Questions that by all rights devs should answer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by smokemaker, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. SuperLexatron

    I will reply to you for the third time I think it is, to increase my odds of visibility.

    When are the NC Vanguard and reaver cosmetics going to get camo on them? This has been broken for months and been 'fixed' twice according to patch notes.

    It worries me that somehow you guys think it is fixed.
  2. iller

    Were you the one who passed on info about that Rock cliff in NC Arsenal on the right-hand side being too easy to climb up and then camp the Defender's spawn room from it? I tried to climb it yesterday and it was a LOT HARDER. Lol.
  3. Zotamedu

    The death map is rather pointless. I really don't get how someone can get so upset about something so meaningless. If you couldn't already figure out the general direction of your killer, then being told the general direction wont help you much.
  4. SnatchMaster

    Why not just give players the option to turn it off...? Seems like it would solve everything if we just had the option to ignore it entirely.
  5. raw

    I still don't understand the tears about the new deathscreen. Killcam is useless as best, especially considering the very ... primitive minimap, and the other information is welcome.
  6. NaySayer

    With all the downvotes in the new deathscreen thread and they put it in anyway, yeah they sure do listen to the community.
  7. smokemaker

    I did notice a decrease in the time it takes for the enemy to respond from my close in crossbow infiltrations.... But have started to use it against itself.

    1.) Set up your ambush : Plant AP mines in line with your target expected location.
    2.) await target and execute them.
    3.) relocate and watch them find your mines.

    Very entertaining.

    But in places where this is not possible, the decrease in the enemies response times has cuased issues with my ability to get far enough from the area to remain undetected.

    I blame deathcam for this. Deathcam is a cancer to FPS. It does nothing good.
    Its the number 1 reason for rotting and crippling gamers brains.

    Once they use it, they can no longer find an enemy without it.

    Devs: If this is for new player retention, then make it time out at a certain BR level like 15 or so.....