Invulnerability fallout and bug/glitch exploit policy

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. CWorth

    Yes they are a solution to dumb players...

    It is not SOE's fault these people decide to exploit the is simple common sense that if you find yourself bugged YOU LOG THE HELL OUT OF THE DAMN GAME!!!! and then come back in to clear the issue.

    You DO NOT continue to play and exploit the issue...doing so is in clear violation of SOE's TOS that you have obviously never bothered to read. You make the choice to continue to play you suffer the consequences of that choice.

    Just like in WoW when I used to play during of the worlds top guilds had their entire guild banned for a long time and all gear gained and progression made taken away from them due to exploiting a major bug with the Lich King fight. Yes it was a bug caused by Blizzard but they KNOWINGLY used it and did not report it and they got smacked down for it deservedly so..

    I have no tolerance for these kids who think it is ok to exploit these things just because it is a bug...I say and enjoy your ban while I sit back and laugh at you.
  2. LastAlbatross

    So does no fault fall upon the entity that introduced the invulnerability bug or is SOE just that invulnerable to being responsible? The ToS is a shield for there responsibility in this matter but not public (this community's) opinion... which right now is in a negative sway.
  3. Dante02

    Yes. SOE is invulnerable.

    It is their game.
    It is their property.
    It is their TOS.

    You are a guest.
    You don't own anything.
    You are licensing playtime at their convenience.
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  4. Codex561

    Wait what? People read TOS?
  5. Zenanii

    That's pure genius! Hats of to you for pulling that of.
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  6. axiom537

    It was one of the funniest experiences we had in this game. Here is a clip for you to enjoy....There's a reason we are DVS Gaming...

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  7. Desann

    I personally think the dev team is a little too harsh with the ban stick.

    To ban players that have invested into your game, especially in the hundreds of dollars, is ridiculous. They are literally putting food on YOUR table, because YOU code this game and you throw them to the cold for one offense.

    Do players sometimes act like complete jacktards, sure. Do they exploit a BUG that needs to be fixed, sure. But to completely lifetime ban an account. Come on. To me, lifetime bans should be for actual hackers that find ways to modify and/or use code to give them abilities beyond the scope of a game. (Aimbotting,no-clipping, flying around in the sky) But to ban players who log in, realize they are invulnerable and score some kills off of it....COME ON

    I never got the invincible bug, i always seem to get the "no damage glitch". My friend seems to get the "no damage glitch" EVER SINGLE time he plays. You know how utterly frustrating and ANNOYING it is to get the "no damage glitch" and completely miss a kill/vehicle kill/awesome moment because of it? ITS ANNOYING!!! So if the players using the invincible glitch get banned, what do those of us with the no damage glitch get? Redundant question, just putting things in perspective here.

    I get it SOE, you don't tolerate cheating/exploiting. But as someone who was killed by several invincible players during the duration of the bug, please don't BAN all the good players out there. Give them warnings/suspension, let them learn their lesson.

    And here comes all the flaming, gosh i LOVE the flaming!!! I am just stating my opinions on the matter. They are only OPINIONS.

  8. Shatara

    To the 'Not My Fault' crowd:

    If you got banned for this, it's because YOU CHOSE to exploit it. If you got permabanned for it, YOU CHOSE to do it REPEATEDLY.

    I encountered this bug myself,even had a bunch of kills before I realized things were too good to be true, and received no ban. I'm certain the only ones who bit the hammer were the ones who thought 'it's not my fault' covered their decision to pretend to be Chuck Norris.

    It's like finding a loaded gun on the side of the road. You can't shoot someone with it, then tell the police "But I didn't buy the gun! That other guy shouldn't have left it on the road!"
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  9. SuperMedicated

    Keep banning them higby! we got yo back jack(lol) gotta ban 'em all :)P) _______________________________________________________________________ I still think that the slighest exploit should be permabanned, like the ones who got 3-7 day ones
  10. Levtech

    I agree with this. If people are willing to cheat might as well get them out of the game.
  11. sagolsun

    The money is already in SOE's hands. Once purchase volume drops, players are merely stand-ins for bots, little pieces of content. SOE feels no different about banning such a player than removing a glitched rock.

    SOE's punishment is projected outwards, at players, not inwards at it's policies, management or staff that caused this gaffe in the first place.
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  12. JohnSRice

    The problem is this:
    Some players create temporary characters just for the purpose of using exploits not for personal gain but for the sole purpose of harassment. Team killing in warpgates is just one way of doing this. The other is by using exploits to harass other players.
    Unfortunely this practice is something performed by veteran players as one level 44 killed me 3 times in a warpgate while I was setting up rollouts. I don't know how much good is does to report them but, I report everyone I see.
    Sometimes I wish I was a CSR when I run across these guys.
  13. Liquidrider

    I'd like to know how those purposely TKing players and vehicles within the warpgate are now being addressed? On many occasions we now have players creating new characters and killing people off within the warpgate during an alert.

    It would be nice to see an active presence again from SOE that mods are readily available in-game.
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  14. BloodKitten

    i dont agree with perma ban, could ban them for the duration it take for you to fix it insted.

    on a side note, how is this bug is caused, and how can one exit bugged state? also, since i never expirianced this bug, are there telling signs? otherwise some players might think they actually doing good, and only realizing after a while that they bugged?
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  15. Wecomeinpeace

    Has this been fixed by now?
  16. Winfield

    However the bugged state happens doesn't matter. People need to use their brains.

    There have been numerous occasions when I tried to check if I had the bug when I saw bullets flying at me but "apparently" took no damage, so I just checked it out by letting someone properly hit me, if I took damage I returned fire.

    One death isn't going to ruin your "OH SO MLG" -career of planetside.

    Mind you, I've only had the bug once and I don't even know how I got it.
  17. Slaughter919

    If anything, the first punishment should be the removal of all Station Cash and Cert purchased items, effectively re noobifying them. Second time is permanent ban. If your a cheating piece of ****, your a cheating piece of ****. Planetside isn't the place to come to change your life. It's where you go to have entertainment. It's not my job to rehabilitate a bunch of idiots.
  18. VibroMan

    Station Cash: So you're going to directly take away the things people paid real money for? Banning somebody is one thing, but taking away a purchased item and forcing the player to buy it again (with real money) is illegal.

    Certs: If you take a player's certs away, why would they bother playing that character? Maybe it'll encourage some to quit the game (doubt it) but I reckon the majority would just re-roll with a fresh name that's not tainted.
  19. 10thRMDredd

    i am a veteran of planetside 2.
    I got the invulnerability bug the other day whilst flying my mozzie.
    For half an hour i flew around killing stuff, taking what i thought to be sporadic hits and a spritzing of AA.
    I seemed to be performing well, engaging multiple pilots at once, running down libs and galaxies, suddenly i received a personal message saying that i was going to be reported. Oh god, it suddenly dawned on me, I hadn't just tripled my flying skills, I had in fact had the invulnerability bug. I really didnt consider it at the time. My apologies to all whom i engaged. Just a word of warning regarding banning folks. I am a team player, love the game, support the game. I had no awareness of being bugged until i accidentally bounced off the side of a galaxy..this of course made me suspicious. I am a pretty reasonable player but my tech skills are limited and my total absorption in the game I just wouldnt want to see a guy like me banned for just being a touch slow. The other folks who abuse the system for a repeated period and send comms confirming that they know what is going on, deserve oblivion.

    thank you for your existence dev team. Your work is magnificent. The game is living art. Keep doing it. :)
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  20. BobSanders123

    Can everyone who got banned get a big shoot me notification above them in bright orange? The size of one of those banners in the tech plants.