say no to silencers not showing up on kill cam

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rogviir, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. rogviir

    So yeah this idea going around about silencers not showing up on kill cam is awful for one reason. Vs will benefit way way to much from it. Silencer plus no bullet drop was already rediculous but with the new kill cam feature the easy mode VS will become even more unstoppable.
  2. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I say no to a kill cam period.
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  3. TheBlindFreak

    lol what? 2/10 try harder.

    But for anyone who doesn't know, VS bolt action sniper rifles DO have bullet drop. And the weapons that do have the drop have horozontal recoil as a balancing factor. Plus, suppressors lower bullet velocity as well, IIRC.
  4. gloowa

    Here we go again. No bullet drop OP hurr hurr hurr durr.

    If you took your bloody time to check what are you talking about, you would notice that the only weapons that would benefit from no bullet drop (sniper rifles) DO HAVE bullet drop.

    Take an TR/NC carbine and test the drop. It only becomes noticeable (more then head size) on distances > 120~140m, where carbines are useless anyway.

    The only gun that is better is VS Battle Rifle (Eidolon?) but they all suck anyway so...
  5. rogviir

    Vs have the most accurate weapons hands down its there faction trait and yes the bullet velocity goes down but you still negate one of the huge disadvantages of a suppressor simple due to no bullet drop. And if they change it so suppressors no longer show up on the kill cam there would be no reason not to use one as a Vs player.
  6. Oreo202

    I do not see how this would greatly benefit VS in comparison to the other factions.
  7. gloowa

    Because we are easy mode no bullet drop hurr durr. Don't you know VS infil is op becasue no bulet drop hurr hurr durr?
  8. Reavx

    I'd use sup all the time if they did that and I am NC.
  9. GrymMSK

    The no bullet drop does not make the VS unstoppable. It is not featured on any of the weapons that it would actually be useful save the scout rifles. The call for silenced weapons not showing up on the killcam is relatively silly though in the first place, since if its for the run and gun silenced SMG or carbine folks, they should be moving around anyways. If you're getting shot at range by a silenced LMG or assault rifle or something, you probly will know where it is, and silencing those would be kinda pointless anyways since it being not silenced or having a compensator would be more beneficial in most situations.

    I believe the main people wanting this change would be LAs that attack from rooftops and that sort of thing, and honestly bullet drop isn't really anything at the effective range of carbines, so VS wouldn't really have that much of an advantage anyways. I think the only place that what you're worried about might happen is with infils with scout rifles, and users of those are pretty few and far between.
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  10. Gundem

    Go get your facts strait before complaining.

    Go, now, read the Wikipedia. NC weapons are by far more accurate. If you can't pull down on the mouse hard enough to compensate for the increased vertical recoil, then you ought to consider uninstalling.
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  11. DQCraze

    I love playing in Godmode, I almost feel guilty being so uber.
  12. Gadamlu

    no, your thread is bad and you should feel bad.

    there is no point to say anything more than what has already been said.
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  13. KnightCole

    ^^I vote the same as this guy^^!!
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  14. MajiinBuu

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  15. Tommyp2006

    I'm yet to die from someone that the kill cam actually told me where they were that I didn't already know. Those of us who know how to follow a tracer round aren't really benefited by this. I could pretty much pinpoint anyone's location based on tracer rounds just as well as this "killmap" tells me the rough location where they are.
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  16. Paperlamp

    Suppressors just need to affect velocity less, or at least be less devastating to already low velocity guns.

    VS' no bullet drop is a major advantage on a few guns like semi-auto scout types and the battle rifle, and a minor advantage on a few long range automatics like corvus/flare, but giving suppressors exemption from the kill cam is a nice buff or at least non-nerf.

    Not that I like the idea of the kill cam at all, but at least they're keeping the stealth attachment exempt.
  17. rogviir

    I tell you right now if i was using an orion with a lazer sight id slap suppressor on it especially if it made me not show up on the new kill cam.
  18. smokemaker

    I vote no to deathcam completely.
    I vote yes to allowing stealth weapons and attachments to hide u on the deathcam.
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  19. Botji

    I would vote you president of SOE if you went to elections with this!
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