Blegh...HA-launchers are getting ridiculous...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TekFan, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Stigma

    Just severely nerf their damage against infantry already - yes, that means even direct hits. direct-shotting someone with a launcher is not even slightly hard and even their hipfire is more accurate than many primary weapons (which makes nooooo sense whatsoever). It is now increasingly common practice for HAs to rush rooms with their launchers equipped so they can one-shot someone before pulling out their LMGs and having to shoot people down the old fashioned way (which takes a lot more time).

    As long as launchers continue to be able to one-shot infantry they will continue to be used as ghetto-shotguns. I see a disturbing amount of people these days that are TRUE "rocket-primary" players, that is to say that they never use their LMGs... ever. It's so effective that I'm even guilty of rocketspamming from time to time. Throw random rockets into doorways and you get free kills. Advance with one ready and you get to insta the first guy you meet. Its a free one-shot effective at almost any range and you can hit anywhere in the body. Of course people end up abusing it...

    Really the direct-damage to soft-infantry needs to be halved or something so it stops being a viable thing to use versus infantry. In a game like this with about twice the TTK of similar games, anything that still let's you one-shot is just incredibly powerful and needs close scrutiny. Letting a tool that isn't even designed for anti-personel do that is a mistake.

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  2. TekFan

    What a relief that this topic didn't attract people who don't know to discuss and instead insulting on an instant.
    Oh wait a minute...:rolleyes:

    Back on topic:
    First of all: Glad that most people know some simple manners.
    No, I don't want an Infantryside 2. Defacto I'd be totally happy to see C4 and mines less effective against vehicles if the launcher becomes more effective against armor and less effective against infantry. I know, that won't make the pilots happy. (btw, Monkeydmomo: one dumbfire or three lockons for a lib to start burning, but that's just an example, not the definitive numbers I'd like to see).
    FLAK-armor is of course an option and the option to simply dodge a missile is also there.
    I just get quite furious if I see 10+ HA's spam their launchers at infantry, just to hide in the spawnroom once a single vehicle appears that is bigger than a flash. I insist on the "hide", since cover would mean that they continue to attack that thing.
    Witnessing such situations, I ask myself what kind of players the current launchers attract.

    Just half an hour ago I was part of a squad who stormed a base. A hostile sunderer defended the entrance.
    Multiple engineers with Mana-Turrets, and HA's started to shoot at that thing.The sunderer stood its ground.
    Who got the kill? A medic with C4.
    The launchers as they are can be out-repaired quite easy. Libs and ESF's can hit'n'run without too much trouble.

    So my thought was: You can't make them simply stronger since that won't stop the mindless spamming. The solution was a resource-cost that is comparable to the vehicle it would take out.
  3. FateJH

    I've almost gotten good at firing my default dumbfire at tanks across a distance greater then the length of a tower base.

    Back on topic, someone previously suggested making it such that you have to ADS to fire a rocket launcher. A counter argument was that this negated a counter to MAXes, though whose firepower is mitigated by the HA shield for just long enough to target them.
  4. Rift23

    Yeah, when it happens to me my thought process usually goes like this "oh, look, another rocket flying in the air. Wait, is it coming at me? **** I need to mo---fuuuuck!"
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  5. Epic High Five

    HA launchers? Oh god as if rocket launchers weren't OP enough
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  6. deggy

    It fires Shielded Heavies...

    with no delay on their shields!
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  7. Roll Fizzlebeef

    I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say. But the point is... Flak Armor is stupid overpowered, and Nanoweave armor is next to useless.

    I was absolutely fine with Nanoweave protecting against headshots. If anything, they should have kept it. And yes, I play plenty of infiltrator. Being denied headshots was perfectly fine with me since that is exactly what players invested in.

    The change where flak armor protects against direct hits is completely overpowered. I don't understand why more people don't see that. I abuse the ever-loving hell out of it every day.
  8. Zotamedu

    Rockets are rather useless at farming infantry. If you miss, you are dead before you have time to switch weapon. The infantry kills I get with rockets are mainly from when they happen to surprise me when I have trying to kill vehicles or MAXs. Because if you turn a corner and face an enemy, your only chance of survival is to fire and hope you hit. I also sometime kill stupid players who try to farm spawn rooms by hanging around just outside the shield. They are doing it wrong and deserve a rocket in the face. Sadly, instead of learning from their mistakes they go and cry about how shields and launchers are OP when they are in fact just stupid.
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  9. Pikachu

    500 resource for a rocket? :eek:
  10. Pikachu

    The splash is only 500. The nimber listed is wrong. Thats why people can shoot a guy in the face then just have to wait for the shield to recharge. And you never kill with anything but a direct hit.
  11. AnnPerkins

    rockets have a pretty big cof if you don't ADS. I've missed MAXes standing 5 feet away because I thought I didn't need to ADS.
  12. deggy

    Yes, but the direct and splash added are more than 2000 wtill, which is why you still die to direct hits with Flak 5.

    Flak Armor is one of the most pointless certs in the game. I'm going to threadify the reasoning, so watch for one in the next few minutes.
  13. DevDevBooday

    When you drive up to a base in your tank and your view of the base is obscured by a wall of rockets from dozens of HAs you will be happy that each rocket isnt super powerful.

    HA rockets are supposed to stack.
  14. Tommyp2006

    Rocket primary is annoying, however it is highly ineffective. You may get one kill, but that guy is stuck reloading for 3 or 4 seconds. A rifle is much more efficient.
  15. Pikachu

    Flak is nice because it allows you to survive mines and be that only guy in the room who survived the grenade. Good for my medic. Its just enough to survive mana AV rockets to their funny surprise. It annoyingly allows enemies to survive 2 falcon shells rockets. Also it makes rocket pods less annoying.
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  16. Baleur

    -Insta-kills ESF's

    .............. HAHAHAHAHA (dem lock-ons)...... Funniest suggestion i've read this month.
    Good luck with that idea. :D
  17. Eugenitor

    What'd you do before making this post, break into your local pharmacy and guzzle down every bottle with opiates in it?
  18. Eugenitor

    It's extra funny because dumbfires really do instakill ESFs.
  19. Alarox

    It seems to me that you got killed a few times by a rocket launcher so you want the developers to nerf the hell out of it. As a compensation, you suggest making it incredibly overpowered in another area that doesn't personally affect you.

    That's what I got.
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  20. Vanon

    You seriously die to launchers regularly? That is absolutely halarious. I can solve ALL your problems in one word. Ready?


    You see, when you do not move, people can shoot you with extreamly slow projectiles that have a lot of bullet drop. If you move, you can avoid dieing to launchers.

    Also as for your balance suggestions..... Lets just say that i have concern for you. Many people have learned to put the glass pipe down and stop smoking the rock. I am sure if you google NA, you can find a meeting or perhaps a sponser to help you off your obvious crack smoking problem. God Bless you in your road to recovery!