The boring republic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Christo92K, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Bonom Denej

    I did, several times, I fail to see a proper example.

    I mean, the "diversity" VS have will be achieved pretty much in the same way on other factions.

    All LMGs pretty much looks the same. All Carbines pretty much looks de same. All Sniper Rifles pretty much looks the same. All RL looks pretty much the same. So on and so forth and this is true for all three faction, and NS weapons. The few type of weapon that has significant difference inside his category are the Assault Rifle and the SMGs. And even then, NC could argue that their look all the same where TR and VS shows some real variety.

    The only weapons that also show a specific trait inside its faction are all the ES ones : ESRL, ESSR and the Lasher/Chaingun/Jackhamer.

    So yeah... What you're complaining about is not TR specific.
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  2. Arch

    I dont think the OP is just talking about visual design when they say TR weapons are boring. Most TR weapons functionality is very close to each other. There are only a few that stand out as being significantly different and they are the TMG50 LMG, SABR assault rifle and the T5AMC carbine. And they also happen to be the only weapons that are viable at longer range outside of the sniper rifles and Battle rifles. All other LMG's Assault rifles and carbines, are so close together in terms of ability that there is little to chose between them.

    It would be nice to actually have to choose the right weapon for the situation, instead of just which gun is the best in which class.
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  3. Cinnamon

    The hamburger republic.

    I think part of the problem is that there is too much choice of guns but most of them are 143 damage guns with a lot of random sidewards jitter. Every time someone complains about TR killing them someone at SOE presses a panic button that makes TR guns less accurate in ads.
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  4. Bonom Denej

    Well it could be argued that it's pretty much the same in other factions. As VS, all the LMGs for instance looks, sounds and perform quite similarily. So yeah, what the OP is complaining about is definitely not a TR problem.
  5. Mystogan

    I agree with OP, but also with all thats said Vanu is in the same spot. TR weapons and VS weapons are pretty much same weapons. 90% is 143 dmg, one or two 167 dmg, VS has better recoil control but lower ROF, faster realod but smaller magazine. Really, CARV and Orion for me is same weapon with magazine diffrence.

    Also TR and Vanu MAX is really same. Blueshifts and Mercy are accurate as much, Cosmos and Mtilitators are same and so on. Only thing that make difference are AV weapon but I prefer TR one.

    On the other hand NC has most unique and USEFULL weapons. Lets take Jackhammer, thats the only faction-special weapon that is usefull and better then non-faction equivalents. Chaingun and Lasher are fun to use but you perform better with any other LMG in both DPS, Accuracy and TTK. While Jackhammer is super tight spread semi-auto shotgun, while in burst mode is has more dmg per burst then PUMP- Action shotgn per shot.

    Also, NC should have highest dmg, but lowest ROF and lower accuracy then TR and VS. So why there is Anchor/Blitz for example?

    I like that NC weapon are really unique. Blitza, Anchor, Gauss SAW, Jackhammer, GDS, even new Rail gun sniper. They are just usefull and diffrent.

    While on TR and VS I feel they are really the same. And only tanks and ESF makes them diffrent in any significant way.

    Also NC MAX has its pros and cons but its gameplay is much more unique then TR/VS. Not to mention AEGIS is only usefull MAX ability, while both lockdown and ZOE are crap.

    So when I play Vanu alt, I feel TR pain, and I hope VS and TR will get some love.
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  6. Unclematos7


    B B But the stocks of the LSW and Polaris look different.:eek:
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  7. FlamingSquirrel

    Yep, TR music is by far the best. I'm always disappointed at the end of a base cap when playing as VS or NC.
    This is the TR 'victory is close' music. It's just more... epic

  8. Eclipson

    The issue with TR is that we used to be OP and boring. Nobody realized how medicore and boring the TR's empire specific theme was because we were too busy farming. Now that we are balanced, its clear that we are just a boring, middle of the road, medicore faction.
  9. Tycoh

    TR's art style, weapons, and vehicles are so good that players are afraid to log on as TR due to their shear awesomeness. That's a pretty good explanation on why TR is lowest pop on almost all servers if you ask me.
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  10. Unclematos7

    Well, they did go about improving this once. They changed the models of the AMC, TAR, Rhino, MSW, Bull, Razor, Carnage, Anchor, Corvus, Ursa, and gave Vanu infantry weapons a sound overhaul. But this was cut short by more important things.

    I think they understand that this proplem is more pronounced in the TR arsenal, which is why they overhauled more of their models than the other factions.
  11. Jalek

    I still use the TMG-50. I don't kill anyone with it anymore, but the sound is good.
  12. DamageKing

    And now compare the sounds...
  13. Takoita

    I like how TMG-50 looks and sounds, I think that TRAC-5S' new paintjob makes it look absolutely glorious in Esamir sun and I certainly dig TRV's sound. Other than that? MCG, Vulcan and Emperor have solid firing sounds, bolt-actions reload with a satisfactory 'weight' to them, so to speak, TAR looks good in the loadout screen.

    I can't say it's completely bad across the board, but it could certainly use some (a boatload of) improvement.
  14. Hoki

    Emperor/Repeater = best pistol ironsights

    TR got best cloaking sound.

    TR got best color, Red goes well with many things.

    Best music

    Ughh, too many things to mention, OP is simply wrong
  15. Meccar

    What's wrong with having all our guns look the same? I'd argue that's an advantage since that way its harder for the enemy to tell what kind of weapon you have.
  16. ZeroErrorz

    orionS nuff said
  17. Hiding in VR

    I think its supposed to be "Onions".

    You peal off the skin and there is an identical one underneath.
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  18. Crayv

    Me and my friend joke that the TR's real faction trait is 143 as nearly every single gun in the TR arsenal has that as it's damage stat. This leads to a problem of when it comes to range the TR weapon simply have a lower RoF but don't have higher damage. So we end up having our ranged weapon being low damage and low RoF making them rather outclassed by the higher damage weapons the NC has (and the VS to a much lesser extent). Pair this with the fact the the ES weapons are basically copies of NS weapons. The Prowler feels like a big lightning, the Striker is an inferior Annihilator, the Marauder is a lower damage bigger mag Fury, the Vulcan is a shorter range Basilisk with less utility.

    There is nothing that really sets the faction apart from when you play the others. I can still "feel" like I'm player TR on my NC or VS by simply selecting NS weapons or the 143 damage infantry weapons.
  19. ZeroErrorz

    yea and the more you peel it, the more you tears....
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  20. IamDH

    All factions suffer this problem, stop acting like its TR-specific.
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