Why TR with lowest pop ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Merakov, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Bortasz

    TR is bland.

    Imagine situation where there are no ESRL (Phoenix, Lancer and striker) now how you describe this weapon in shortest easiest to understand way?

    NC/Phoenix - TV quided missile, after shot you aim with you mouse.
    VS/Lancer - You hold mouse buttom to build up charge that increase damage and speed of projectile.
    TR/Striker - Anihilator variant that has a larger magazine and higher RPM.

    Sound familiare?

    From oryginal Liberator thread:
    And not forget about ESAI:
    TR/Marauder - Fury variant that has a larger magazine and higher RPM.

    So, yes we are bland faction that SOE not even try to give uniqueness. Just take NS weapon from the same slot and give it: larger magazine and higher RPM.
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  2. VengeanceD

    Recoil always matters, always.

    Quick example, let's take same RPM weapons such as Orion and T9 Carv. When you have an ammo pool of 100 bullets on the T9 Carv and a reload speed of 6.2 but on the other side, you have the Orion with an ammo pool of 50 bullets and a reload speed of 3.6, it becomes essentially the same thing.

    By the time the T9 Carv fires all 100 bullets in the magazine and reloads, the Orion will also fire 100 bullets in the same exact time with one exception only, the Orion will reload once (3.6 seconds). Having big magazines and long reloads come with a downside, you take twice as long to reload a weapon meaning you're more susceptible to unexpected attacks. And as someone who has been playing TR for a long time, getting used to long reload weapons is not easy. Specially in a game like this where you could pretty much get flanked any time by infiltrators and light assaults.

    So, is having big magazines really something? Sure, more ammo per mag is good to have, but when compared to the other two faction traits such mobility and accuracy for VS and big damage per bullet for NC, I really don't see why anyone would pick TR when in comes to infantry weapons.

    I personally chose TR because I thought they had the highest RPM weapons (and big magazines, of course) later realizing that it really wasn't the case even though they were advertised as such.
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  3. Armchair

    I'd much rather have the bland marauder over the absolutely worthless enforcer-modified.
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  4. Bortasz

    Me to, but this is question why TR is low on Population. Now "Does Canister sucks?" When you create thread with that question, I will post the Answer: "Yes it sucks. You have the worst ESAI in the game."
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  5. whitupiggu

    TR was the primary CQC faction at launch but with the addition of SMGs TR lost that place. TR now sits with an arsenal, and a very bland one, geared towards CQC with weapons that perform worse than SMGs and now that everyone has a shotgun as well it leaves TR in an even worse spot. From a competitive standpoint there is no reason to play TR.
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  6. iPlague

    It's a combination of nerfs and bad design decisions made by SOE. Just look at TR's Carbines which have been derped.
    Their guns have more shake than all others. So of course just by this, for a FPS enthusiast who loves a high HSR and Accuracy shown on their weapons, TR arsenal is a turn off, considering how just being at 30 % with these guns is considered good, when you can go 30+ on VS / NC weaponry.

    I've said it myself, I'd have played VS if it weren't because I ended up in a fancy TR outfit.
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  7. MurderBunneh

    Having 40 rounds in your AR vs 24 or 30 is good. Faction with historically the best performing infantry weapons wants them buffed 2 months after they got some nerfs that helped drive away the BF/COD kids.

    NC has one ******* gun that shoots faster then TR and you will NEVER let it go. Well guess what you have several different classes of weapons that do the same amount of damage as the NC versions. Pistols Shotguns sniper rifles. You can have the fastest firing weapons in all classes when we have the most damaging shotguns.

    I'm sorry you got used to op not your fault your **** should have been nerfed much sooner.
  8. MurderBunneh

    Thats funny most every competitive community match I have seen is between TR and VS. Almost all of the "elite" outfits are TR/VS.

    Going to be some funny **** when we start getting some statistics and they still show TR weapons to be performing very well.
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  9. whitupiggu

    Never said they were underperforming. Seems you are reading what you want to read instead of reading what is written. Also seems you've also fallen in to the same rut as SOE. Balance by statistics. And the "elite" outfits are primarily VS.
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  10. Wecomeinpeace

    You have not played on miller recently.

    The main issue i noticed is that the population swings WILDLY over the day and rarely ever results in even continents. But the general rule of thumb is: Two continents have HUGE pop imbalances (usually in the 50-60% range for the dominating empire, might be more), and one has a somewhat even population...sometimes. Currently this is amerish for the most part, because of its novelty feature i guess.
    Then you have the time factor: Over the day TR does usually indeed have a strong population going, but after 8pm that pop drops like a stone into non-existence. For example just this saturday night at ~11 pm TR had exactly 6% population on indar. For the most part when i played at evenings, TR had around 10-20% on indar, and never more then 30% global.

    After joking around with VS about these constantly skewed populations we came up with the following conclusion:
    All TR are kids that need to go to bed after 8pm and all VS are unemployed hobos that are just getting up at 8pm. And nc...is also there.
    There. Mystery solved.
  11. MurderBunneh

    Yes feelings are a much better balancing metric. Because clearly they are not biased amirite? I see some people making good points about some TR gear that needs to be looked at. I agree with this.

    I do not however agree with some of the blanket statements being thrown around like Tr are in the ******* trash or something. 95% of your **** is fine L2P learn to use it for it's effective ranges.
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  12. whitupiggu

    When a faction almost unanimously agrees their weapons are boring there is clearly an issue. As for the competitive aspect. NC has the best mid-long range weapons while VS has the most well rounded arsenal. TR is a CQC faction but is outperformed by the SMGs of the other factions. So competitively there is no reason to play TR.
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  13. MurderBunneh

    I feel like I am conversing with apes. Are you trying to tell me your 845rof AR are out performed by Subs? Lol cause thats a joke and another reason why I need to take a break because it is getting hard not to go off on some of you.

    I'm pretty sure if I can slap a laser on the Reaper DMR and do well that your CQB specialized weapons do just fine.
  14. whitupiggu

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  15. MurderBunneh

    You have the highest scoring AR in the game is that what I'm supposed to see?
  16. whitupiggu

    Numbers are hard.
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  17. MurderBunneh

    They are. Especially when you post that Subs are outclassing your weapons then show me a graph that says otherwise.

    Now all you have to do is endure 6 more months of posting clear statistics that show your case. Then you will get to see people cover their eyes plug their ears and go na na na feelings. All the while the other 2 empires enjoys MONTHS of blatantly op ****.

    Do you even know what "blatantly op" is? You can recognize it by the fact that there will be a ******* metric ****ton of them running around. You haven't even had long enough to even know what a balanced weapon feels like.

    And that is what you just can't seem to grasp.
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  18. whitupiggu

    Graphs aren't your strong suit I see. The cyclone and sirius are clearly outperforming all of TRs ARs. This was even before the nerf the TAR and TRV got too.
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  19. maxkeiser


    Yesterday on Woodman, Vanu had the lowest world pop. It comes and goes. Shifts and rotates.
  20. MurderBunneh

    Welcome to last place i know how it feels. Enjoy your stay.
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