C4 - Overused and needs to be toned down

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ancalagon, Mar 2, 2014.

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  1. FIN Faravid

    Perhaps halve the damage C4 does, but double amount you can have, and decrease resource cost a little. Or would it make it even worse?
  2. DocteurVK

    Well, IMO, C4 is fine by itself.

    The problem highlighted by this thread, is the spammability it got with LAs + Gals spawnpoint...

    My outfit regulary uses LAs drops to eliminate an armor column, but it's not that easy to do :
    • Tanks have to stay still, while you come closer to drop your bricks on them
    • C4 will not render further than a short distance, so you'll have trouble knowing if it landed or not
    • If you're spotted, you're almost defenseless since you can't ADS while flying and have no cover at all.
    • ==> I think that makes LA dropping "balanced" (high risk high reward)
    The remaining problem would be the relative "immunity" the Gal gets when standing at flight ceiling, but then, AA and Esfs should take care of the threat first.

    A "balance" would be to increase the deployment timer when deploying in a squad vehicle ? (20-25 seconds ?)
  3. stalkish

    Same names as always in this discussion......ill say one thing; you must all be completely sht at this game. Ive read about people getting splatted 10, 12, 15 times trying to c4 a tank o_O 1 attempt is all it should take. Then theres the tankers who are 'constantly getting killed by c4'. Constantly, realy?? sure there are times when evey tank is c4d whilst busy engaging other targets but it shouldnt be a constant thing. Some exageration in here im sure.

    That being said c4 is the go to for causing massive damage to anything, group of troops camping tower - c4, tank - c4, sundy - c4, and with it having a pretty much seperate slot in our inventory means almost all infantry can carry it just in case. That is the problem IMO, once you buy the 2 bricks of c4 your set.

    Possible solution to the gripes:
    Make c4 into 2 seperate types, AI & AP, just like the engineers mines.
    1. High explosive c4 brick - just like we have now accept does minimal damage to heavy armour, say 2 bricks do 1/4 to 1/2 health.
    2. Shaped charge c4 - This would be your anti tank explosive and would do the same damage to vehicles that it does now but would only do 1/4 to 1/2 health damage to infantry.
    Easily explainable - Shaped charge is a directed blast that does max damage to the surface it is placed on, but has some residual explosion that can harm things around it.
    The HE c4 is pretty self explanitory, massive blast radius killing troops without flak armour instantly within whatever radius it currently is, perhaps could increase it a bit.

    This would make taking c4 a choice, do i take 2 shaped charges to go and deal with that tank, or do i take 2 bricks of HE to throw into that crowd for lots of kills? EG you take the HE blocks and on the way to that cluster of enemies you spot their ams, you then have to retreat to an equipment terminal for resupply if you want to c4 it.
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  4. stalkish

    I understand and agree with alot of what youve said. I personaly rather take engi so i can rep friendly maxs and such.

    But I do though honestly think maneuverability and flanking is the most powerul tool in an ever flowing and chaotic battlefield. Think about if the VS maxs were given a jump jet like they had in the first, it would be incredibly OP, heck they were only given increased mobility on the ground and the forums were a wash with TR and NC tears. Like i said in my post it isnt helpful in a 1v1 fight like heavy shield but, for the reasons i stated, can be very effective part of a team. I think personaly the medic/engi tool should have ammo and i hate that ammo pak, but thats for another topic.

    I suppose at the end of the day agree or disagree on the strength of the jetpak it is still a tool thats available to only that 1 class.

    Not sure what you meant by ill bite?? this wasnt a troll post or an abusive effort, i was just giving my opinion? i dont understand why you wrote that.
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  5. TheBlindFreak

    That's how sidegrades work. If it were a sidegrade, it would be more useful than the other options in some situations. Sidegrade implies that it is still a viable option. But it isn't. The Annih is straight up better. There is no reason to get the Striker.
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  6. Aegie

    The "I'll bite" was in regards to taking the invitation to go a little off topic- my apologies if you took that to mean I was saying something negative.
  7. stalkish

    O rite :) , not always sure whats going on, hard to tell someones tone in text. Thnx for explanation and a decent discussion, think ill leave this thread to the c4 topic tho now.
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  8. Pacster

    Is the annihilator doing the same damage as all striker rockets combined? If so then you might have a valid arguement there...
  9. PastalavistaBB

    Did you ever use the Striker after the Mega Nerf? It's unusable. You won't just hit anything, but you'll get sniped %100 while using it.
  10. Torok

    C4 is Ok.


    Give more consumables and new items for classes and everyone wins.
    But it'll take atleast 2,3 months before we see anything new.
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  11. DerEchteSpatz

    That did hit the nail right on the head! Thumbs up!
  12. Torok

    Try out the AV grenades on your heavy assault and use them like Frag grenades,
    Get Sticky Grenades on your engineer and bandoleer, practice sticking them at your opponents and you'll have fun like never before.

    You won't regret it :)
  13. Pacster

    Yeah, nothing beats seeing someone run away with your nade sticking on his head. Run, Forrest, RUN!!!!
  14. innersphere1

    c4 has alrdy been nerfed, its enough. 2 c4 arent enough to kill a sunderer and i think they should be, because c4 is risky you need to get close trying to c4 that sunderer and 90% of the times will result in ur death. And c4 cost resources, not like free rockets.
    So, if u get owned by c4 is just your fault, you were in a wrong places ( too close to enemy spawn, too stationary, or u were under an elevated place, like a rock on indar, where a light assault could fly on and trow c4 down to you
  15. Ancalagon

    You must be drunk or something.

    Deployed Sunderers are always stationary, and you need to park them close to the bases (not near the spawnroom, but spawnroom is never far from a base is it?). Also, if you park your Sunderer in an open field it will be hammered to death by tanks, AV infantry and most likely, every single airborne enemy within 500m radius.

    Also, TR empire ability for tanks forces you to be stationary as well.

    Also, it's not just about LA's dropping C4 from above. Anyone with an ATV can slap two C4 on the hood, drive a wide circle around flank and ram a tank from behind, jump off and press the trigger. Nothing a tanker can do about that except spin his turret around 24/7 like an idiot and being unable to lay down fire on the actual frontline.

    Why a tank, which is DESIGNED to withstand explosives can be oneshotted by 2 hand-carried packs of C4 when 7 x anti vehicle missiles won't kill it is absolutely moronic.

    If any vehicle in the entire game should withstand a C4 attack it should be the tanks.

    C4 needs to be looked at, hard, and re-designed.

    1) What is the ACTUAL purpose of the C4 in the game, AI? AV?
    2) Should every soldier be able to carry them?
    3) Should they be throwable like a grenade?
    4) Is carrying 2 x C4 really needed?
    5) Should any weapon in the game really be a one-shot-kill?

    Tone down the C4 already.
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  16. PastalavistaBB

    U r in need of L2P. If u get ownd by Tanqs u r a n00b. Tanqs r SOEasy to own atm. U want dat every Skrub kould instagib any Vhikl. Dat iz full r e t a r d. Nevah go full r e t a r d.

    Note to self: Learn COD Language better. It's not easy to "spek".
  17. Alarox

    Considering that I've used the Vanguard for 10+ days and have encountered these galaxies many times, that my outfit uses this tactic and I've been part of it many times, and that I've used C4 long enough to get an auraxium medal for it... I'm going to disagree wholeheartedly.
  18. Copasetic

    How often has that killed you in your tanking career? Twice, maybe? Because I spend around a quarter of my time in tanks and I've never once had that happen to me. Stopping one isolated use that accounts for maybe 0.00001% of tank deaths is not a good reason to nerf anything.
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  19. Snoozzzer

    Except you know, that they're tanks. Heavily armored. Big guns. Costs a ton of resources

    But whatever, you and your kind can go suck some more nanites
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  20. Stargazer86

    Whenever I die to C4, I can always specifically point out how my own actions resulted in my death. I don't believe there has ever been a point where I've thought to myself "Well, there was just no way I could've stopped that." Just yesterday, an LA hopped off a tower in an attempt to C4 my Lightning. Know what I did? I backed up. He floated around in the air for a bit and then landed right in front of me where I promptly introduced him to a shell to the face.

    A stationary Sunderer should be swarming with friendly infantry. It should also be placed in a spot that is close to an enemy base but not easily accessible. Two sticks of C4 does not kill it a full health Sunderer. If your team allows the Sunderer to die to a single LA, blame them, not C4.

    The TR Lockdown ability is stupid and needs to be replaced with something that does more than allow us to farm infantry slightly better.

    I have also never seen an ATV used this way. Ever. It's theoretically possible but entirely unlikely to succeed.

    So, to answer your questions.

    1. AV with the additional benefit of being expensive AI.
    2. In my opinion, only LA and Engies should have it. Medics with C4 just make no sense, and giving C4 to HA gives them a bit too much AV punch when combined with rockets.
    3. Yes.
    4. Yes.
    5. Hahaha.
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