Devs completely out of touch with reality...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MKEYCKOR, Mar 14, 2014.


    In terms of what players ask for, what gets upvoted/downvoted on the road map.

    I've played since launch and have well over 1000+ hours and I'm sure well over $500 invested in this game and the constant, out of left field changes and content no one asked for is very quickly driving myself and players like me away from the game. There are those that are hardcore enough that they will probably always stay playing this game and yes, I do still have fun playing but the culmination of a bunch of small changes over the past few months are kind of making me look elsewhere at this point.

    First things first, game performance. The game is performing absolutely better than it was prior to patch MFG and it brought solid/crisp game play to many, many people. This game probably would've died faster had more people not been able to play. That isn't to say it still isn't dying regardless. For me, the issues that detract from the performance patch are the recent (going on 2 months now) hitching issues associated with NVIDIA drivers. I have NEVER played a game that allowed such a positively game-ruining experience LINGER for MONTHS AT A TIME. I understand SOE does not get full blame here. What I am saying is that the problem took almost a month and a half to diagnose and there still is no fix. I still get black map screens. I've had my driver KO itself multiple times. I reverted back to a "safe" driver but what other game on the market do I have to do this for? WHY DO I STILL CRASH OVER AND OVER. Why do I sit in my outfit's main TS channel and hear people just trying to change continents, or just trying to fly and beacon the next objective, crash, over and over and over. It isn't our hardware. 64 bit client? Nope. What program or application in the year 2014 do you know of that has NO option for a 64 bit client install? Honestly, the whole directX 9 thing has always bothered me as well. Hindsight is 20/20 but was a 32-bit only client on directX 9 really the best decision for a game like this going into 2014 and beyond?

    Infantry combat. To give a little background, I am primarily an infantry only player and the only meaning I derive from an otherwise meaningless/endless/no end state TDM that we're currently playing is personal statistics. The only fun I have with this game anymore is trying to use statistics to compare myself to the top infantry players on my server. This in itself will have many of you up in arms, I know. But the game itself pigeonholed me into this play style. Vehicles have been and I supposed will remain wonky until the end of time. I don't get anything out of being that guy sitting outside of a zerg in a MBT shooting at a building hoping to get a kill. I don't get anything out of rocket podding some random infantry running around on the ground. I know and understand that, for a large number of people out there, THEY DO get something out of this brain dead behavior. I categorize things like sitting in a tank outside of a fight shooting a building, sitting in a reaver/lib all day farming infantry as game play designed for idiots. Add to the list of crutches for bad players: maxes, shotguns, smgs, a never ending devotion to making this game more Call of Duty/Battlefield like (i;e the new death screen which is ripped straight off of BF4 minus the XP segment).

    Speaking of the new death screen... this has probably been the final straw in the camel's back. This and the ONCE AGAIN CHANGED INFANTRY HEADSHOT HITBOXES. I spawn into a base defending it against 12-24 people with 1-12 of my own faction. I may get a 10-15 killstreak, possibly even more if everyone I kill doesn't rage pull a brain dead max suit. I finally get overwhelmed by a zerg of inferior players and my game instantly snaps to this giant screen showing me the same garbage base character model I've seen 50,000,000 times, some crap load out or setinstonebecausenothingelseisreallyviableforthegununlessyouwanttogetlaughedat load out, some other arbitrary information on the XP I gained per life. I couldn't give less of a **** about what that kid used to kill me. I really couldn't care less about seeing the amount of XP I gained per life. I don't even really care about where he was located on the map because 9/10, I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE I DIED FROM ANYWAY BECAUSE SITUATIONALAWARENESS. That and now I have to HIT ANY KEY to get past this vomit of useless information. It's cheesy and needs to have a disable feature that allows me to go back to the previous death screen. This will not grow on me and it won't for many players like me.

    I'm already weary of typing all of this and know nothing useful will come of any kind of discussion. CASUAL will always win out and drive out the hardcore, most dedicated players eventually and you know what? SOE really doesn't care. They show this with every patch.
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  2. OneRedBlock

    Yay, Forumside essays!
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  3. Klatschnudel

    Well, i already saw this coming when SOE announced the release date...

    Man, sorry you had to attempt to read on a forum. It wasn't my intention.
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  5. Halcyon

    I'm not reading all that. It's just big blocks of text.
    Summarize and use the enter key more dude.
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  6. AltF4Fun

    Its a rant about latest patch and some other things.
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  7. MasterCheef

    meh, i'm mostly happy.
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  8. ColonelChingles

    The problem with vehicles in this game is two-fold:

    1) Some (not all) infantry want to play this game as if vehicles didn't exist. You yourself are self-admittedly just an infantry player, who can't be bothered to pull any vehicle (or MAX as you make it sound). Ergo to support your style of gameplay everything (vehicles, MAXes etc) must be killable by your preferred class with their preferred weapon. You ignore the fact that this is a combined arms game, meaning that you need to engage in combined arms to win. CoD is actually much closer to what you want, and BF4 isn't far behind with its limited number of paper-thin vehicles.

    2) There's really nothing for vehicles to do. There are no objectives for us at the moment. All we do is support whatever infantry push there is on an enclosed base. If we're lucky we might get to fight other tanks or vehicles, but infantry mostly blow them up. So vehicles are left with shelling buildings from afar, because getting close to those buildings is certain death. Meh.

    Maybe you were never as good a shooter as you first thought? Because prior to the changes infantry head hitboxes looked like this:


    And all the red spots were places that you could shoot which would count as a headshot, but clearly be a miss. So when they changed the head hitbox, they actually made headshots require more skill. If that requirement upsets you... ;)

    I don't think anything would grow on you, given how toxic you seem to be. :D This is an issue that literally one keystroke gets rid of... I've not heard people complaining about a single keystroke ever.

    "Gosh darn it SOE why can't I just login, spawn my Galaxy, and jump in with just one keystrokegrumblegrumble"
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  9. gigastar

    Ill do it for you;
    • Grandstanding
    • Token praise transitioning to rant
    • Paragraph of Generic Whine
    • Paragraph of Whine about new deathscreen (This is probably the true topic.)
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  10. Tuco

    How an epic battle feels like with something approaching vaguely equal players on each side:

    What 9 out of 10 engagements in PS2 feels like, 10 vs 1:

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  11. AFK1

    I agree with OP

    The new deathscreen is horrible, it changes the brightness of my screen for no reason, flashes annoying bright colors everywhere, and forces me to press an extra key just to bypass it. None of this is necessary at all, and this game was much better off without it
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  12. JudgeNu

    "Planetside 2 players so out of touch with developing a game"

    I just had to! lol
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  13. NoobBall

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  14. N4poleon

    Vehicles are fine, they might be mostly braindead but they are somewhat balanced, maxes are not.
  15. Rockit

    Well when the lead for PS2 on PS4 thanks the community for testing and getting everything ironed out for the game's launch on PS4 that should tell you something.
  16. Robertooooo

    The difference I noticed is that hitting the chest counts as headshots now. So you can still get headshots even when you miss :D
  17. TheFamilyGhost

    People voting on the roadmap are pretty weak too. Just relax and play the game until a new one comes out.
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    As with most whining that takes place on game forums the current death screen whining is one that I can't quite understand...especially when you can instantly bypass it with merely pressing a button.

    Somebody already addressed the vehicle deal, this is a combined arms game; I have plenty of fun in my tank and that's not constantly bombarding buildings. Of course such happens (kinda the point if you have armor support and trying to clear an area) but I have far more engagement with other armor/vehicles than I do the former.

    When playing infantry I have plenty of infantry fights without interference from vehicles. When a situation happens where you have armor surrounding the place then something went wrong but it was not on the devs.
  19. VengeanceD

    You are wrong. Prior to this last patch headshot hitboxes were not like you are describing, not even close. Before this last patch hitboxes were okay. You are talking about way back in the day when headshots were like you use to be able to shoot between the legs and it would register as a hit. Same with between the torso and arms. Shooting between the shoulder and ear would guarantee you a headshot. All of these issues were addressed in one patch sometime ago and the hitbox, not only for the head but the entire body was completely redesigned. After that patch I personally tested it out and all the hits were just as they should be.

    It seems like SOE insisted on changing the headshot hitbox once again but this time for the worst. The latest patch has messed up the hit detection and the headshots, they are way off. I don't know whats causing it but believe me, they are not right. You can find complaints on reddit about it. All the rants about the headshot hitbox are mostly by experienced players who don't do anything else but just play infantry and to be completely honest, infantry players would be the firsts to know.
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  20. Devrailis

    Literacy is not a lie. :eek: