Tips for taking down air in smaller numbers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PvtTickleTactic, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. PvtTickleTactic

    After today's patch there are liberators everywhere causing rage quits galore.

    Trying to stay constructive, how about some advice/tips?

    The majority of players don't have the opportunity to play in a tight knit well organized squad and more often than not find themselves trying to defend with a handful of random players.

    I would think 2 burster maxes and a a couple G2A rocket hits would take air down pretty fast, but it seems they just hover off behind the rocks for a second to repair then come back. This is most noticeable with Gals sitting on top of a building in view of the spawn. They take way more fire than they should then just fly off when smoking receiving fire the whole time yet not going down.

    In real a scenario air is not going to fair to well after being hit with a missile, but working with the way the game is what does one do?

    Is everything just a game of bigger numbers? Assuming you spawn at a different base and come back with a skyguard before time is up you might get some damage in but most likely you'll be destroyed pretty fast.

    G2A lock-ons in small numbers are useless, calling things a deterrent doesn't seem valid when air just peaks back and forth self repairing. It's more like an annoyance for the pilot currently farming.

    As far as I can see you either roll with the zerg, or have to get a few players and take the fight into the air.

    Personally I get terrible motion sickness flying in this game, so I tend to stay on the ground.

    Anyway, tips, comments suggestions and flaming my poor skills all encouraged and welcome!
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  2. WyrdHarper

    Q--> Invite to Squad the randoms and start working together
    If that fails to work, start using prox chat to those around you and get things coordinated--maybe it's just Mattherson TR, but I've used prox chat with 1-2 other people before to defend rooms and organize things, you can generally do a lot with few people determiend to work together.

    For more specific stuff, it really depends on the aircraft you're fighting. One useful thing some people don't realize is that most AA turrets can hit several hexes around them, so if you're being harassed by an air zerg you can usually fall back and use those to drive air off. Bursters and skyguards work really well as well. Really the most important thing is to do it from somewhere unexpected. Do NOT pull at the base under attack--fall back to the previous hex and get yourself at an odd angle. Unexpected attacks work really well to make air uncomfortable and drive them off. Air can't see everywhere at once, and prudent pilots will disengage if surprised.
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  3. Tonberry76

    problem is not the lib ore any other aircraft
    the problem so far i see is the lack of HA class

    there stile to many in my few Medics and ENG classes
    when the enemy have tons of air plains flying above us

    some spam a MAX but its stile to less
    and if i am the only 1 with a anti aircraft rocket launcher

    its for me a hell to shoot them down
    players need to learn to switch classes in any situation

    its very nice 20 medics around you but you don't win a war that way
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  4. LibertyRevolution

    I was killed 1 time by a liberator today.

  5. DQCraze

    Get an armored sundy even with the basilisks it hurts, both guns running and a couple of lock ons do the trick. I prefer the dual walker Sundy, and any two sundies with guns running will chase off any lib or esf
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  6. PvtTickleTactic

    It definitely comes down to who those randoms are, if they even have proximity on or turned up. I play VS on Connery and the other night I spawned into a base that was nearly lost despite a large number of randoms. I took out 7 sunderers in a span of 20 minutes and not one person there would repair me. I didn't repeatedly ask or demand, I just stood by a terminal and asked politely to engineers if they could repair me when available, but nobody even acknowledged me. My mic works fine I talk to people all the time, maybe a language barrier?

    Never thought of the AA from another base, not always available depending on location, but I'll try that out. Jumping in an AA turret at the base being attacked is usually suicide if they have the number advantage.

    Is there a bug with air sometimes or can fully certed Gals/Libs take a lot of damage? Most times a few players put these guys down, but once in a while there's somebody who will just hover fairly low there taking multiple bursters and G2A without going down.

    I actually just witnessed a Vanguard a few minutes ago take a beating and not even smoke. I saw more than 4 rockets hit it, then I hit 4 times with my Annihilator and it wasn't even smoking? This usually occurs in large battles so I assumed it was a bug?

    I think the take away for your advice here is learn the outer areas. Playing infantry most of the time I tend to re-dploy from base to base so I don't know the path ways odd angles of the outskirts, but that'll be an area to improve on next.

    Thanks for the tips!
  7. Vixxing

    If you are NC:park a tank 2km away and kill planes with heat rounds... if you are TR park tank 2 km away anchor tanks and kill planes with heat rounds... if you are VS shiiiit man your outta luck! roll with a Phaseshift, if u manage to get a a kill with it you might be in "Lucky dude monthly!"
  8. PvtTickleTactic

    I have definitely been in situations where I wonder what people around me are thinking in regards to what they've pulled for the situation at hand.

    Most times I wonder why they don't prioritize eliminating the attackers spawn point when there is still plenty of time on the timer.

    People are free to play how they want though, it is what it is there.
  9. PvtTickleTactic

    Fortunately I stayed out of their way and avoided death. However just a bit ago tonight on Connery I kept spawning in to defend low popped bases under attack only to be confronted with squads of liberators and one or two infantry flipping the point. Kept watching people getting farmed trying to leave spawn then curse over proximity after re spawning each time.
  10. Vixxing

    Seriously, if you are NC or TR use main gun on tank... theres no running away and repairing from *THUMP* *THUMP* dead...
    almost no drop at all very ***** high speed rounds its free cert pinatas ffs stop crying...
  11. LibertyRevolution

    I added a poor quality video of a lib squad trying to attack us to my post.

    If there are less than a squad of defenders and a squad of libs shows up, there is nothing you can do other than sit in spawn.
    They can't take the base from in their plane, so just sit their till they get bored and leave, that is the best option unfortunately..
  12. PvtTickleTactic

    Unfortunately I play VS now myself lately. Assuming you can get to the vehicle spawn, there' s even the ability to pull a tank there or at the closest base, I guess that still comes down to the randoms doing the same or at least supporting you? A couple liberators will probably take your tank down pretty fast alone.

    No crying here, just trying to get some constructive advice on tactics!
  13. Vixxing

    you dont pull tank at base beeing shelled but base further back, group on a hilltop and rake in XP (only work for NC and TR though)
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  14. PvtTickleTactic

    That's pretty much what I figured.

    Normally I'd spawn in at a base being attacked by a small squad, find a sunderer, beacon, a tank or two and maybe one liberator or a couple esf. Tonight it was squads of liberators caping empty bases while the zergs were fighting elsewhere. It was a capture Amerish alert so I think this scenario is mainly likely to occur in a capture the continent alert.

    Like I said previously, just trying to see what others are doing to counter these type of situations.
  15. WyrdHarper

    There was a bug with today's patch which caused some vehicles and players to become invincible randomly. Some gals/libs do use composite armor which makes them tougher to take out--they may also be using Fire Suppression to negate damage, and for awhile there was a bug where you could switch seats and chain-use it because the cooldown was person-based, not vehicle based (so with five people in a gal you could use FS 5 times). Could also be the hit-reg bug rearing its ugly head.

    But yeah, a lot of infantry players tend go get really focused on the bases themselves, but the outskirts and in-between areas often have lots of good places to set up some AA that will catch pilots off-guard--especially as these may be areas they run to in order to hide and repair or take cover. PS2 has lots of cool areas outside of the bases that are fun to explore, and are pretty useful!

    Another thing you can do is put a sunderer in one of these locations, or at least between the previous base and the one under attack. The defensive AMS is something few people know to use, but it can totally change a defense and allow people to deploy and spontaneously get into a good position to pull AA. Get 10 people to spawn a couple hundred meters from an air-camped spawn room and I'l bet you a few will spontaneously pull some AA. Plus, outfits really like to deploy on Sunderers, and they are more likely to show up on the redeploy screen reliably than regular spawnpoints. Sometimes AA isn't just about killing or driving off air, it's about redrawing the flow of battle so that air has fewer good and safe places to move around.
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  16. PvtTickleTactic

    I know what you meant! My response was just covering the what about when the base nearby doesn't spawn tanks or you're the only one willing to to do so. The obvious answer there is it's pretty much hopeless at that point.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    Yeah whatever they patch you always sees more of it.. there was stalker cloakers everywhere for like a week..
  18. Vixxing

    One vanguard or prowler tank is quite enough to take down a few libs... (if you dont suck) you dont really need friends, just basic aim skills...
  19. PvtTickleTactic

    Any advice on a setup for a magrider in that situation? I've spent most of my time so far as infantry so I haven't had much play in armor yet.
  20. Vixxing

    Nope, if you are VS then your screwed... then you are better of using skyguard or dualburster-MAX (i dont know but its unfair that way!) you could try to go with lightning though but you have to hit 2* as much and be 2* as skilled as a NC or TR player with maingun... but thats fair apparently...