We have captured a control console

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by F1na1, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. F1na1

  2. Spartan101

    We? Who is we?...... each faction would be announced... which only leaves one option
    NS are invading
    • Up x 2
  3. MrScrubbypants

    No, worse. They're Here....
  4. KnightCole


    The VOs are the most damn annoying thing in this game now......they surpass Always invis infils, libs and even spontaneously exploding tanks.

    The enemy has a Control point
    We have a control point
    A control point is in NC hands
    The Vanu have captured a control point
    Were losing a control point
    We captured a control point
    We lost a control point
    A Control point is in NC hands..
    THe Vanu have captured a control point

    This for an hour or more.....oh my god....Shut it the **** UP!!!

    • Up x 1
  5. KnightCole

    I mean, I get that some players are so ******edly overly stupid that they cannot glance at a map every once in awhile and see they are losing cap points.......but THIS we do not NEED...TAKE IT AWAY!
  6. Radioactive Bomba

    Well atleast we have a nice rough sounding male voice and not whiny high pitched ***** voice pronouncer