Why Do Players Percieve NC As FoTM?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. HadesR

    Discussion is good, but for a valid balance discussion to happen people need to be aware of the actual stats and be willing to get off their Martyr Soapbox.
    Rather than making posts that are based on misinformation and biased by opinion ..

    Yes NC's weapons did get a performance increase with the balance pass .. But ignoring the fact that so did TR's and VS's doesn't lend itself to honest and open discussions ..
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  2. Hiding in VR

    Still not sure how to read anything from those numbers, don't they just indicate the types of players that use the gun more than anything else? For example the two closest TR/NC weapons I know are the TMG-50 and the EM6, yet there is no correlation in their KPU figures. A difference of around 3.5 seems quite large but I have no idea what, if anything, that means?
  3. NinjaTurtle

    The only denialism™ I see is from you refusing to acknowledge statistical fact that there is no real imbalance, only what players think they see.

    Placebo is strong with this one
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  4. Xasapis

    And you unfortunately fail to read the original question. The OP is not asking about statistical facts, he is asking about what created the placebo.
  5. NinjaTurtle

    Good thing I wasn't replying to the OP then
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  6. oumajgad

    "Disclaimer: Yes Yes, I know, I know. KPU is not a perfect stat to capture weapon performance. Others such as SPM, KPH, damage over time, etc... will all be just as useful, if not more so. Unfortunately these are not available, as far as I know.

    The links below capture weapon KPU performance data from mid-September and compare it to the first week after PU02."

    This is quote from thread HadesR linked here as an argument that NC weapons doesn't perform better after PU2. Even OP says that it isn't best way to compare weapons. Also lots of them was changed and during that first week lots of people was simply getting used to those sometimes big changes in weapon behavior. And now we are how much? 2 months after PU2?

    But... If you really want to insist that it is a good way to compare weapons than care to link same values for ARs? Reaper with delta higher than all TR ARs combined? Almost as high as all VS ARs combined? And Gauss Rifle Burst not so far behind him. Similar situation is in carbines departament. Two highest deltas? Yes! NC weapons. And ACX-11 has highest delta of all carbines and you know what... its 200 dmg carbine.

    I need to thank You. You gave more arguments to prove my point that NC weapons are performing better after PU2 :) Maybe not Gauss SAW but its not the only 200 dmg weapon out there.
  7. _Neko_

    Sorry, but I can't take any of your posts seriously since you are (almost) always the first to contribute to any generic "NERF NC!"-Thread. You neither deliver constructive feedback nor do you write from a neutral point of view.

    Faction bias is strong in you. :rolleyes:

    IMHO infantry gameplay is most balanced right now since release. ;)
    We should focus on MAX/Tank balance now.
    (e.g.: The prowler is greatly underperforming and the vanguard shield is no fun to fight against)
    (and to a lesser degree we should also watch the performance of falcons and pounders)

    PS: We should also be praying that the lib-update will not create any new problems. :eek:
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  8. NC_agent00kevin

    They are quite related; as a few posts called out the NC being OP as the reason that they are the FOTM. The balance discussion is quite relevant because data shows that the NC are simply perceived to be OP hence the new FOTM. The most basic answer to the question is that NC population has spiked, therefore they are perceived as FOTM. However, things are not so black and white. The reason population has spiked is because NC are thought to be OP now.

    We must go deeper.
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  9. Phazaar

    Whilst you're absolutely right in almost all points, the bold is crap. Even if we ignore your first post as tantamount to accusing the NC of being OP (aside from blatant nonsense about trading 1st place with TR since launch, the implication of 'NC was fine before everyone else got nerfed' is pretty obviously 'NC is still fine, but everyone else is less than fine), the next post... Oumajgad stating that NC are overperforming via their equipment (aka overpowered). Next up is Iwbs using exactly the same implication as you did. Then Kevin asking for a source; no tryhard explaining anything, or even attempting a counter argument. Then we can let Jeslis off I think as it does indeed seem to be about perceptions, Kevin responding about 4 bullets and the huge effect that must have on perception... Then back to Oumajgad for some more NC OP talk... Continued to be rebutted not with arguments, counterarguments or any amount of tryharding, just with a request for statistics that clearly don't exist.

    TL;DR: VS+TR started it ;)
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  10. Xasapis

    Were you NC before the changes? Before the rise of NC numbers to the current level? If the answer is yes, then you can't really answer why a TR or VS left their faction to join NC. You can guess, obviously, but your perception is skewed by both being defensive and by a real lack of perspective.
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  11. HadesR

    It can do .. And like I said it does hold a lot of variables which doesn't make it the " perfect " balance stat .. Afaik only SOE has access to those ..
    But it can and does give people real stats rather than just opinion to base their views off and maybe raises valid questions in some cases.
    Using your example it brings up the question does the TMG-50 need tweaking in regards to the EM6 ... Now we have something to focus on and discuss which is better than blanket statements of " Our weapons Suck " :p ( not aimed at you btw )

    Misinformation at it's best :rolleyes:

    I didn't claim NC weapons didn't get a performance increase .. The point was so did TR's and VS's .. So if all weapons got a performance increased maybe just ermm maybe the so called nerfs VS / TR claim they got were not actually as bad as they make out .. If they were wouldn't weapon performance have dropped not increased ?

    So in relation to the topic if people jumped ship due to them believing their own factions weapons had lowered in performance then they were wrong. :)
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  12. Xasapis

    See the post above. And no, NC started this thread. It is a valid thread too, for somebody who is looking to gain some perspective from the eyes of the other empires.
  13. Dinapuff

    I have read these two pages. There are nobody here saying NC weapons are UP.

    There are certainly benefits to playing NC, but we still have glaring weaknesses like the horrible bloom if you ever try to ADAD strafe with the saw (without burst fire control). Our Maxes have no sustained dps like other MAX units. TR pounders are much better Anti everything than the falcons, and when you compare MBT's the stats are not as clear cut as you'd expect.

    The harasser for instance - affected the Vanguard moreso than other tanks due to the high cooldown of shield.

    I see no reason for TR or VS for that matter to cry that they fall short of NC outside of the current trends within primetime population (even then the number of % added to NC are just 5-8% at the most which isn't much). This is less than the 50% TR overpop we faced in the worst parts of Millers history.
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  14. Hibiki54

    TR or VS that leave their faction for NC are classified as one of three ways:
    1) The were recruited to join an NC outfit and play NC as their main
    2) They are pansy 4th Factioneers that only play TR and VS when something is OP (pre-nerf Hellfires, Prowler HE spam, pre-nerf Swag-rider, Strikers, ZOE, Vulcan-H, Marauder-H)
    3) They are tired of VS or TR over pop and realize that NC is their true calling

    I believe that most of those people fall in the 2nd category.
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  15. NC_agent00kevin

    Delta measures the change in effectiveness, not the actual effectiveness. UP weapons that were brought into line with other weapons capabilities will have much higher KPU Deltas. OP weapons will have lower or negative deltas, due to decreased effectiveness in the name of balance. :)

    You've been given nothing that proves your point thus far. Especially since you went from NC weapons in general to focusing on only three of them. Its a common debate tactic used by those who cant prove their point. In selecting a very specific sample of data you conclude your original statement was correct...only in this case, you arent even interpreting the data correctly.
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  16. Xasapis

    So you're basically arguing that all the people who now give a sizable population advantage to the NC were always NC and have now returned to their faction?

    Your argument has a flaw. Why would they abandon their current faction (certs, purchases etc.) to join a faction that is equally balanced? Wouldn't that put them in category 3? Because if they are still category 2, you indirectly acknowledge that NC are OP.

    None of these things answer the OP anyway.
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  17. NC_agent00kevin

    LOL how could a BR 100 NC player lack perspective on the changes and what would lure in new players??? If anything long time NC players have the most perspective. We know exactly how things were before and after the update. New players would be the ones lacking perspective, not knowing the ins and outs of the NC pre PU02.

    How can you possibly think that people with more knowledge and experience with any given subject have less perspective than those with only half the story?

    You're going to have to come up with a better way to discredit experienced NC players. Especially ones with characters on all three factions.
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  18. huller

    You have basicaly confirmed exactly what I said. Might want to read the post again?

    Any actual proof or are you just going to hop on the bandwagon of "OMG he doesn't simply agree with NC being UP, BURN THE WITCH!!!!!"?

    My post history is there for everyone to see
    The vast minority of TR and VS weapons recieved buffs, to state otherwise is more denialism, the patch notes are there to see for everyone.

    And if any faction has no right whatsoever to complain about martyr soapboxes it would be the NC
    Of all the NC in this thread, you are by far the least fanatical and most reasonable, I'll give you that
    Last time I did that, you said the following:

    Rate of fire x Bullet damage = damage per bullet x bullets per mag / Time to reload

    Yes you said that.

    And each time I say something to rebuke the martyr soapbox army of the NC I get flooded with baseles accusation, borderline lies, idiotic calculations, outright lied weapon statistics, personal attacks and statements that are textbook examples of what I accuse the NC's "woe is me crusade" of.
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  19. Phazaar

    The thread isn't the problem. The derailing is. That derailing wasn't started by NC :)

    Also, just to note, if you're a VS/TR who still plays VS/TR, your reasoning is just as invalid (if not moreso, because obviously you're now boasting of your strength of character to resist any influences you claim have led to population imbalance ;) ).
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  20. Xasapis

    You know the reality of your empire. You do not know the perception others have for your empire. You do not know which of those perceptions would motivate somebody to abandon an established character for another empire.
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