Why TR with lowest pop ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Merakov, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. GoEErs

    This thread smells of the loser thread that RadarX just stomped all over. The population problem is what it is. I do not offer any solutions. I would ask for everyone to just take a break from all the banter back and forth. I know I've said things about the Vanu and probably shouldn't have. I don't agree with some of their tactics but that's me. They are effective and at present effective seems to be winning.

    So, if I have offended anyone in any thread I have made posts I'd like to apologize. I know I attacked Negator and several others. They didn't deserve my personal attack. I'm better than that and should know better. If you see this Negator please accept my apology.

    I have always prided myself in the character of my conduct. Of late I have been a poor sport and have gotten really snappy in the forums towards players with differing opinions. That's not acceptable either. Every player has the right to come to the forums and offer an opinion. You may not share that opinion and that's OK. Put yours out there as well. We should never attack one another over buffs and nerfs and why this and why that. After all they are just opinions.

    I'm an older player(45) and have found few games that keep me coming back for more. This game holds a special place in my life. I get to play this game with my sons who are separated from me due to my divorce. Instead of just getting to see them every other weekend I get to spend almost everyday with them while we play this game. I get to talk to them about their day and things going on in their lives. It's not much but I'm thankful for every extra minute I can spend with them. I would never have thought I'd have to resort to playing a game to spend more time with my kids but......we do what we have to do.

    I am happy to play this game and am thankful for the many people I have met and played with and the many others that I have yet to meet. Whether you are TR, NC, or Vanu I am and would be happy to suit up with each of you and play. I'm honored to share the field of battle with you all. Try to have fun and do the best you can. That's all I ask of myself. Go TR(I had to throw that in).:D
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  2. Frostiken

    That shield is already stupid considering the effect ping has on it.
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  3. SnipersUnion

    There's the answer, right there.

    TR dominated PS2. They had without a doubt the highest number of blatantly OP faction specific equipment and had global server pop for ages.

    They finally got put on a balanced level and now a large number of players no longer see the benefit of fighting for the TR, and care little about outfit or faction loyalty.

    Those people are free to play the game however they like, for whatever faction. I'm not going to tell them they are wrong for wanting an easy mode over a challenge, each to their own. But when they come on here and start whining about the TR weaponry, I'm afraid I have no sympathy. Even in terms of cosmetics, the TR look is as varied as the VS and NC. They all need more variation in design, it's not a TR problem.

    Anyone who has played this game over the last nine months will tell you it's as balanced as it's ever been since the start of 2014.
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  4. SnipersUnion

  5. Aegie

    Yeah perception is funny like that...hence facts and figures.

    I recently started playing a lot of TR for Mattherson because I heard they were struggling pop wise and my other TR was on my NC main server. Mattherson pop is not as bad as I thought it was going to be but the change has been a blast.

    I still do not understand the complaints- I love the AMC, go nuts with the Rhino (though I'm told the MSRW is even better) and find the default Cycler to be very capable. All of those are weapons I cert just like I would if they were NC and utilize with the same play style I do with NC (long range sharpshooting for the most part). I find them to be quite different than the counterpart NC weapons but they excel in their own ways- like being more reliable against far targets moving with relative horizontal motion and being far better at suppression and multiple targets.

    Are they as good at range as the best long range NC weapons? Maybe not, but to the extent they are not I would say they leave you a lot better off the closer the combat gets. With NC when I run a long range load out I will often switch to my Commissioner when on the move or when I think I may be entering CQC- I never even think about that when play TR, I only ever pull a sidearm when I run out of ammo.

    I also find the default TR MAX to be way more fun and versatile than the stock NC MAX but I do not have much experience playing MAXs in general so I do not know much about that.

    I feel like a bit of a broken record but then again these threads do to.

    Does anyone have any figures we can use to have a common center for these threads? I think without something like that we have really run the course.
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  6. minhalexus

    Just 3-4 months ago TR used to be overpopulating most servers if not all.

    The only server NC used to have slightly more pop was Connery, and even in that server it still wasn't very reliable to assume that they will have the most pop when you'll log on.

    I made a TR alt on Waterson in september 2013 and at the time TR nearly always had the most population of something around 38-40%.

    At the time when players only started to leave TR, they used to say:
    "TR has amazing weapons, but we want to play with weapons offering a very unique play style such as the Jackhammer"

    Now the TR has brought up new things such as:
    "TR has the worst weapons, offering no diversity"

    Worst weapons? Never heard that when TR overpopped most servers.
    Diversity? The GD-7F/Serpent are probably the 1 and only gun on which the TR claims that they lack diversity.

    Basically give the TR a weapon such as the ACX, while not giving the NC/VS a weapon who's niche is new to the arsenal.
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  7. whitupiggu

    Actually TR has been complaining about their weapons being boring and that NS weapons are upgrades to theirs for a very long time. It was just drowned out by the complaints over fractures and strikers.
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  8. Peebuddy

    If you ask me, I blame the opening cinematic.

    3 minutes of a NC LA shooting Tr in the face and downing galaxies by shooting at them.

    It was 3 minutes of pure NC ****, and people wonder why Tr are the lowest pop and NC the highest.

    *Pfft* o_O
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  9. Phos!

    I see some other people have already pointed out how abysmal the performance of TR SMGs are to other faction SMGs. To put it another way: No NC or VS SMG is outperformed by the NS 7, but both TR SMGs are easily behind.

    Major part of the problem in my view is that the TRAC-5 is plain bad. Huge first shot multiplier plus a heavily angled vertical recoil means it usually (but not always, of course it has to be a random angle) jumps far enough to the side to completely miss a man sized target. This is not at sniper range or versus ADADADAing orion heavies, this is versus VR dummies at 20-30 meters. That the Jaguar is basically a straight upgrade and is still balanced should tell you something. Drop it like its hot first chance you get, but I imagine many new players not making it that far.

    And I've got a weird one, for some reason that I can't put my finger on, the Specter seems so much better than the 99SV. Doesn't seem like no bullet drop and I wanna say an extra 25 m/s should make that much a difference.

    Also there's much misunderstanding in this thread over how deep faction traits ran in Pside 1. The bolt driver was a common pool weapon, the sweeper was a common pool weapon, other factions using weapons like these is not a new thing.

    Not to mention the idiot max he runs past, he must have been five feet away, that guy.

    It really sets up the TR as the "fodder" faction, if that were a trailer for a single player game, guess what faction the player wouldn't be.
  10. MurderBunneh

    Yep I'm outta here for a week or two. Dudes are starting to blame the opening cinematic for balance.

    I know what comes next and it's not pretty.
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  11. PostalDude

    Mkay bye, I hope you miss your recoiless guns.
  12. soeguud

    I'm lost. As in I've absolutely no idea what you're talking about, or how your reply is even relevant to his post.
    NC don't have recoilless guns, they have rocket launchers like the rest of the factions.
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  13. PostalDude

    I was replying to MURDERBUNNEH. Only their LMG's have any noticeable recoil. Their carbines and AR's only kick upwards.
  14. GoEErs

    The MSW-R is much much better. It has the same ROF of 750RPM as the Carv-9 without the short/long re-load times which is nearly twice as fast. The cone of fire is great for hip firing as the bloom hits at around the 20th round in sustained fire. It deals 143/10 for damage and has a very low 1st shot multiplier and a very low movement penalty. Put a laser sight on and a NV 1X Reflex or a 1X Reflex and your formidable. Just make sure your suit is up to speed and you shouldn't have many problems.

    Factional weapon comparisons are for the gurus and I only know of two....EliteEskimo and Paperlamp. I would give those guys a shout.
  15. Gendomaoken

    Wow, judging from TR posts, i could say the same about them. Being balanced was too much, so they went crazy. Sorry, yo stuff not op anymoar? Having three times amount of whine posts, and you comment on NC?
    While i agreed, that striker was overnerfed along with vulcan, which should have been nerfed hard only for harrasers( R.I.P. harasser oriented platoons on Ceres :p ) not along the board (altho its good that its not an AA weapon anymore)
    But TR having lots of Dakka is bland and boring, unuseful and etc etc etc. Yeah. So much UP.
    Dont worry, other two factions understand you perfectly what it means to be underpopped and UP.
    Take you time and contemplate. (heh, like you would ever do that xD)
    NC and VS were contemplating for months.
  16. TheRunDown

    TR on Miller often have the highest pop..
    Problem is, most TR actually work in the mornings or go to bed at a sensible time.. so NC and VS looks like they are out popping us near midnight.. From what I've seen on other under achieving TR servers, is that TR are either double teamed by VS and NC or that a lot of TR are Play for Scoreboard.. so nothing gets done other than Bio Farms or Tower Farms..

    But in all honesty.. I believe most TR are loyal to the PlanetSide way (Strategy, tactics, territory), and most TR don't play for scoreboard.. but too many of players do, even the Devs on Live Stream (It's disgusting how that are slowly turning QCQ in to CoD).. so a lot of TR say F THIS and quit cause of all this MLG **** they are trying to put in to the game. But I truly believe a lot of TR do favour the old ways, i.e PlanetSide 1.. I think we have more game morals than most NC and VS..

    When the Scoreboard on PlanetSide 1 was removed, the progress of all empires improved, and PlanetSide became about owning territory instead of personal score.. and pride came from holding main bases for over 2 hours or more. PlanetSide 2 main bases can be captured in 10 minutes, even on a full empire vs empire battle, check points (Tug of War) ruined PlanetSide 2.. Need to be hack and hole again..
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  17. Frostiken

    I wonder how much of a 'population problem' there would be if all population indicators were removed from the game.
  18. Aegie

    Cheers- yeah, I mention the Rhino mostly because it is what I opted to receive for the quiz that clearly identified me as having a long range preference. The Rhino is certainly better than the Carv for ranged work but I've always heard the MSW-R compared to the SAW in terms of ADS accuracy so I will have to give that a try once I have the certs. At this point, I'm very happy with the Rhino and tend not to play much HA. I have the AMC and that is definitely my favorite carbine but I'm still looking for an AR because while the default Cycler is good I know there are better ranged options.

    The T1B I really want to like and I can do well with it but honestly I think it needs a compensator (not currently an option) because it is clearly intended to be used at range and yet is the only weapon in the game that I feel is weakened by HVA- I use HVA with every other weapon in the game that allows it, with or without a compensator (including the ACX that already has high base vertical recoil) but on the T1B it ruins the burst accuracy IMO and the last thing you want to loose with a burst weapon is reliable shot placement since it is already more difficult to keep the RPM up while simultaneously adjusting for recoil and rapid LMB. I have used the SABR but only in VR and, while it felt like it is a beast, the in-game performance is often quite different than VR performance- still, this is probably next on the list but it comes with a very steep cert price tag (1000) so not so sure about when I will get around to that one, especially considering it is a relatively new character that still has low level JJs and other areas that are lacking.
  19. GoEErs

    I don't think you will be disappointed with the MSW-R for CQC and some light medium range work. I'm like you about the Rhino and Bull. They are much better suited to the medium or long range. The SABR I have not used so I have no frame of ref.

    Give the NS-15M a shot as well. Really accurate and it does good work at the medium range as well. Has great bullet velocity and very low movement penalty along with a very manageable first shot multiplier. Not the best damage so your trading accuracy for damage but it's worth owning. I like using it just for the ADS. I get the same movement speed as the guys with shotguns and smg's but get the versatility of the LMG.

    In the end it's all personal preference. Your post had a lot of juicy tidbits. I'll have to sit down just to digest all that. Thanks.
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  20. david06

    Has anyone switched from their faction to TR and done worse while playing infantry?