Why are the Underbarrel grenade launchers so Lacklustre?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killerdude8, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. SinerAthin

    The grenade launcher offered an alternative to simply engaging the enemy head on in a firefight.

    This, however, made the battlefield too complex for the average player to cope with. Rather than adapting, they demanded it nerfed.

    About the only time I saw the Grenade Launcher being used to any greater extent was in spawn camping and stalemates. They rarely played a critical part of any battle.

    Currently the only worthwhile attachment is the Smoke grenade. It's a shame to see an option go.
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  2. Ballistix

    they are called noob tubes for a reason - thank f**K they got nerfed

    if you had to reload them like normal grenades (i.e not from engy pack) then it may not have got spammed as much as it did
  3. Maelthra

    Basically, the PS2 community will not allow an actual effective grenade launcher to ever exist. They're called "noob tubes" for a reason. While I can understand the complaints against such weapons, I don't think the current UBGLs are in a good place. I honestly don't think I've ever been killed by one, which makes me seriously question how many people actually try to use them.
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  4. Shellana


    What they really need to do is rethink the concept from the ground up. I miss my punisher dammit!
    1. up the ammo count to 5 to make it useful to classes that are NOT engineers.
    2. make the grenade fire with the tertiary fire, so you don't have to swap to and from the GL.
    3. Balance the grenade damage along the idea that it is meant to be used in conjunction with the guns normal damage.
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  5. Jalek

    They should change the graphics so they're closer to their functionality, a lawn dart launcher.
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  6. minhalexus


    If i took 3 months to auraxiam my AF-Mercenary.
    Then i took only a month to auraxiam my Gauss Compact S - All thanks to the Grenade launcher.

    All i did was sit is the Spawn room, and i could easily pick up 5-10 kills when we were spawn trapped. Then redeploy. In biolabs, like 90-100 kills in a good fight.

    The Grenade launcher is what gave my KDR the breakthrough, from 0.XX
  7. Tuco

    Yeah you could actually die to one while lag exploiting, gotta nerf em.
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  8. Vaphell

    afair there was a broadcasted match of fairly competitive outfits that devolved into standard MAX+nuthuggers but spiced with a heavy dose of UBGL spamfest. The side that won spammed UBGLs like there was no tomorrow and it was borderline ridiculous how hard they suppressed the opposite team, as if every non-max player used them.

    Hard hitting, easily spammable AoE means trouble so it got nerfed.
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  9. Unclematos7

    OMG, clever players stopped a MAX crash?!?! That can't be allowed to happen!
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  10. SnatchMaster

    If anything in this game sucks, its because it was too good at one point and too many people were crying about it.
  11. Simferion

    A game is a game and needs some balance to be funny for everyone. UBGL was a cheap way to rake kills, which was uncounterable in many situations.
  12. DevDevBooday

    People just cheesed with it. Its previous iteration was only useful for cheesing really.
    What they made it now its completely useless but got rid of you spontaneously combusting every time you walked through a doorway
  13. Takoita

    I have to "LOL!NOPE" in the face of every post that implies UBGL being 'fine'.

    The atrociously weak arc of the thing makes it almost useless at anything but 'I am an engineer sitting up above my enemy / behind the spawnshield with an ammo pack, shooting into the crowd below' type of situations - which is the exact thing people were complaining about. In the actual fighting your enemy will be either too close for the thing to properly detonate (there is a hardcap on a distance from the shooter that the grenade needs to travel before it can actually explode) or they will be far enough you'll have to stick your reticule so high up you'll lose sight of the ground. Bloody crossbow has a better arc than this!

    Damage values and explosion radius can be argued about, but there needs to be a weapon to discourage your enemies from bunching up too tightly. I dunno, make it require a terminal to resupply like a regular grenade (but give more shots to carry and make it benefit from grenade bandolier), but those arc nerfs need to be reverted, otherwise everyone unlucky enough to put certs into the thing in the current state will only be encouraged to camp with the thing instead of pushing the enemy postion with the rest of their teammates.
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  14. MarkAntony

    It is essentially useless right now. Which makes every weapon trading off other traits to equip one useless as well. Which is why I don't use them anymore.
    Funny thing is I only used it on my LA so no infinite ammo. Never felt OP with it before the nerfs.
  15. ManualReplica

    Everyone and their grandma were using UBGL's, and it was hilariously easy to trap enemies by doors and corners if you were sitting on an ammo pack.
    People used them as primary weapons to get easy kills and that was the end of that.
  16. GunsmithJoe

    It got nerfed after all the crying on forums, and then got nerfed again when the Nanoweave changes came through. You know, because of the balance...

    Now it's just crap.
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  17. Captain Kid

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  18. Unclematos7

    I like how they were saying that they wanted to make flak armor more viable and everything, then they nerfed the AOE of the UBGL, one of the most iconic explosives so that any idiot, flak or no can survive it.:rolleyes:

    Silly SOE.
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  19. Carbon Copied

    Would have rather seen them changed in the following manner:

    • Direct shot to infantry (any range) the shell won't explode, just have similar damage caused by the shell projectile if fired under 30m (I think that's the arming range?).
    • Impact with hard surfaces is the only thing that will detonate the shell and AOE maintained pre-adjustment.
    • Tie the shell count to running grenade bandolier and resupplies only available via terminals.

    Needs to have direct disadvantages and advantages: gives more merit to wearing flak armor as well as maintaining the area denial use of the grenade launcher in other instances.
  20. iPlague

    Back in the day, the splash damage of the shell was better, the gravity didn't affect it that much either, and the reload / resupplying was faster.

    UBGLs can still work in a group, but with it's reduction in splash damage to control / suppress areas or choke points, it's a situational weapon now.