Honest thoughts. do you feel dirty playing as SMG inf? OP?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Hoki, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Hoki

    I personally don't find it challenging at all.

    I don't do it very much the same way I don't CQC HA, because I think its too easy. Like beating up children.

    I'm not amazing, but I'm above average, and I enjoy high reward for high risk or difficulty.

    SMG certainly removes a lot of risk an difficulty at close ranges.

    I just sort of feel that an SMG inf doesn't sacrifice much in CQC but still gets all of the vast utility.
    Like, the amount of utility that we get is justified when running with sniper or scout rifle, but not when SMG'ing it up, cause the difficulty is gone.

    Dunno. I just see a lot of complaints about SMG infs from players that aren't good at detecting cloak or are familiar with the game, and I certainly understand how they could feel that way as I've gone on some monstrous noob massacres with the armistice in the past.

    Or am I just too kind hearted. (LOL I hate everyone)
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  2. MarkAntony

    Seeing as my K/D is lower playing that setup then almost any other setup and that killing while not dying is it's main objective? No. I do not feel overpowered.
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  3. DFDelta

    Considering that I think that SMG infiltrators are inferior to SMG <every other class>, no I don't feel bad the rare times I do it.
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  4. WycliffSlim

    I think the difference between SMG infiltrator and SMG other classes is that if you're not incompetent SMG infiltrator basically guarantees at least 1 free kill.

    Now, players who don't know how to play the class usually get brought down right after that kill. But the frustration against it comes from the one player who had a guy materialize in front of them and gun them down instantly.
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  5. Astraka

    Every day. It's an unpopular opinion, but I absolutely feel guilty when I use an SMG on my infiltrator - and I've got over 15k kills with all four of them combined. I hoped & prayed that they'd get rid of SMGs and actually do some serious work on the core of the Infiltrator class for our update, but I was left disappointed.
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  6. Skeith

    yes and no since i rarely use it,i dont think it's op but SMG's shouldnt be avaible to the infiltrators at all,this makes the stealth and sabotouer part of the class an hell to balance
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  7. Astraka

    That's how I feel. I think we would have gotten a lot more interesting & unique mechanics added to the class already if it weren't for SMGs. All of the nerfs to the cloak probably wouldn't have happened either.
  8. Archiadus

    I use it to cheese in towers when my faction is getting zerged 5 to 1, other then that I hardly ever play that setup because I think it's boring, same as using shotguns on any class really. :p
  9. RockPlanetSide2

    Long SMG streaks like you see in Montages are rare, even by the best of the best of the best, thats why they don't upload videos ever other hour. The greater percentage of the time you are doing 4-5 kills then dying. I don't see that as OP, when I can log on as a level 1 heavy and average 7-8 kills per death, simply because of the nerd-shield.

    You might do better if you don't mind waiting like 20 minutes between kills as you run around just waiting for the exact moment to strike, but, that is up to you, and it is not very exciting in the end.
  10. Benevon

    Nope, unless it's against somebody with a crappy PC and have to run low settings. I think that's where a lot of the hate comes from, low TTK from somebody who is practically invisible. Otherwise, infs are so easy to see when running around (and you are doing that a lot with an SMG). Now, I rarely pull my SMG out anymore unless I am trying to defend a point inside and want my darts. Otherwise, I have moved into the mid range combat with scouts and fight on the outskirts of a battle. Indoors, I have been playing HA a lot more.
  11. Reavx

    I recently bought an SMG for the first time to lol around now and then and yes, its far too easy haha...
    I don't know how they could be toned down without being useless but hey.
  12. Rohxer

    After all those times I'd open up with my SMG on a HA from 5m behind, and they just would spin around, pop their shield, and wreck me? Nah, I lost any dirty feelings I might have harbored whenever that happened.

    But I did get bored with them after more than 10k kills and 4 auraxiums. I found myself stuck in a rut doing the same thing over and over.

    So I went back to try the Stalker auto scout rifle, which I initially hated, and have found that the challenge of using it, plus the extended opportunities it allowed (range) was much more satisfying. I have now auraxiumed it and have no desire to go back to any of my SMGs. Yeah, there are times now when an SMG takes me out 1v1 at point blank range, but anywhere past about 20m I usually win, as I should. I think SMGs are perfect right where they are. Other classes can use them, and they also get shotguns for those CQB situations. Shotgun > SMG and I actually do feel dirty when I switch classes and use those.
  13. Get2dachoppa

    If feeling dirty is based on the number of hate tells I receive when using a certain class/weapon combo, then using my Light Assault with a pump action shotgun makes me feel like this...

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  14. Dill Bagner

    I've never done it, but I've always thought giving infiltrators SMGs was a stupid idea.
    For that matter, I think it's stupid that infiltrator is the sniper class too.
  15. MajiinBuu

    With low performance, anything can be challenging.
    I find that the Commissioner is just as easy as any SMG
  16. HappyT

    jackhammer heavy is way more dirtier.
  17. BillHaverchuck

    Since i bought a commisioner and learnt how to 1 shot + knife, I rarely use the SMG. I really find it better to be able to snipe and be an effective CQC inf simultaneously.
  18. m44v

    I dunno, what's the SPM for the average infiltrator?
  19. kaolla

    doesn't make me feel dirty at all, not always sure if i can survive if there is more than 1 and beside with the new death screen there will me more smg infiltrator as there is no more use to flanking and long range sniping. not like SOE will remove that
  20. miraculousmouse

    yProbably was just the fact that you wouldnt use your ambush advantage and go for the head, or thrpw in a knife before you unload with the SMG. Other wise he will pop his shield and probably kill you, that is assuming he has amazing reflexes and somehow your aim goes whack.