AT Mines are too hard to see now...

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by PastalavistaBB, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Shadowhunter1

    THANK GOD!!! SOE got it right finally, and this video is the perfect example. it gives engineers reason to use mines again. it gives GREAT drivers reason to get mine guard again. also, teaches people to be more careful instead of blindly rushing in vehicles too.
    Thank you SOE, finally something working as intended!
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  2. PastalavistaBB

    Somehow everything that instagibs vehicles is described as "Working as intended" nowadays. While Infantry got Flak Armor that makes them survive direct hits from tank shells.(The dedicated Tank AI Weapon HE Shells are worse than HEAT at AI Duty. They got nerfed that much.) Every Infantry and his dog is running with Flak Armor nowadays. "Infantryside" at it's finest again. I don't want vehicles to be OP like at launch, but at least on par with the ability and power of Infantry.
  3. Shadowhunter1

    when you run around with only 1 squad and not the ZERG OF POPULATION CONTROL, it is really working as intended. Then becomes the matter of ZERG VS. ZERG and that is the over population of tank mines on the road as seen in the video. The smart driver in the video had mine guard and survived, and if it was 1 squad Vs 1 squad, that would Have been balanced. As you continue to watch the video the driver is still cautious about his surroundings and moves carefully, while the rookie driver just say "CHARGE" . Continue watching the video, i viewed it at least 5 times before commenting.
    Then again the same is said about AV turrets, but 1 on 1, if the driver of the tank and the turret operator is smart, it would be a game of chess. it is all about positioning.
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  4. FlamingSquirrel

    Hear all that laughter? They were clearly enjoying every moment of it. Why would you want to deprive Sundy drivers of such a great experience?

    ITT: Being caught in AT mine explosions is fun!

    Seriously though, good. I'm tired of every single Sundy universally going blockade armour as it's the only choice, why pick mineguard or bother even placing a mine when they're easy to see?
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  5. OldMaster80

    1st rule of Planetside 1 pilot: STAY AWAY OF THE ROADS. The tricks is passing where your enemy does not expect it: AT mines are like to stay where choke points are.
    And as others pointed out: Mineguard is a good friend.
  6. MajiinBuu

    Gives infiltrators more purpose. EMP the **** out of those roads
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  7. Ryekir

    By that logic, you can just get the Flak Armor for vehicles (mine guard) which will let your vehicle survive direct mine explosions. How exactly is this a problem?

    And speaking of Flak Armor, I would say more people are probably still using Nanoweave, or switched to the shield recharge. I'd be interested to see what the actual numbers for suit slots are these days.
  8. drNovikov

    You have four counters to AT mines:
    1. Being vigilant (requires skill).
    2. Mineguard (which is pretty cheap).
    3. Thermals (a little more expensive).
    4. Drive off-road (requires not being lazy).
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  9. WTSherman

    As has already been pointed out, you have mineguard. If you're paying attention you can also simply drive around the mines, or shoot them to blow them both up with one shell.

    Besides, we can totally launch mines from render distance and carry over 100 of them in our backpack. :rolleyes:

    Really, my only gripe with HE and HEAT shells is not the damage so much as the splash radius. IMO the magrider should get a larger splash than the Prowler because it can only fire one shot and takes longer to reload, and the Vanguard should get a slightly larger splash than the Magrider because its reload is even longer.

    Right now though they're all identical, which puts the Prowler at a huge advantage because it can lay down 10-16 (2xHEAT or 2xHE) meters of explosive death every 2 seconds, while the Magrider gets 5-8 every 3.5 and the Vanguard gets 5-8 every 4. NC in particular basically has to rely entirely on the Lightning for AI work.
  10. Godsmangamer

    I got ap mines on my infil and av mines on my engi I get kills all the time the great part is you lay them down and leave and if placed well will net you a kill eventually just play long enough. Especially well placed Av mines they can be very good for getting certs and for hitting a armor column's approach vector.
  11. drNovikov

    AV mines are good for getting certs? Really? How much certs per hour can you get with them? Maybe 2? On the contrary, getting a tank or an ESF is the real way to print certs.
  12. Godsmangamer

    true enough but for the way I like to play their great granted im more of support based because of my computer and twitch related issues
  13. ZZYZX

    Wait...people actually use AT mines?!?! I've probably logged 100,000 miles on my Sundy, and I think I can count the number of mines I've run over on one hand. lol.
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  14. SenEvason

    Protip: Always drive behind a team mate. That way they are the ones that set off mines, not you.
  15. PastalavistaBB

    I didn't have Mineguard at any of my vehicles before they made the AT Mines so small. Now I have maxed out Mineguard on my Sundy.
  16. PastalavistaBB

    And I died to another invisible AT Mine. Seems like the only way to avoid them is to avoid all roads by all costs. Then again, not all tanks are Magriders...
  17. Armchair

    So AT mines are slightly less worthless and the nerf patrol comes out of the woodwork.

    If they're not supposed to kill vehicles, what exactly are the supposed to do? Force the pilot to hear an annoying sound for 30 seconds?

    WOW! Over the course of half an hour your mines killed one vehicle. IT KILLED A VEHICLE!!! A WHOLE vehicle. It didn't scuff up the paint job, it didn't slow it down for 3 seconds, it KILLED IT. Sound an alarm, man the battlestations. MINES OP, nerf it NAO!

    A kill rate of two kills per hour is WAY TOO STRONG. This is an outrage!
  18. reydelchicken

    I personally like the new mine changes, and I don't even use at mines myself.

    I just think that it gives you an extra element of teamwork if you wish to use a road, just have a harraser or flash go ahead and scout out the road and deconstruct/destroy the mines before the tanks come in.

    I would like to see more teambased mechanics like this, where you can use help of allies to take the short road, or you can go around by yourself if you're playing solo.
  19. LordCreepy

    As a long time tank driver:

    Mines are fine; they are still visible if you look for them.

    If you want to drive in roads paying no attention use mineguard.
    Else drive offroad.

    If you don't pay attention you'll blow up, just like the mines should work.
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  20. Armchair


    Honestly, you don't even need to equip mineguard if you don't want to pay attention. The pitifully small number of mines that a single engineer can deploy coupled with the fact that they must stack mines to achieve a kill means that "minefields" aren't even deserving of the name. Just take advantage of the fact that maps are huge and mines are rare and let statistics do the work for you.

    Sure, you'll occasionally get blown up by mines when you're not paying attention. But how many people have you killed with your tank in the span of time it takes for you to run into some mines? How many times has your vehicle been killed by something truly threatening like another tank or a liberator? How many times has your vehicle been destroyed by trying to take one of those "shortcuts" down the side a mountain on amerish?

    People can get all up in arms about how their tank was killed by a "no skill" weapon and how terrible it is that they weren't able to "fight back" and didn't get an opportunity to "escape and repair", but in the grand scheme of things AT mines are seriously a non-threat. Unless you're attacking something ultra-prestigious like THE CROWN, then you don't need to worry. On the off-chance that you do hit a mine, then it is one of those situations where you can laugh about it as one of the other eleven people in the squad pulls a new sundy.