I beg you to remove KD so we can see what the game is like when everyone plays it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Liquidrider

    Honestly I don't think many people care about K/D. K/D means almost nothing in this game already, and certainly isn't an indication of skill level.
  2. NoctD

    Picture this...

    Everyone running/rushing at vehicles with C4 and AT mines in their hands.

    Engineers and infiltrators running around with the AI mines to toss into crowds.

    And so on and so forth. :)
  3. SpcFarlen

    Just going to quote myself from another thread on KDR resets.
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  4. ChicoFuerte

    I play mostly medic. I don't really think about my KDR.

    I have a mental measure of how well I am doing, how many fights I am winning and how long I've stayed alive and revived my team mates. Every so often I'll check my KDR and see how I'm actually doing. Whether that says 0.4 or 15.3, I generally feel the same way, "I can do better."

    I think people play to win, or at the very least, cause enough chaos to buy time.

    Look at point holds or point breaks where revive grenade after revive grenade is thrown into the room, bringing all those enemies (or allies) back to life. And those people pop back up because there's a chance they'll kill someone else before they die again. There's also a chance they wont, but you take that chance and try and crack that defense.

    Point is, people like winning. It's why they play a game with goals. In PS2 there are multiple goals, but almost all of the interesting ones involve fighting other players.

    If you care, it's important to see how you stack up. That's what's so great about the DA stats site. You can break down your stats into what you do best (infantry, air, vehicles) and see how accurate you really are.

    That's if you care, of course. Because if you don't, you're probably already logged in getting kills instead of posting about how you don't care about KDR.
  5. SinerAthin

    Exactly how much information can you pull from the available stats? And in which way does it affect your judgement?

    Regarding KDR, Tribes Ascend told a different story, as players soon began to play more selfishly and abandoned the objective in favor of survival, which is why it was pulled from the game.
    There will always be people who try avoid dying and spawn camping in any game, KDR or not. However, KDR does not decrease said number, it rather increases it.

    KDR is not a world-changing thing. Removing or adding it will not completely change the metric of the game.
    But despite not being the greatest attribute, it will still play a role, to lesser or greater degree. It's a look on the smaller details that make up the whole picture.
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  6. Stew360

    Its compleatly untrue , in all games you have peoples who will camp back and farm kills instead of going for the objectives , In all game and have nothing to do with KDR or anything , peoples dont like to die because its not fun and its not rewarding unless you can do something before you die , i gladly suicide bomb a ennemy maxs if i can but if thats maxs can be revive the second after i wont do it unless its really important

    many peoples simply play poorly because they are not confident in themself but also because they are bad at the game simple as thats its not because they are afraid of dying lol they are not

    Most of them are simply tired to die respawn and repeat they want few kills to not feel like compleate wasted , thats pretty much it , no ones are afraid to die in a videogame unless its a horror genre game with atmospheric stuff lol , peoples are simply and mostly bad at the game this is why they dont do the right things at the right momments ;) like workking toward the objective when they need to
  7. LibertyRevolution

    If K/D did not exist, you could order a chain of 20 engineers to run repair gun out into a camped gen room, just to have each guy repair 1 tick before getting shot dead to get that gen up.

    Try giving that order now to a platoon and see how many would go for it.

    K/D effects how you play the game, what you feel is too risky as you may die.
    Dying is not supposed to matter in planeside, we have nanites.
    This is not CS where you died and now your team is down a player, as you have to sit out the rest the match..

    K/D should not exist in this game. Deaths should not be tracked at all.
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  8. Bape

    I tell you right now if K/D is removed there is nothing stopping me from starting a massive TK war in a biolab.
  9. Mustarde

    My KDR is better than urs
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  10. Mustarde

    So I agree that KDR is not what matters on the battlefield. That's my none of my forum sigs have my stats in them. It's irrelevant. Feel free to look them up, but I won't wave them in your face every time I post.

    That being said, you guys are fools if you think KDR is not a valuable attribute in a player. Want proof? Come to mattherson and find a hex where DasAnFall is fighting. You will usually find 8-12 of them on a point or between you and the point. Go try and take it from them? Oh what's that, you failed? Try getting your whole squad together and hitting that point. What's that, your squad wiped and killed 3 DA guys who are already revived? Damn, better get the whole platoon on point. Congrats, you took back the objective! Too bad the vanu have the other two points at your base and you need a whole platoon to displace 12 guys.

    And now you realize that when you are fighting a squad of players with KDRs between 2-10, 12 of them equals 20 or 30 of you. Pretty humbling isn't it? And then you reread all these posts in this thread and realize how shortsighted it was to complain about KDR when the people who actually have good stats are far too busy showing you what happens when you apply stats to real game experience.

    In other words.. git gud
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  11. Sock

    Dam bb gurl sup ;)
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  12. Posse

    Get rekt Giggily


    Go to stats.dasanfall.com, make an account (if you don't you won't be able to see everything), look up any player that comes into your mind (if he has a good number of hours played, better) and see for yourself just how much information you can get.
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  13. AFK1

    Remove KD and everyone will run around with explosives suicide bombing everything

    It would be a complete disaster
  14. Purg

    Obviously I was dreaming while playing Brink.
  15. Giggily

    Maybe lifetime.
  16. bPostal

    You'll get grief locked eventually.
  17. LT_Latency

    I don't think KDR is that important. You defiantly want to kill more then you die though

    Yeah a can ***** out a 10 KDR playing on a maxxes or a tank but I am usually playing it safe and picking battles where we are at least equal or I can hang back as a sniper and let my troops get chewed up in the meat grinder while I score easy kills to boost it.

    If I am pushing hard for objectives or making a last stand against a zerg my KDR goes down the way down but I think I am being more useful over all

    Same with C4ing a tank. If I only get one kill but I blow up a tank doing it. It's worth it IMO
  18. jihon83

    I think K/D is a useful stat, even for a player who isn't part of a squad. I'm glad to say that my K/D ration, on average, has improved a lot over the past six months and I think it's reflective of how I've been improving in my gameplay. That isn't to say it's a particularly high number, but it's trending in the right direction, and all while trying to keep in the thick of battle.

    Though I will agree that nursing one's K/D ratio can ruin the game, especially when it comes to spawn-camping or being a spawn-room warrior, but I think that problem is exacerbated by all of the zerging in the game. People might be more brave and fights feel more fair if 20+ vehicles in a platoon wasn't as common a sight as it is.
  19. KnightCole

    Yes, about 3.....enjoying your self for some people is making the game a nightmare for the other players. Take World of Tanks for example..95% of the playerbase is just there for fun....so they are total and utter idiots without a clue in the world. They TK, they AFK, they bot, thye dont even play the game...they troll, they block you in..they wont help you.

    Its not fun....its annoying and it ruins the game.

    Same for PS2. Guys who think..this is my spot..TK....oh, you didnt do what I want...Tk....I just wanna be a dick, TK.....

    Let me edit that line

    There is no wrong way to play the game so long as your doing so in a civilized manner and not jeopardizing the fun of the other players around you.

    On the topic of the OP, yup, I track my KD. Its about the only thing in this game that gives it any purpose, seeing how well one can do without dying over and over. Capping bases, suiciding, trying to defend over run bases or retreating against a Zerg. Meh, boring.
  20. that_darn_lurker

    KDR is terrible. It should have never been in the game in the first place. I suspect SOE lost a lot of low KDR players over it.

    Everybody scoffs at the "moron" that runs headlong into a room and gets cut down, but you need that guy because the guy following right behind him is going to have a better chance of scoring a kill, and so on. But instead, we look down on that first guy because he has a low KDR even though he was vital to securing that room.

    I'll give you a real example: I once killed 10 EXE in rapid succession as their drunk platoon tried to takeover Vanu Archives. I couldn't kill them fast enough. They eventually overwhelmed me and ended up taking the outpost. I'm sure those guys had crap KDRs while mine was positive, but they still took the base in the end and there wasn't anything I could do to stop them.
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