The real tragedy of this update: no straight pull bolt?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SinnerX, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. SinnerX


    While everyone else is whining about their uber-leet sniper positioning being ruined, I was really looking forward to buying a Tsar, throwing on a 4x scope and straight pull bolt, and playing bolt action hero at medium range.

    What gives?
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  2. RadarX

    This is not quite ready yet and coming in a future update.
  3. Wobberjockey


    they have been functionally unchanged for the past 2-3 weeks on test.
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  4. OneRedBlock

    What's straight pull bolt? Everyone says it's so great, but I have no idea what it is.
  5. Sen7rygun

    The real tragedy of this thread? OP doesn't know that every rifle in this game already has a straight pull bolt.
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  6. Kunavi

    You want the RL explanation or the MLG explanation? :p And yeah how is that not ready yet?! :S
  7. sindz

    Because it ruins sniper balance, if you people would think a little about it.
  8. RadarX

    There are a few issues with the animation which are still being resolved. It's going to continue to be on Test awhile longer while those are being fixed.
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  9. Wobberjockey

    not really.

    and don't break out the 'straight upgrade' line.

    the only thing snipers can fit in the rail is a flashlight. so ANYTHING would be an improvement.
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  10. kadney

    I hope you guys can take a look at the FA1 Barrage reload animation aswell while you are at it. :) Sadly there is no feedback so I don't know if the right people are aware of this yet.. :(
  11. TheBlindFreak

    Thanks for the status update, Radar. The forums need more of this sort of contact.
  12. sindz

    Was being a bit sarcastic. Also if you tried straight bolt attachment on testserver you would hear VS rifles playing NC/TR reload sounds etc
  13. WyrdHarper

    Ah so it's an art team issue. All you needed to say -.-
  14. Iksniljiksul

    Yeah I can't wait to turn my bolt action in to a semi auto. :rolleyes:

    Somebody really hates the players; giving two of the least fun ways to die a boost (liberators and snipers). Now lets make sure the third gets some attention and force us to spawn right outside of the shield doors so those spawn campers in tanks feel the love.

    This game makes me laugh. They took the best shooter concept out there, handed it to these people on a platter, and this is what they do with it.

    At least I got to see how much this game engine stinks, how easy it is to hack, and how frustratingly stupid EQNext is going to become (unless they get some good ol' boy programmers to work on it). Yeah lets go play slip n' slide while a dragon chases you down with 100m blast radius breath cones while the other guy with the hacks wins the loot.
  15. Dis

    Because sniping is already so hard in this game.

    Free shotguns, straight pull...can't wait to see what's next. Maybe 5000 SC guns that auto aim.
  16. Robes

    Smart pistols are already in the works.

    (This was just a sarcastic reply, i in no way support the idiocy of the poster i quoted)
  17. EmmettLBrown

    Wait. What animation? The straight pull just chambers a round without unscoping. You're not actually seeing anything outside the scope.
  18. notyourbuddy

    Straight pull makes the Bolt Action sniper rifles very close to a Semi-Automatic but with longer range and much higher damage output.

    Its going to make so many more people get killed by these things. Much rage will ensue.
  19. Mustarde

    Relax guys, infiltrators have gotten a ton of love since PU02, from nanoweave nerf to scout rifle and semi auto buffs, and the infil update with new weapons, new abilities, cosmetics, and improvements to cloaking mechanics. We sound like spoiled brats next to our light assault friends who are dying for something new.

    Many of us are looking forward to this attachment. But really - we can wait. It will come. Just enjoy all your other toys while the devs polish it for release.

    I personally won't use it much - too much tunnel vision and time exposed and vulnerable to counter snipers. It'll probably go on my TSAR-42, but otherwise stay a novelty

    Thanks for the update radarX. You guys take your time :)
  20. HadesR

    Well it didn't stop them releasing an unready Lib update or Kill screen :) ( They both needed more than 48 hrs testing )
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