The One Kill That Will Haunt My Dreams

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Skulpoe, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Skulpoe

    In all the time I've been playing (~3 Days) there's only one kill that I've actually felt bad about, that I've totally regretted. I was tanking around in a Lightning on Esamir, and we were wandering around the front line. While I was weaving in and around a base, looking for bad guys, I saw a little blip on the minimap around a corner. I drove around it, with my turret ready to destroy anyone who was there, and I saw a lone NC Soldier on a Flash he had just spawned and was riding off the spawn pad. When he saw me he rolled to a slow stop, and we just stared at each other. He was just staring down the barrel of my cannon for about a second. I had 2 choices laid out before me, I could destroy him, or I could move on. I pulled the trigger. The kill banner popped up, he was rank 3. I looked at my hands in horror. I could have let him live, he was completely defenseless. Some people might have said "lol, noob" and moved on, but I'm not that kind of person. I have no problem slaying enemies by the dozen when they are shooting back, but this felt horribly wrong. If I could go back and choose the other path, I would in a second. Sorry for the long post, I just had to talk about it. Thanks.
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  2. NinjaTurtle

    Oh yes I remember when I was a mere low BR getting ***** by tanks.... how times haven't changed :rolleyes:
  3. Dalek

    No. You did him a favour. If you treated him nicely, he would have believed that war on Auraxis is clean and forgiving.

    It truly isn't. There are TK'ers who will spawn at your location and shoot you in the back repeatedly. There are liberators who will continue to farm you until you get bored of spawning there with their daltons. There are smg wielding heavy assaults with their cheesy setups that instant gibb you no matter what weaponry you have.

    Teaching that new player that everything will kill them is an important lesson. They will learn to look around before they spawn flimsy vehicles and they will learn that danger is everywhere. Tough love.
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  4. Devrailis

    Look on the bright side, at least they don't drop pod fresh BR1s right in front of Hacksaw MAXes anymore. :oops:
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  5. MrMurdok

    Ah, to be young and merciful...

    Back in Beta and early launch, we didn't get a tutorial to hold our hands through the basics, we didn't even get to spawn at the warpgate, oh no. After a short intro video, we would get drop podded, right into the BIGGEST, BADDEST FIGHT ON INDAR.

    My first drop was on Zurvan, I come out of the drop pod, TRAC-5 at the ready, look around and-
    Face to face with a Vanguard's main cannon.
    Titan 150mm HEAT, right in the nose bridge

    [GuyWhoJustKilledMe]: Welcome to Planetside :)
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  6. AltF4Fun

    You probably created a new tank hating forumsider.And taught him the need to get C4 for these sweet revenge runs.;)
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  7. Devrailis

    Welcome to Planetside :)

    What every BR1 needs to see on their first respawn screen!
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  8. Ryme

    This is why I played HA until I had enough certs to unlock the AV turret, my very first purchase. Next up... G2A lock-on launcher.
  9. Taemien

    The one kill I remember is flying a Reaver with A2A missiles. Back then you could lock on and destroy droppods with a single missile. I found one floating in midair at max altitude... meaning the guy hadn't finished loading yet. I locked on and fired.

    BR 1 killed.

    The guy never made it to the ground. He loaded into a death screen.

    My reaction was this... "Welcome to Planetside."
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  10. Skulpoe

    I guess death is an integral part of planetside life, but just think how cool I would have looked if I had just turned and drove on in search of a more honorable kill.
  11. MrMurdok

    In the harsh, cold world that is Auraxis, there's no honor, there's no compassion and no respect. Only WDS points.
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  12. Wezdor

    As a tanker, i have to endure the slaughter of many, many low BR tanks daily. The difference being, when i kill them, they get resource starved and denied that tank for the next 20 min. And people say tanking is easy. You'll learn to live with it, in time.
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    I hate seeing a low BR flash across a kill banner.
  14. DashRendar

    I can remember a few times I've sent the tell

    /tell LegitGamertagYo - aww, that wasn't your first drop was it? 8|

    to a BR1 I'd just slaughtered with impunity upon exiting his drop pod and breathing in the Auraxis air.
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  15. SenEvason

    That's actually a bit depressing.
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  16. GhostAvatar

    They really need a different kind of dorito for sub BR5 players. I always feel bad for killing a BR1 that stood no chance. But then again I never know until they are dead, so I can't blame myself for acting out of reflex to kill something that is a potential threat.
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  17. NoctD

    I wish the tutorial didn't tell them to pull a Flash. You're training them to go pick the weakest vehicle for a ride, and begging for BR1s to get killed.
  18. Codex561

    Everytime I kill a br 1 I feel bad, unless if i am doing a ground slaughter, those feel sooo good.
  19. Mekeji

    I felt bad a few days ago when I went to shoot a rocket at a scythe and right as I got the lock he went behind something and I fired.

    Well the lock was gone and I figured "oh well I missed" next thing I know I get a kill. Meaning some poor sucker got hit by a rocket fired by a guy who didn't even know he was there.
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  20. z1967

    Worst is when they just stand there and take a quick turn around and get a sniper round to the face. Or when they enter a door to get eviscerated by a MAX. Or when they try to kill an experienced tanker with a stock lightning etc.

    Always feels bad, but you can always tell them what killed them and direct them to a youtube tutorial on how to survive and improve.