TTK is far too low in Planetside 2 for the game to work (partly) as intended

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Owen W., Mar 31, 2014.


    That's why. A 143 damage weapon is a 7 shot kill. Also we do have shields in this game so a longer TTK is to be expected.
  2. iller

    Right ... but missed shots aren't actually TTK unless there's a specific "dice" Roll built into the weapon that outright prevents a portion of shots from hitting the intended target ---this is true to a certain degree with Shotgun pellets at certain ranges, or with that new "Duster" weapon. But with almost all Automatics, 8 bullets or less are easily fired off before the Recoil/Accuracy degredation becomes any kind of hindrance. (Guass SAW I'm not sure about, not even after over 700 kills with it... I still don't understand what's going on with that thing)
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  3. Fangry

    Time To Kill in PS1 is like killing Heavy Assault with Shield on, with Heavy in PS1 a little tougher
    (Heavy and MAX cant drive most vehicles cause of armor)

    In PS1 there is a difference between weapons, in PS2, not so much
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  4. Tuco

    I like longer TTK too but you can't tie it to spawn camping. Spawn camping is the result of MMO'izing Battlefield 1,2,3,4 without giving players defensive tools like:

    - PS1 CE/AMS
    -WWIIONLINE's long cap times, combined with attack objectives, combined with the average distance between bases being 10 kilometers

    PS1 route highly preferable to WWIIONLINE route.


    Actually all First Person Shooters have spawn camping, it's just that the only 3 MMOFPS in existence since the formation of planet Earth (WWIIONLINE, PS1, PS2) has very large amounts of it. It's like that's all there is.
  5. doombro

    When you play TR, you pray to the RNG.
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  6. Advanced Darkness

    Youre like the elusive bigfoot being found by a chubracabra. Which means ive just found someone like myself. Gave up on this CoD BF clone with kind of a PS1 skin early last yr. Also waiting for PS1 to come back. They stripped this game of everything that made it different from whats already out there then tried to sell it as a sequel.
    Like a Robocop sequel without a cop..whos a cyborg..robot..thing.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    TTK is fine for now.

    the connection issues etc are to blame for any complaints.
  8. Advanced Darkness

    Because that was Planetside. Futuristic , scifi, not based in the present or reality, alien technology coupled with advanced human technology. So pretty much you like a game that lies and says it based in the future but does everything that and games based in the 20th and 21st century do?

    If a faction has flippin' shields that you have to eat through first, then depending on how they certed, increased armor then uses a med pack..pretty much that guy should die in like 2 secs no matter what? The point is there are games that already kill you in no time. I never understood why they put this sham together and blatantly copied another genre and 2 games that have been around for a while.
    heck you live longer in TF2 than in this game. :D
  9. SnipersUnion

    And I cant wait for all these players to go back to PS1 and finally realize PS2 is a better game and come crawling back.

    Nostalgia - It's a hell of a drug kids.
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  10. Advanced Darkness

    haha yeah uh a bunch of us already did that last yr for the amount of time SoE gave and right now people are waiting for them to compile and release the new download. So youll get your wish. I'm not a loss to PS2 seeing as i only play Forumside now but others who, somehow, still play PS2 and really do leave maybe considered a loss.

    People who never played a game always assume its nostalgia, like everyone who played some older game is senile now. Heard the same crap with Wow and vanilla. People who dont know what theyre talking about spouting nostalgia but wont even peak their heads into said game because theyll be proven wrong.
    SoE gave everyone playing PS2, PS1 access. That really happened it wasnt nostalgia.
  11. WTSherman

    Maybe you would prefer Mechwarrior then, because it sounds like you want your durability to be closer to a Battlemech than an infantry unit.
  12. KnightCole

    The more I play, the more I swear this game would be better without NWA....

    It seems NWA is the cause of the absurd TTK, the one dude taking 500 rounds...

    I mean, when I run into a BR1 guy...its pop pop pop...down he goes..

    But these BR100s.....10 rounds, 20, 30? 40!? 50!???$(#@)(*..60? You gunna die sometime before my mag reaches 0!?

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  13. KnightCole

    Halo? Lol, only cuz its Master Chief...he has like Shields, over shields, health.....Masterchief shields......

    Ofc the later versions TTD is alot lower =D

    Halo 4? Health seems to drop kinda quick.
  14. Jeslis

    I have to admit, while I dont want 20 second long TTK.. I would like it a TAD bit longer

    Something like:

    +100% (thats double current) HP/Shields
    +25% dmg for infantry bullet guns (not shotguns, altho perhaps a +1pellet count would work)..
    -This to cause a bigger gap in the ttk of vehicles versus infantry.
    -10%(of current, eg if 80%, reduce to 78%. Yes that is -10%) Resistance on vehicles to *aimed* (non lockon/wireguided/instant(Lancer+max version)) shots.
    -This to reward aiming skill, specifically; dumbfiring a lib or ESF, tank v tank battles, Lib dalton direct hits on tanks, etc.
    +50% Clip Size, and 20-30% faster Reload Speeds (for Infantry type guns. Perhaps a 10-20% clip size increase for things like the viper, Shredder, bulldog, basilisk, Walker, Ranger, or zephyr, and a 20-30% faster reload speed for most vehicle weaponry)

    Things this impacts;
    1 lib or ESF will have a harder time killing 1 tank before his friends turn to help. (Like examples on page 1, personally, I find this to be a good thing)
    Aim will be more important
    EMP Grenades will be MUCH more potent and/or Dangerous
    Flash/Conc Grenades will have greater effects on tides of battle.
    1 Rocket // C4 will not instagib a max nor groups of infantry
    - In turn, a max will not instagib an infantry.
    Tanks will no longer have to fear the 1 lone C4 Fairy.
    - In turn, tanks will no longer 1 shot infantry.. allowing escape to cover

    All this being said; I could see a *speed* reduction being needed for vehicles and aircraft in order to impact positioning and cover (and so an ESF can't just run to the warpgate from the middle of the map by out-living your fire)
  15. Erendil

    ^^^ This! So much this! ^^^

    I know you know this, but it merits mentioning. In PS1, if you added in medkits (which almost every used), PShield, or Second Wind the situation changes. Just one medkit used mid-fight increase the MCG's TTK to 1.78 secs. Throw in PShield and Second Wind and the TTK jumped to 2.99 secs. And that doesn't figure in damage dropoff, which admittedly didn't affect HA weapons due to their effective range, but did affect MA rifles >75m.

    So really PS1's TTKs were too long for PS1. They hadn't been at a reasonable level since before the Rexo buff from 2004, IMO.
  16. Wobulator

    Halo is a game that has a long TTK relative to CoD or BF, and yet it really isn't a numbers game. Instead, it rewards you more for situational awareness and making personal skill more prevalent, instead of a situation where having a 5 millisecond faster reaction time means you stomp everyone. It made it so that if you knew where you were and you suddenly got shot by some random person, you had a chance at survival instead of just dying. The average Halo player is much "better" at FPSes than a CoD player simply because they are accustomed to thinking instead of running around with two Model 1887s and claiming skill.

    Disclaimer: This is not talking about Halo 4. Halo 4 was a horrible attempt at a Halo and was a huge degeneration from Reach or 3 by trying to appease the ravenous hordes of eight-year-old CoD players.
  17. Fangry

    PS1 durability is close to a soldier with ARMOR
    PS2 durability is close to a naked soldier
  18. plek

    i disagree. i think TKK is good where it is, and sometimes i even think it is too long. regardless, any longer would simply be frustrating imo, and i have not been able to go back to games with longer TKK after i started playing PS2.
  19. Van Dax

    negative, long ttks dumb down the game., they promote zerging even more because you don't die instantly when you act like an idiot. low health forces you to be smart, to aim well and take cover when you need it. CS > PS1

    I mean in what bizarre version of earth is this in any way good gunplay

    I mean you guys are complaining that heavy assaults are to tough and spinning around with their shield is unfun. I assure it only gets worse when you extend ttk, not better.
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  20. WorldOfForms

    It's true that the REXO buff ruined the HA balance and put the MCG at a slight disadvantage, and made medkits too good, but I played a LOT of PS1 (easily 7 years almost every day) and I really didn't fight that many REXO+Pshield users. Pshield was uncommon in my encounters. As the game wore on, people realized it was not the best implant. Enhanced targeting/Surge/darklight or audio amp was the cookie cutter style.

    I'm not even sure if I ever encountered a single person using the dreaded REXO+medkit+Pshield+Second wind combo.