New Deathscreen Quit the whining already, read why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Balrock, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Botji

    For long range snipers this actually wont change TOO much since the cone can be fairly large at that range and you have the freedom to move about and its often fairly easy to see if someone is running out of the base and starts looking for you. A lot of people wont even bother to do that.

    What I think is most wrong here is as the OP say, all this is in the game but now its so obvious that everyone will get that information even though they dont deserve it. CQC bolt rifles are pretty much only viable because you kill them in one shot and often they have no idea where that shot came from, the hit indicator is gone so quickly and the death screen came up.

    Unlike the long range snipers I dont have the freedom to move about as much since im inside their base, its hard to impossible to keep track of people to know if they are trying to flank around me and since im so close to them people DO bother to do that, even if they have almost no idea where I am but now even if im not spotted the cone will be kinda tiny and pointing right at me.

    Often I might kill a sniper or HA standing around sniping/lock on launcher and a medic runs up to them and starts dancing around, since I have a CQC bolt rifle with a silencer on to avoid detection its kinda chancy to take a shot like that, if I miss completly the medic is likely to see where it came from, if I hit his body he will have time to see where its pointing and before I can fire again and kill him the first guy I killed is back on his feet again and if the medic is shooting at me its just.. unlikely I will survive. So what I do then is not fire at the medic dancing around and just watch them, almost 100% of the time the guy I shot has no idea where I am and they both run for cover and im safe to stalk around a bit more.

    With this change I dont have a choice, either I kill the medic before he revives the first guy or the first guy will pop up and know almost exactly where I shot him from and the medic will assist him when the shots start flying but even if I manage to kill the medic before the revive its risky to do that, once someone dies people look around so if I open fire on the medic its just very risky someone else will see the tracer.

    Aka this change means any sort of INFILTRATION gets very unrewarding and the CQC bolt rifles lose most of their "charm". Point was to kill the target so quickly he doesnt know where the shot came from, now they will know 100% of the time.
  2. Iksniljiksul

    Things like this simply make the game feel like it was created for children.
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  3. Leer

    or remove it so new players learn, and lazy vets don't get easy mode. This should be a game of some skill and not shoot by numbers. If make a mistake the death screen shouldn't be a crutch. At times I miss where the killing shot came from due to inattention, multiple attackers, or distraction. Now all would need to do is wait for the death screen and easy mode over to take them out or find a new route. No need to think! The game told me what to do and that sounds like fun.
  4. Lyrencropt

    No offense to mustarde, but his stats (especially KDR and KPH) with long-range sniper rifles are only somewhat above average. He's definitely a good player (better than me overall), but just because you sniped him doesn't invalidate my point.

    I don't use deep cloak at all. If I get sniped, it's because I got lazy or because they shot wildly and got lucky. I have a K/D of 11 with the XM 98 (which is not that great compared to many really good snipers) and my favorite place to shoot is jumping around on airpads. The point is that if you're a good sniper, it doesn't matter if they know where you are. The most efficient sniping is right in front of their face.

    The problem is 90% of the players in this game do not know how to look at their minimap intelligently and figure out where to go. This is especially true for new players. Exploiting this can be potentially lucrative for skilled players, but if we want this game to be successful in the future we need to make this information easier to digest. There's really nothing here that wasn't already available for the skilled player, it's just that now the average player has easier access to it.
  5. Ronin Oni

    I dunno, I don't think it's that big of a deal.

    Then again my stealth gameplay involves constant movement, and not camping in one spot.

    LA's who hide in a single tree or on a door frame, or stalkers who cloak on top of the cap point with a XBow will certainly feel the effects from this...

    but by the time the guy responds, or even is able to convey to teammates where I was... I'm gone already.

    Then again, I have ADHD and can't possibly sit still for more than 30 seconds... ever. I have no idea how people can snipe or camp in any game TBQH. YAAAAY waiting simulator.
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  6. Keyski

    Too much numbers and useless text that I don't want to read but is shoved in my face instead. I just want to play the damn game and not worry about stats or numbers.
    Congrats! You got MORE NUMBERS THAN LAST TIME! CHECK THIS PIE AND ANIMATED GRAPH CHART OUT! It'll clearly be helpful for you to know these metrics!

    The only thing I care about is how close I am to my ribbons. I don't care that I'm 1 kill away from a ribbon with a gun that I trialed 5 months ago. I don't care of my total session stats every death. If I cared, I would hit tab to see how many certs I've gained, or what my score is there.
  7. smokemaker

    How about the close in crossbow wielding infiltrator?

    Got to be within 10-20 meters to really be effective. Now after a kill, i cant relocate fast enough or far enough without giving myself away running cloaked, as we all know cloaks become way more easy to see when moving.

    They sold me the crossbow so i could get close and kill in a sneaky manner, then what a week later add deathcam and nullify everything they just did with the infiltrator patch....

    yea.... for the run and gunners... patch fine... for me, its a game killer.
  8. Lyrencropt

    They're already getting directional indicators on you anyway. It's still no new info. Not to mention, it's not a "deathcam" at all. If you're not spotted, it's a cone pointing in your general direction. They have no idea if you're 10m away or 100, nor what elevation you're at.
  9. smokemaker

    not really, before if they were not paying attention, the HUD damage indicator would flash by... a lot, as in a large majority of my targets have..... HAD no clue where to look for me... this has now changed.

    And in the case of a crossbow, you are within spitting distance.
    So the cone might as well be a line.
  10. Lyrencropt

    Making sure players are aware of all the information available to them is a good thing, not a bad thing. I'd rather have more aware players than a game that's dead by this time next year.
  11. Balrock

    You kinda invalidated your own point no? An infiltrator is by no means designed to excell at CQC. Sure you can kill a few guys if you get the drop on them and there's absolutely nothing wrong with playing it that way but if you are, you are accepting that if 2 people of similar skilllevel meet at CQC you will definitely have a disadvantage as spy ( No shotguns, less health, sound when cloaking/decloaking and if you are using Stalker cloak you trade away your >primary< gun. My personal setup is Underboss for when I use Stalker and Crossbow if I use a non slug shotgun to give me some range back)

    And you definitely have the freedom to move in a enemy base, I know first hand and regularly go on killstreaks that way. Is there the chance to bump into somebody while uncloaked? sure, but again that's the risk that you take if you are moving in a enemy base without reinforcements to take away their attention.
  12. Godsmangamer

    I personally use the crossbow but I strap on a scope so I am able to mid range snipe with it. I went around in game and was still able to deal damage consistently. Personally I don't think this patch is a game breaker for me it just means the skill level needed for effective use of the stalker go up, quite a bit. Camping with the crossbow was hard before it's next to impossible now. You have to cloak and move. With the higher levels of the stalker cloak this is defiantly possible not so much on the lower levels.
    The Nerf part of it is the inside a base kills streaks and killing off larger groups from fairly close range are going to be a no go even more then they already were.
    The game changed it added a higher skill bar to a already challenging play style but for me who has gotten used to the midrange crossbow sniping I don't mind this for the most part.
    The set of people this will really hurt are the beginner level snipers and stalkers who have not built up enough knowledge of how the battle flows and how to move and act within it. where targets are and who to go for and who to leave the heck alone.
    It adds a lot more skill necessary to choose your targets and choose your placement because it means you will always have to move stalker or not.
  13. Littleman

    If THAT was an undeserved kill, every target his former killer took out by the same definition was undeserved. Shooting at unaware players from a distance only sniper rifles could reach? Sniper rifles that one shot kill on a headshot, denying the enemy any chance what-so-ever to react post-impact? How very skillful and honorable of you...

    Sniping perches (actually, sniping entirely) are overrated. Shoot. And. Scoot.
  14. Longasc

    How much more information do we need in the death screen?

    It is a very feeble attempt to keep people playing by showing them how many more kills they need for this or that kind of medal. Apparently it shall encourage people to do so, too?

    Why do I need a metric ton of information who killed me and what his favorite hobbies, weapons, religion, political and general world view are?

    I wish they would rather work on something else than a more attractive death screen, seriously. I find it rather overblown, distracting and just unnecessary. On top of that it is buggy atm.

    How about making sure the game doesn't have occasional freezes with the latest Nvidia driver, there is only one game on my system that has a problem with it, guess which one... :(
  15. Noktaj

    Oh... 1 shot 1 kill snipers get their position (almost) revealed?
    Oh I'm so sorry. Really.

    No I'm not.
    <<< Trolling.

    Maybe... and again... maybe from this update on this game will be less sniperside 2.
    Seriously... half the time I die, I die because of a sniper from the other side of the facility or a ninja guy lurking in brush with a commissioner.


    Da fuq.
  16. Balrock

    Well IMO the crossbow was never really meant for low or mid level players but for high level players who really want a challenge, it's strong but requires extreme precision and training since it has a quite unusual droppattern. Pretty much all other secondaries offer faster time to kill and are far more forgiving than the crossbow, 1 bolt + knife is the only viable option in direct short range combat that I found

    Besides that since the buff to the cloak when crouched makes you almost completely invisible, even if I did know the room or heard the noise right behind me I often still had trouble seeing them. Unless you really do not move at all and stay at the same corner for a long time the enemy will still have a hard time finding you.
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  17. Hiding in VR

    If you really want to help new player, improve the HUD so that directional damage indication is better. In short: give them helpful info while they are still alive.
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  18. Wecomeinpeace

    Only logged in to upvote the OP because i couldn't have put it better.
  19. Balrock

    As a veteran player I already know how far I have to turn when an enemy 4-5 m behind me starts shooting at me from the current directional damage indication, increasing that does not seem like a good idea to me.
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  20. LibertyRevolution

    If your camping in some spot 200m away from the base, then you are a useless sniper scrub.
    I am happy that it shows you on the deathscreen, maybe you will come into the battle and stop camping some hill padding your K/D..

    If all you hill camping snipers quit, no one would miss you at all.