Does Vanu have the highest damage weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hotbread, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Epic High Five

    I will say that, as an experienced player who is extremely familiar with NC guns, the Solstice feels like a much, much worse version of the TRAC-5 and generally not a very good gun overall.

    The Soltice isn't like the Razor or Merc which also have 30 round mags and fast reloads, because the fast reload is just a straight up perk for guns with good damage per magazine. The puny damage per mag of the Solstice means that the fast reload is a necessary thing because you're reloading all of the time. This is the nightmare I'm currently living in as I try to auraxium the GR-22 so trust me, I understand.

    The TRAC-5 is a different beast - long reload, but fantastic DPM and DPS. It's very much a close-mid specialist which means it is a FANTASTIC gun for the LA but a more situational one for the Engineer. Seeing as the Jaguar, at 250 certs, combines all the best characteristics of the Solstice and TRAC-5 and has 0.75x ADS on top, the argument that the TR are hosed re: carbines is a weak one.
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  2. LibertyRevolution

    oh please, do tell...
    I have BR 73 VS...
  3. AdmiralArcher

    eh, i played NC and VS for a while, NC guns have substantial recoil, but no horizontal recoil so NC guns are fairly easy to control, VS guns are good but they dont feel right to me, only TR guns i like, but even then the T5, the T1 and the T9 CARV-s are essentially the only guns that are really good, the MSW-R got nerfed, which sucks because it was our only LMG that could go 1v1 in CQC against the orion, its really a matter of playstyle for all of the guns, most are not bad, there are a few OP guns but they are only OP if they are in the right hands, tho the solstice is IMO far better than the TRAC-5
  4. KnightCole

    Thats what I thought about NC when I first played.

    I would come around a corner, fire and be dead before my gun finished its first bullet flash
  5. Bobaflay

    I honnestly hate vanu. I barely get kills on them. The reason they droped dead fast was becasue of the dumb players. On my server the NC and The Vanu are the best. Vanu are so hard for me to kill and they take us down fast. They also seem to help us like once a scythe came and destroyed a TR gun ship attacking our sundy. Then it went away and never came back. TR are easy to kill. (CHECK MY STATS)
  6. iller

    Basically... yes in a way... but there's a lot more detailed interplay there and it's primarily due to changes affecting TTK

    IOW: Nothing has really CHANGED too much about any of the factions guns. VS weapons weren't just specifically targeted for buffing other than that patch almost a year ago that removed their Damage-Falloff (which many of us thought was incredibly stupid but it was hard to argue with SOE giving them a lil' wellfare back then when VS were so badly under-popped at the time). But it wasn't like that falloff really ever affected them in Mid-range fights to begin with. It was just sort of a Subconscious spectre looming in the back ground like their ugly Teal outfit trim (or the bright fu***g dayglow yellow trim of us NC infiltrators which became a bustier somehow)
  7. Sixstring

    VS weapons do too much consistent damage considering how the factions weapons work,no drop and light recoil. That doesn't mean they should be nerfed it means the other factions should be improved. I play all three factions TR is fine,their weapons and time to kill is what I expect,the NC however need their recoil turned down a notch and their damage increased so that it feels like their weapons really are hitting with alot of POWER considering the low rate of fire. If I'm playing against NC as TR or VS it should feel like I am being crushed when I get hit by their weapons the same feeling as the Jackhammer but with different results from different ranges that should be the basic idea of the NC. Furthermore I really would have liked to see more uniqueness between the TR and NC,both of their tanks are basically the same the military faction needs a tank of course but the NC should have gotten something completely different like a tank-sized walker that had more front armor but was still slower than the other two tanks. The TR needs more weapons like the M1 TRAP,Mini chaingun,and striker that use interesting mechanics. The NC ES launcher should have been a less powerful decimator with more range and the lancer should have used a laser guided mechanic like the AV turret.The only thing I see wrong with the reaver is that it doesn't need the huge boxes on the back and the air hammer should work more like the jackhammer with a tighter spread so you could actually hit infantry with it. Most people here use VS as their main character so if anything sounds like a (VS) nerf to them they freak out and since they are the majority they get loud but they will be perfectly fine with most downgrades to the other two factions (Railjack,Striker) they even want to ruin the NC MAX because it uses a close range shotgun WELL THE NC USES SHOTGUNS BECAUSE THAT'S REALLY THE BEST OPTION THEY HAVE in most cases. The VS already have the most interesting content to work with which is fun while I'm playing VS but for example it's amazing how much the game changed after the ZOE nerf. SOE just needs to pay more attention to the TR and NC and give them unique stuff while following their faction traits specifically the NC's supposed power advantage,at least one of the NC ES specific vehicle weapons like the Enforcer should be able to OHK infantry. Giving the NC more "power" is useless if it can't actually be implemented effectively.
  8. Hotbread
    Obviously more kills with my TR character sways the point a bit. But keep in mind I was only on my VS character for maybe 10 minutes.
  9. Hotbread

    That's kills, score per minute, and accuracy btw.
  10. Kurohagane

    Wait, are you serious? You got 6 kills with the gun and you dare claim it's better?


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  11. Hotbread

    I've had more kills with that, I regularly delete my VS characters and remake them when I'm bored or want to try out a new name. I'd say i've gotten about 200 overall with each weapon.
  12. deggy

    ...but you conveniently can't prove that, of course.
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  13. TheBloodEagle

    VS weapons used to do more damage per bullet, even with the same starting damage, at reasonable ranges than any other faction but Forumside was too stupid to realize this. Although this doesn't directly answer the OP.
  14. Tonberry76

    so far i tested shotguns i rely like them

    i get more kill with NC then any other faction
    for me the jackhammer is the best weapon atm

    his burst damage is rely good
  15. Akeita

    TR have the best weapon audio.
  16. Kurohagane

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  17. Ultramarine

    This is a perfect example of asymmetric balance. The VS are in fact king of accuracy. That works for some but not all. You may be experiencing more wins as VS because high accuracy weapons synergize with your play style.

    Personally, I can't kill reliably with a VS weapon. I'm not very good at target leading or staying on target, so bullet velocity and high damage per shot tends to determine how well I play. That's why despite all of the hate it's getting, I love the RailJack. This is also why I play NC, and why I'm better NC than VS or TR.

    tldr: Out of balance? YES. Intended and acceptable? YES.
  18. Tonberry76

    i love your drawing allot its funny you made me lol
  19. Ultramarine

    Fixed it for you
  20. doombro

    I don't find the sound of toy guns to be very appealing, personally. The vulcan & MCG on the other hand...