Before I get it, do you use the suppressor on the TRAP?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by GigaDager, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. GigaDager

    I'm not sure how much of an impact that suppressor has on it, but from your experience, should I use it?

    I don't even use suppressors on SMGs because I notice that more shots miss when your opponent is strafing back on forth. Can't imagine it being better on an actual mid to long range weapon.
  2. starlinvf

    Its damage tier results in a 6 bullets to kill, regardless of range, not counting for nano-armor. Since the velocity is 600 base, unless its dropping it by more then a 100m/s, it should be highly viable up to 20m. Beyond 20m you may need to start compensating, but shouldn't cause as much of an issue.

    I haven't put the certs into the silencer to do field testing, but theoretically the higher base velocity should make the speed reduction less significant.
  3. Hoki

    Yes and no. In a large battle where people are running across open areas and you're expected to put them down, probably want to rock a forgrip and no barrel.
    The silencer shines when wanting to take people out discretely (duh) but not so great against moving targets at longer ranges.

    Most of my kills are with silencer behind enemy lines. People haven't learned to fear the stapler sound yet. :D
  4. pnkdth

    Don't worry. The bullet velocity of the TRAP is almost twice that of TR SMGs. I use a suppressor even at mid range and still manage to overcompensate, ie, shoot above my targets because I expect it curve sooner. Additionally, when suppressed the TRAP makes very little sound, making it very hard for enemy players to hear where you are.

    In other words, for me, the pros outweigh the cons, and you most definitely won't face the same issues as with SMGs.
    • Up x 1
  5. sustainedfire

    I have around 100-200 kills left until I auraxium the Trap.

    Have not used the suppressor. Thought about it, though never found it necessary. I have been using the gun as a marksman type weapon, popping in and out to take down an enemy or two, and recloaking to move or line up more shots.

    No suppressor needed, its a distance rifle, youre likely to be out of enemy hearing and spotting range.

    Forward grip and 3.4 dot scope has served me well.
  6. MrMurdok

    Don't. Here's why:

    1. Stealthing up will take your icon off the minimap, you just need to work on getting those quick kills, the system of kill-stealth-kill works great, even at shorter ranges.

    2. The weapon sounds way too good to be suppressed.
  7. Benevon

    I just started using the TRAP myself. I run it with a suppressor as I am usually flanking or behind their lines picking people off. Yes, when you cloak it removes your dot. Personally, I can get away with more kills by not having that dot at all. The velocity on the rifle is pretty high already, so a suppressor doesn't hurt too much in the close to mid range situations. Also, it's soooooo quiet compared to any other TR weapons. But it comes down to how you plan to use it.

    And if you are having trouble landing shots with your suppressed SMG because of strafing and the reduced velocity, you are just too far away from the weapon's effective range. At that point, you would be better off with a scout rifle TBH.