Instead of nerf after nerf after nerf... What is needing a buff ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bibibla, Mar 8, 2014.

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  1. NinjaTurtle

    ZOE - Was overnerfed, needs the possibility to be toggled on and off. That is all

    Canister - [IMG], nuff said

    Striker - Needs a unique function. Either a mini prowler mode or a lock on to MAX function like Hawken mentioned

    Ranger - Useless and is outperformed by everything
  2. doombro

    -Both SMGs need a decrease in horizontal recoil. Going by the stats higby posted a while back, they're both the lowest performing out of all the SMGs.
    -MAX Lockdown needs a defensive benefit to be a viable ability. A forward-facing resist shield would do just fine.
    -Buff the Heavy Cyclers (and quasars) in some way or another. Nobody wants to use them. Mutilators are a direct upgrade.
    -Buff the Lynx to 845 or 896 and jaguar to 800. It might be for balance concerns, but it's criminal that the other factions beat us at our faction trait in an entire weapon category. I'm willing to give up the .75 ADS.
    -More weapon variety in general. Our long-range weapon selection is abysmal aside from the SABR-13.
    -Buff the Cycler TRV. It's far too similar to the TAR.
    -Make the guns sound like guns.
    -Buff prowler vulcan. Keep harasser vulcan as is.
    -Buff the striker's velocity, at the very least. It shouldn't be effortless to outrun rockets that you have to maintain the lock for.
    -Buff the MCG. A lot.

    -Give the enforcer modified a small amount of splash damage. Just a little.
    -Make the aegis shield work properly. I've emptied magazines directly into shield and watched the MAX behind it lose health.

    -As said earlier, buff quasars.

    -Un-nerf harasser turbo
    -Make cloaks more consistent. Sometimes they'll cloak you but not your arms and/or guns and you have to recloak a few times to make it work properly.
    -Buff lightning AP
    -Buff drakes, rangers, and walkers. A lot of air targets move more quickly and unpredictably than standard air deterrents can effectively lead.
    -Buff flash turbo, because you can never go wrong when turbo is strong.
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  3. AltF4Fun

    The Jaguar and the Lynx are just to damn similar.If they wouldnt have the names on them,I couldnt really tell you which is the Jag and the Lynx
  4. axiom537

    Vulcan needs a rework
    Cannister - Make it like the Air Hammer, and I would be in love.
    Harraser - Should have back seat repair put back to pre-nerf. It needed composite nerfed not the repair aspect as well.
    Ranger - more range, less spread. smaller flak bloom, roughly 75% effectiveness of a skyguard.

    Other then those things I think everything else is pretty good...Now we need more weapons.
  5. Tylerso12

    3 letters..



  6. Mekeji

    The MCG could use a slightly faster spin up. Not a massive cut but enough to lower kill time a bit.
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  7. Armchair

    The flash needs love.

    At the very least a resource cost reduction and improvements to its handling and top speed. Roll bars.

    I'd be ok with a nerf to the flash-cloaking device though. That's the !#@%@#$^ thing that prompted the flash nerfs in the first place.
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  8. Kumaro

    TURBO!!! magrider and harasser Turbo needs a major buff nuff said on that.

    Vulcan needs a buff (give back original close range metal melter pwease ^^). Lockdown needs a deploy undeploy speed buff with the current nerfs to it <.<
  9. Maljas23

    1. Need a static CoF at all times
    2. ADS replaced by primeing
    3. RoF increase... it makes no sense at all that SMGs actually fire FASTER than the chaingun. This is ridiculous.
    4. *Optional* Remove the spin up all together.
    5. Add *fake* bullets in simulate the bullet-hose it should be. Sometimes aesthetics actually do affect how things play and work out.
    6. Under-slung... or at least make a second variation of the MCG that is under-slung. The variation can get the RoF increase but disallow crouching.

    Prowler Vulcan:
    1. Change the role of this weapon altogether. Make it an anti-infantry weapon that can damage light armor(Harasser/ESF/Flash) Keeping this as an AV weapon is a nightmare to balance, as demonstrated. Switch the roles of the Prowler Vulcan and Prowler Marauder.
    2. In conjunction with the above, add a fixed CoF.

    Harasser Vulcan
    1. Same as Prowler Vulcan change except make it naturally the weaker of the two.

    TR in general:
    1. In need of a serious audio overhaul. Our weapons(minus a very select few) sound far too underdeveloped(PUNY)
    2. In need of a serious aesthetic design overhaul on infantry weaponary.(So do the VS)
    3. Less Empire Specific versions of NS weaponry. I speak for all of TR when I say this SOE: We do not want these at all.
    4. Unique weaponary - The Lasher, Lancer, and Phaseshift are great examples for unique weapons for the VS. The Phoenix is a great example for a unique weapon for the NC.(Sorry NC, I think you've got this problem to an extent as well).

    Coyote Missles:
    1. Remove the auto-lock part of this weapon. In place, increase velocity to compensate. Tbh, not even sure why these were even needed in the first place.

    Hornet Missiles:
    1. Increase velocity. The damage is fine, but these missiles are just far too slow.
    2. Allow ESFs to place a guidance marker for these missiles, so that they will always fly toward the marker you place. Secondary optional feature for these.

    1. Give it more mobility than it has now, but less than when "Magrider Hill" was a thing on Indar.

    Max Lockdown:
    1. Dramatically decrease the amount of time needed to lockdown. As it is now, it is useless for all setups except for being a AA Max.

    Max ZOE:
    1. Tbh, not even sure what can be done with this. It was overnerfed without a doubt.

    1. Lock-on mechanic needs to be replaced altogether. I've screamed laser-guidance for a long time, but I guess it would overlap with NC in some ways. Still think that would be the best route though. Make it take 2-3 direct to kill infantry with little to no AOE radius.

    All I can think of atm, will post or edit if I think of more.

    I cannot speak much for the NC and VS when talking about buffs/nerfs because I do not play those factions often. That is why there is little or no mention of things on their side of the prism, in this post. I can only talk about what I have experienced.
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  10. AltF4Fun

    Flash Turbo buff.I want to reach the moon with my beloved 4 wheeled friend.
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  11. Codex561

    I confirm that! I almost only play VS and all our guns are fine. A few OP such as saron, serpent, orion, pulsar C, etc.
  12. ReinhardtGfC

    I think it's a bit sad that Triage for medics is so underpowered and useless that no one ever thinks about it.
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  13. notyourbuddy

    - Low clip size; slow projectile speed; slow rate of fire. Makes it a very bad anti-air weapon even with the exploding FLAK. Needs a RPM buff.

    - Requirement to maintain lock-on makes it extremely annoying to use in just about every way imaginable over the other lock-on weapons.

    Harasser Marauder:
    - 2 extra rounds over the Fury; a slightly and hardly noticeable minimum damage explosive radius increase over the Fury; does 50 less damage per shot than the Fury. Seems like a sidegrade at best.... until you factor in the fact that the Fury can damage Sunderers, MBTs, and Lightnings while the Marauder does 0 dmg to all these targets. Am I missing something with this weapon as it seems like a straight up downgrade over the Fury?
  14. iller

    also shotguns

    If we're being serious here, I'd say Magshot. There's absolutely no reason at all for the other 2 ESP's to have both better rate of fire, and higher DPS too. It's terrific that the Beaver finally grew up and was allowed to become a real pistiol on par with the repeater. VS infiltrators needed a buff and we all know it. They still need some b/c they're still the worst most redundant unit in their whole Faction unless they're running SMG (and most of them are BTW). But how about the Mag too? It Doesn't even need a ROF buff, just needs its obsolete status removed by removing the Semi-auto hurdle so new players are able to actually do something with it (especially since there's MUCH better semi-autos that can be bought with Smedbucks)
  15. WinchesterLock

    Actually, I did (although I said the Vulcan in a general fashion, as it is used on multiple vehicles)
  16. Giggily

    No, it really isn't.
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  17. Sarcasmo

    Its explosion radius is smaller than the thrown grenade. It does pissall damage unless it direct hits, the projectile vanishes after a short distance, and it drops like a stone shotput by a toddler. Give reasons instead of just spitting a denial in the face of something you dont want to have to deal with.
  18. Captain Kid

    AMS sunderer; cut in half base resources and give them a cloaking shield option.
    The under barrel grenade launcher; less damage, more splash damage and much more ammo; and equip able to all carbines.
    Grenades; make them less bouncy.
  19. Giggily

    It can be carried by a class that has infinite ammo and leaves almost no visible trail. Connect the dots.
  20. Halcyon

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