs onto VS alt* free certs as usual...
  19. Brahma2

    Boy, I'm confused. Here I was thinking everyone with over 5 kills was an ace... Jeez is my face red.
  20. eldarfalcongravtank

    waterson TR:
    cheechisanoptree (ESF pilot), sinist (ESF pilot), zoidbergenstein (infantry)

    waterson NC:
    rguitar (ESF pilot), danielwebster (Lib pilot/gunner)

    waterson VS:
    eska (magrider driver), exc1d1um (Lib pilot), frizzz (ESF pilot)

    there are many more though...