Mattherson problem.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DARKIDER, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Phaze

    As NC - I literally can't see a decent fight on the entire server.

    A few instances of 25-48 NC wrecking 1-12 groups of TR/VS.... and a few instances of 48+ VS with 55% pop or greater defending against much smaller NC forces.

    Current World Population

    VS 46%
    NC 30%
    TR 23%

    WDS + no population controls = FAIL SOE.
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  2. Nerd Mode

    Population doesn't mean anything, just ask the VS.
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  3. Canaan

    No, it's more like -

    Alerts + No population control + SOE knowing that Alerts cause an insane population drop between the losing factions + SOE choosing to do nothing about it with said knowledge = Jesus Christ SOE it's been months
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  4. ScrapyardBob

    They haven't done anything in 6-9 months about it, so I wouldn't hold your breath.

    The last change they made was to remove the server-level pop bonus (which was underwhelming at the time) and replace it with a continent-level pop bonus (which was of decent size). And that was way back in late-Spring 2013 if I remember correctly.

    They need to give up on the idea that "weapon balance" and nerf/buff passes will fix the population issue or that warp-gate positions matter much. Different servers have different faction population issues, so it's not all down to FotM weapons. I'm not denying that weapon balance is not part of the equation, but it is foolish to rely on it as your only solution to population imbalance.

    We need more incentive (carrots) to stick around and fight as the under-pop faction and there needs to be additional incentives for the 2nd/3rd place factions to go attack the dominant faction.

    • Bring back the server-level bonus, let it get as large as 75% for any faction with less then 18% population on the server. Stack that bonus with the continent-level bonus. Apply it to everything.
    • Offer increased the rewards (XP, WDS points) for attacking the highest pop faction on the server. That reward should go up in value as the gap between the 1st and 3rd place faction gets wider.
    • Hand out 7-day +50% squad boosts to any new characters of the 3rd place faction.
    • Calculate a local bonus that looks at the hex you are in, plus the surrounding 6 hexes. If there is at least 24 people in those 7 hexes and you are out-popped 2:1, give a +25% XP bonus, increasing to +75% if you are outnumbered 5:1.
    • Cut the amount of XP earned if you are inside a spawn shield by 2/3.
    Basically, appeal to people's greed. A population with only 20% on the server, 20% on the continent and fighting 3:1 odds at a hex should have bonuses stacking up into the 100-200% range.
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  5. Hapah The Heedless

    I haven't read the thread.

    The Amp Station alert just now was depressing.
  6. DQCraze

    Ive been VS here for a long time and the quality of play has taken a dive to the point that it is really getting boring. Im just trying to get to BR100. Tonight VS had all the AMP stations except for one. Im seeing less and less TR everytime I log in and its pretty much just VS vs NC now with a few specs of TR battles here and there.
  7. sladuog

    Might as well post this here.

    Here are the populations for tonight's alert. As you can see, TR's population decreased all through the end of the alert. VS did not log off VS and log on to TR, they just logged off later that the NC or the TR because it's fun to stomp every alert with 50% population.

    Alerts, once the population starts to drop, are terrible for the game. People who are seen to be winning or who have even slight overpopulation stay playing while the others log off.

    Even alerts which start with relatively balanced population suffer from this problem: as soon as one faction gains the upper hand in the alert, they get the added bonus that more people will stay with them because they think they're going to win the alert. This often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    I do not know how to fix this problem, but getting rid of alerts would be my first step. The way that the alerts ruin the gameplay for the last one and a half hours every time the population starts to decline is not worth the added strategy.

    I would rather play at 33% population with no alerts (and concentrating on WDS points, because why not, that favours defenders now) than be zerged unstoppably at every base and lose all out WDS points anyway because there's absolutely nothing the TR or the NC can do about it.

    Mattherson is fast approaching critical mass, where people who play TR and NC aren't even bothering to log on any more.

    There is nothing that the players can do about this, it is a symptom of bad game design.
  8. Hapah The Heedless

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  9. PlatoonLeaderG

    On what i saw TR is doing badly on all servers!Maybe its because of all the insane nerfs we have been getting and also the weakest abilities+guns from all empires!

    We have lockdown for max,TR cried and begged SOE not to put it because it sucked.Then SOE put it and after so many months still unchanged........

    We have the striker,yes at 1 point it was OP now its a complete garbage and waste of certs.....

    We have vulcan which now to do dmg you need to be close to the target........with the prowler designed to be a ranged tank......omg!

    also claymores,pounders(only good against maxes),MCG suck!

    Did you guys check the TR sniper we get?I did and that thing its the worst pile of **** i ever see-Its not even a sniper...its an LMG without zoom yay so COOL! and the best part is that need 2 bullets in head to kill unlike the NC and VS(charged) to kill with 1 shot...............

    Do you wondered why TR doing so badly!
    VS say anything you want...i already logged in the morning,checked the map and we were warpgate at Esamir and Amerish while having the lowest territory on Indar with 20% pop.TR is dying and no1 can save it.
  10. Hiding in VR

    Posts like these make me sad :(
  11. Tycoh

    By looking at the chart from just yesterday's population NC and TR need to make an alliance. And not an agreement between outfits and such but a cease fire between the two factions or they will ultimately lose to the VS for another year. Doubt that will happen so, pack up your bags for Waterson.
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  12. Flipwin

    Maybe its just that no one likes playing TR?
  13. Tycoh

    Ugly armor, boring tanks, sub par COD weapons, faction traits that are overridden in other factions' weapons. What's not to like?

    I like the voice acting and music though. Plus the mosquitoe.
  14. Crackulous

    Briggs needs you.
  15. ScrapyardBob

    And the image capture, for posterity's sake:


    Approximate population distribution by the end of that alert was 51% VS 24% NC 23% TR.

    As you can see from the slopes, the drop gets steeper with time as more and more players give up and logoff. Then the whole server population takes a big drop at the end of the alert.
  16. PlatoonLeaderG

    SOE should stop with all the meanigless uptades and focus redesign the TR..........
  17. SpazKaz

    My buddy Koopa typed up a nice reply for this thread and I wanted to share it... And I totally agree with him on the points he makes.

    "Really, Mattherson is at critical mass when it comes to pop balance. The VS float at 33-50% on a somewhat daily basis, the NC floating between 33-40%. and the TR? 15-32%. The population is even worse during Alerts.

    And the funny part? There is no way the TR can dig themselves out of this hole, aside getting some uber broken infantry weapon that can nuke enemy infantry and vehicles from any distance. Its funny how some keep saying "its ok TR, just improve your tactics, coordination and communication and you'll start winning again!" Every time I see this ********, I cannot stop thinking "so how is the VS helping to alleviate this situation?" the answer is: most aren't.

    The biggest problem of Mattherson isn't the population. It isn't the fact TR got hit with the biggest nerf bat with PU02. It isn't the fact VS are more coordinated. It isn't even the fact the VS has the highest number of BR100 players. Its the simple fact that the Mattherson playerbase resents it's other portions. Its the fact that a decent number of VS, NC and TR hate the other factions. Its the fact that a large portion of the VS playerbase thinks of the TR as second class citizens or even as cattle. Its this reason that Mattherson as a server will likely never improve.

    This treatment of players is also why the TR cant retain players. when people keep losing and losing and losing, all that will be left are the die-hard players. and even then those die-hards are more and more likely to jump ship when their faction is a smouldering pile of ash from being over farmed left and right. it is the VS and NC's problem when the average TR player's mindset is "should I continue to be stomped or play a different server." "are they having fun?" this simple question even you should be able to answer, "no." If a player has to choose between not having fun and having fun, they will always choose the more fun route. So until the VS and NC can make fights more fun more consistently for the TR, they will continue to bleed players.

    But in the end, EVERYONE is at fault for Mattherson's problems; both those who remain and those who moved on. Its because of this, we need to BAND TOGETHER as a SERVER to MAKE the server better. This is not something the TR can do alone, nor is it something any other faction can fix on their own, but sadly I see this never happening because of some of the factors I've already went over.

    The only two things I think SOE could possibly do at this point to help Mattherson is to either reset EVERYONEs characters to BR1, and remove any things certed into and all guns aside those bought with station cash or to close the server down.

    And even with a server reset, there's a high chance that things would revert to as they are now, and all we would have done is wasted our time and SOE's money on maintaining the server.

    TLDR; everyones an ******* and to blame for the server's problems and SOE cant fix this **** in any meaningful way!"
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  18. TheMish

    How about, fix the ******* striker, the ******* vulcan, the mcg, the anti-vehicle Max weaponry, and after that, FORCEFULLY start removing VS and NC players and relocating them somewhere else, and move TR players from high TR pop servers, which the only one is probably Miller and even then, it's not as good as it could be.
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  19. PlatoonLeaderG

    I couldnt have said it better!The only thing i dont agree with your friend is to reset the characters to lvl1,it will not help the situation at all because they will still unlock them faster with the overpop.
  20. MortimerM

    VS just got wrecked in an alert - all pops even (cont locked). Clearly VS needs a buff because both TR AND NC had >10% more territory than we did.

    I propose VS op night, seven days a week everyone logs on VS and helps us out.
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