Upcoming ADAD+Strafe "rework"

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Sixty, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Sixty

    PTS has developed a new mechanism ADAD + strafe nerf . Practically, if you were moving around a lot and ADS to the left and to the right , your sight float across the screen of scope . A- Left right D left down . Unfortunately it removed, but perhaps only because it did not work as it should. Although your sight floating , but it still shot from the middle of the screen . And I wonder what you think about it . Are you a gamer who likes these mechanics and are aginst ADAD + strafe nerf , or you're a gamer like me who likes to play tactically and more " simulation " like cover behind objects , suppress fire or shooting while crouching etc .

    For me its a just part of mechanics what destroyed FPS genre entirely. These no sense are only good in arena FPS game with hit scan weapons. (UT,Quake maybe COD but i don't know if it have hit scan weapons...looks like yes.) I know these mechanics are truly "pro" i accept this, but we must evolve from this to something bigger..Yes they were good mechanics, but we must turn list if we want FPS genre somewhere to move. Games like Planetside should be more "realistic". (Something from ARMA something from Red orchestra. For me i wish more Red Orchestra mechanics than Arma.

    I know i know like everyone react when come to remove or nerf these "FPS ultra super pro LMG dodge mechanics". "Every FPS game have it, Counter strike, Quake, Unreal, COD, Battlefield etc, but think! Every game which have these mechanics are TWITCH SHOOTER! This mean Fast movement, small scale maps, arena type game, small amout of player and funny poor gunplay (COF,Recoil, bullet drop etc.) Planetside 2 is multi combat game combine sky,ground and infantry combat into one with 2000 players! He have fairly "acceptable" gun play, (Like Red orchestra but litle bit arcade) but these mechanics like ADAD or strafe only toned this game down. Even i can mention Planetside 2 engine and serer cant hande it. With small amout of tick rate, lags and client side net code which planetside have, there are zero chance how can be this mechanics "fair" for other players.

    I dont know like you, but i will realy enjoy these mechanics, than strafe and ADAD..

    Like everbody say..In Planetside 2 you are just solider..Nothing more nothing less....
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  2. Torok

    lol take it easy, it's just a bug.

    The real question is.. will they fix it in time?

    Also not to break it for you but.. The Core planetside 2 infantry game won't ever get a huge overhaul, ttk, mechanics, features, everything is there to stay, there's no way they'll do any major change, atleast not this year it's deal or leave for that.
    the next April balance pass but even the last one in December are proof of it, there's not much to work around, tweaks and changes based on gathered overall players stats, but as I said, no gamechanging features such as prone, faster ttk or the likes.
    hey the headbox size is bigger now though :p
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  3. iller

    It wouldn't be the end of the universe like continent locking would be.

    And I say that as a player who hip-fires and strafes whenever I have room to do so.
    The only thing that really pisses me off about this game's combat is slowing down way too much when I quick-knife,
    If I could equip a knife in primary that didn't slow me down on-attack, I'd totally make that sacrifice
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  4. Jalek

    Strafing isn't a big deal. Bunny-hopping through you since collisions are off is more annoying.
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  5. Sixty

    Yes we talk about this yesterday with my mates at TS. We come with simple desicion..Just let "quick draw" but rework it in to gun stock bash. They dont need add stun or any kind of this BS, but you can use efect what is in game already and this is Conlusion grenade efect. Then you can 1. execute him with gun, or simple knife him with equip able knife.
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  6. p10k56

    I fear most those who stands still and somehow outdps even HA with shield ON. Those are our Planetside PROS.
    Able to kill you even facing opposite direction or no shots coming from their weapon, knifing you from 3m away or throw C4 brick 5+m away.
    Strafing is something of skill but yes there are many which strafe very fast but those are probably subtle speed hackers rather then macroist.
  7. Cinnamon

    I don't like cover systems in games and think that lean is pointless. Just move around the world and if someone has line of sight on you then they do. Keep it simple stupid.
  8. iller

    Unfortunately, Strafing does nothing against the blatant lag-switchers since on their screens, you're barely moving at all...
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  9. AnnPerkins

    The sights are already inaccurate when you strafe. You need to use an overlay to put a dot in the middle of the screen because the RDS moves off it's target if you're moving even the slightest bit. I have no idea why they do this.
  10. Stigma

    Wether ADAD-strafing is "op" as a strategy is up discussion I suppose. I don't think it is "broken" anymore like it was in the past when ADAD'ing made you warp all over the place. This is very much less a problem now, and mainly ADAD-strafing just make you a hard target - as it should. The question is if you should "pay" more as a tradeoff for ADAD as opposed to standing mostly still.

    The point I wanted to make is that in any case it is a BAD idea to balance it out by making your crosshair not actually match with where your real aim actually is. If you want to make ADAD less viable then add a modifier to the recoil when strafing, or increase the COF penalty, or a little of both. Having HUD elements that basically give you alse feedback and lie to you is bad bad design.

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  11. Phazaar

    Would love a video of this effect. 12gb download can ****.
  12. Tuco

    Like I said in the WWIIONLINE forums.

    To fix ADDDADADAAADAADADADADA lameness, toss it into the garbage can along with rocketjumping, add stamina and everytime you rapidly change (vector+velocity) to exploit latency (ADDDAADAAAD or running and altering direction rapidly), your stamina goes down. Make it so you could get a couple good ADAD's (or jumping) until you start panting and slow down.
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  13. Leondre

    Side strafing should not be a viable tactic to use to win fights. What we really need is a heavier emphasis on momentum.
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  14. Ghosty11

    I wish cover was more effective in PS2, I would love to have the peek system of Far Cry 3.
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  15. McToast


    Learn 2 aim!!1111

    No, seriously, I like the current game flow. A player who can move and aim should be more rewarded than a player who can just aim. This game won't ever be close to a "simulation", it's a somewhat arcadish mmofps.

    If it was for me I would even increase the game's speed by increasing movement speed and removing ADS mechanics completely for all weapons except sniper rifles or at least buff hipfire for all weapons significantly.

    The netcode and CSHD make "ADAD" sometimes a bit frustrating, but there are also positive aspects. A player who rounds the corner first has an advantage over the player camping in the corner. More movement, less camping. I like that.
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  16. Bl4ckVoid

    Jumping bunny gameplay should not be rewarded. Unfortunately it is.
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  17. p10k56

    Lag switcher will also lag on your screen but I see many people aiming not at me in CQC not lagging but still managing to hit me specially MAXes are notorius backside killers.
    Not to mention people obviously firing though their teammates but not damaging them but hitting their target obscured by said teammates.
  18. G.O.A.T

    Planetside 2 is not realistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's an arcady video game, it's a twitch video game mixed with ADS tactics.

    This game is just too fast in pace to even be compared to ARMA/Red orchestra lol.

    I don't understand why you people can get this thru your heads. This game isn't Quake,UT,etc because if you want to play as a sniper or camp in a corner ADS, you can and be successful. Yes it does have a twitch element, in which certain situations, strafing is a very viable tactic.

    Sorry but I love this Mix of Twitch ADAD strafing and ADS while hidden.

    ADAD Strafing raises the skill cap of the game!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you can't master when to ADAD Strafe and when to ADS while behind cover, than you have to improve as a gamer.

    This game will never change it's core of gameplay, this is the fun thing about planetside.

    They essentially mixed




    We have shields like in Halo and twitch shooting works like in halo.....but we also have ADS and Fast TTK like battlefield....It's a good mix...You can camp like in battlefield, take cover and in some situations u can ADAD strafe left and right.

    Also recently John Smedly said this will be the MMO Halo for the PS4

    This game will never be


    Rainbow six 3 is just too fast....This game is 100% Unrealistic.

    As for the cover system you showed, that looks pretty cool, I would like it in....but they should nerf ADAD strafing....They should both co exist...each will work in certain situations.
  19. Makora

    This is hit and miss. ADAD pisses me off, really. This game doesn't reward "proper" stances at all. As someone mentioned before, you can leave ADAD as is. But give crouching and sitting still bonuses like severely decreased COF bloom and/or recoil. So you have two options at any one time. You can ADAD spray-n-pray at someone, or you can crouch, aim and have high accuracy. On one side you hit less but you also get hit less. On the other side you hit more but you get hit more. Both sides have their benefits and drawbacks. And neither of them is something that works 100% of the time. So adapting your style to a situation is key to success. Not finding that one thing that has the least drawbacks and using that and that only.
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  20. Eugenitor

    Once upon a time, video games, FPSes in particular, were about skill.

    Now, we have people going "but that's unrealistic! but that's not tactical!" every time there's a situation in which people move and shoot at the same time.

    Stop. Just stop.
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