What is the purpose of the mini chaingun?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Robertooooo, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. minhalexus

    As an NC player, i see newbies using the MCG more than the pros.

    By newbies i mean any1 below BR30, by pros i mean any1 above BR70.
  2. Pacifist

    Are you trying to bring back the days when my biggest fear in a BFR was a MCG with EMP grenades?

    Making it more effective against vehicles is iffy as unless you make it as strong DPS wise as rockets I have little reason to use it. If it is that strong tankers will be asking for a nerf shortly as the MCG would be the all purpose weapon under 100 meters.

    I could see a slight buff against maxes as being useful but it would have to be very slight for similar reasons.
  3. DrBash00

    I would love the Chaingun to turn up to even 1000 or 1200 rpm. (slowly, so it reaches the 1000 RPM when 20 - 40 Rounds are shot) I am not shure of the Impact on the Game, but it just would feel like a REAL chaingun ^^.
  4. Vadnais

    My issue with the MCG is that it doesn't really preform in ANY role well enough to be justified. The only perk it has going for it (like others have said) is that its an interesting design. I only use it when I want to screw around and don't mind getting 1 or 2 kills to every 8 or 9 deaths :-/

    1. A shotty is a way better close range weapon than the MCG. For that matter so is the T9

    2. The accuracy loss during sustained fire means its no good at medium-long range either.

    I feel like the best role for the MCG to fill is medium range, in which case it needs better accuracy during sustained fire. You can leave in the spool up and i'd be happy, but those two points in combination leave its current design meaningless since the CARV fills all the other potential roles better, not just as good, better. The MCG should have a clearly defined role, which I don't believe it has.

    Now, to be fair, it seems like there are a lot of weapons in the game currently that don't have a clear purpose. I admit I don't play Vanu, but I will admit I have never at any point been afraid of a player with a Lasher, which is a problem. However, I HATE fighting NC in close quarters because the heavies are always using a Jackhammer.
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  5. Hiding in VR

    What if the MCG could be given a role if it was moved to the Rocket Launcher slot instead?

    Not entirely sure how that would work, but it seems like it should be a alternative Heavy Weapon rather than an alternative LMG. Maybe if you walked slowly like you do with the Rocket Launcher?
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  6. Robertooooo

    I have actually found a good use for the MCG. Grenade bandolier + concussion grenades + crowded room = massive slaughter. The gun also gets decent hipfire with laser sights so it's really good with a aggressive playstyle.
  7. Cyrek

    The Chaingun is amazing weapon, as a auraxium level user of this toy I'll give you the valuable points as freebie:
    1. -No over sights aiming, invaluable, more view room, retains accuracy values as if you were aiming down sights.
    2. -The slow wind up time is excellent for targets in medium range, reset your CoF every second and you can pick up targets almost as well as any carbine but without the benefit of a precision scope, but this is only troublesome if your game resolution stinks and can't see well or your mouse has horrble DPI.
    3. -This is part a psychological weapon, scrubs standing in front of you will have their aiming composure staggered by the loud sound of this monster, the most experienced players will overlook this.
    4. -The firing bloom feels more controllable while sidestepping, the unique circle crosshair on this feels more precise than the standard one. It's death sentence once this weapon reaches full revolution at close range.
    5. -You're given a choice of Flashlight, Extended Mags and Laser Sight. Honestly all three of them are situational, save your laser sight for sporadic fights in small populated continents, Extended mags will reduce the number of magazines to two 200 ammo mags, fire like an idiot for long periods and you will find yourself out of ammo in no time. For the flashlight I think the MCG is one of the best guns to use the flashlight with, you are not severely penalized for using one addon or the other. think smart.
    Disregard most of the craddled up LMG users in this thread.
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  8. Robertooooo

    Yeah I noticed that it's not so bad. It's just a bit different to use from the other LMG's which made the transition hard for me. Now when I am somewhat used to the weapon I suddenly get great killstreaks consistently. I got 130 kills with it in under 2 hours today :D
  9. LownWolfe

  10. Kikaros

    My only grief with it is its aesthetics... Why did SOE not keep the much more epic PS1 version? TR heavies in PS1 looked bamf when they had to carry it (no clue how to describe this) by the handles on top of the minigun. Here it looks like a weird... "I don't even know what that is" gun.
  11. Bruno Puntz Jones

    Just think of it as an SMG with the firing delay of a Railjack.
  12. Robertooooo

    Auraxiumed it a 4-5 days ago and now all of a sudden I can't go back to the ''regular'' LMG's. Every time I do I just long for the chainguns awesome room clearing capablities and it's great hipfire. It just went from being a fun bad weapon to a fun great weapon :D
  13. lawn gnome

    mass slaughter of troops. i have been on the other end of that thing and i am fairly certain it is better at mowing down troops than the other TR rifles. also it sounds like the Vulcan which is a terrifying noise when on foot.

    then you have to consider the 100 round magazine PLUS the extended clip you can equip on a 500 round ammunition pool. you find a cluster of enemies all you have to do is hold down the trigger until the bad goes away. being able to dump 100 rounds down field in under 8 seconds can be incredibly useful. i love my lasher but i can definitely see plenty of cases where the mini chaingun would be way better since the rate of fire and shot velocity are several times higher.

    with the shot velocity and rate of fire on that thing you could easily give light aircraft or harassers a bad day as well.

    then the NC jackhammer is how you blow a max in two without explosives.

    find a room full of enemies pop your shield pull the trigger and walk in terminator style.
  14. Casterbridge

    I've been using it a bit lately it's not a bad gun at all, it's fairly accurate at range (have to keep resetting it obviously) but it certainly gets the job done, it's a fun weapon but as mentioned earlier the visuals suck quite a bit.
  15. Flying Mug

    Well, it's the only gun in the game without all the problems of the 3D sights or scope sway. :p

    I wish you could spin it independent of firing.
  16. Eejay

    To go *** yourself. What's the purpose of the lasher?
  17. Golconda

    hit multiple enemies in groups with each bullet? lasher suxs btw, but imho not as the mcg. it hits hard, you have to add the splash damage to every direct hit it lands, dunno if TTK charts take that into consideration, I may be wrong/not updated btw >_>

    as auraxium'd mcg user I say the gun needs a rework in its concept. buffing it in any way (dmg, spin-up time, RoF) would make it the best TR lmg and every HA would run with one, and that's not the purpose of the empire specific heavy weapon.
    the jackhammer works as a niche wep because shotguns are not HA's best frends. even if the jack was the best shotty (and I think it is) you will never see every NC HA running with a jackhammer, because HA prefer LMGs.
    lasher and mcg, being LMGs, are a different story. you need to make them viable but not make them too much viable, lasher has its own habitat even if it should be buffed a bit imho, while the mcg just fails in every duty compared to other TR LMGs.
    a good concept could be making VANU empire specific weapon the best (by far) battle rifle avaiable, and give TR an heavy super OP SMG (if compared to other weps of the same category). I think it's just too hard to make a niche AND viable LMG when almost every HA uses LMGs...
  18. Dr Baralax

    To be the one thing that could lure me away from the sovereignty's technocracy? I forgot to get it in the half price sale for funsies, I'm more annoyed by that than I am at missing the boost sale.

    Anyway, I like that concept of VANU ES Battle rifle. The Lancette, maybe, a 'laser' rifle, to complement the full Lancer - shots are still as obnoxiously obvious, but its not charged. Increased damage vs the Eidolon, but pretty severe damage fall off (its essentialy a Lascannon, best be rolling 5+s to wound, guys).
  19. Blackinvictus

    To me, the MCG is to the TR what the Phoenix is to the NC...
  20. lawn gnome

    i still don't get why NC don't like the phoenix IT SHOOTS AROUND CORNERS! name one other weapon in the game that can do that accurately.