Infiltrator Update: Some Slight (and larger) Changes

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Ghostloadout, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Ghostloadout

    So with the infiltrator update going live in the near future I'd like to address a couple of issues I have with the new stuff currently.

    To start, the new "internally suppressed" SMG is a great idea in concept, but right now it has the exact same stats as the standard NS PDW aside from a few minor things, that being 29 more RPM and 10 more m/s muzzle velocity when suppressed. Everything else is universally worse. Given the weapon's seemingly intended role of a stealthy slower handling SMG with good range it seems rather stupid that it would have such a high amount of damage drop when compared to the normal PDW. IT may also have higher vertical recoil, but I have no way of checking this. Without further ado, buffed stats are in green, nerfed are red.

    STANDARD - MKV Suppressed
    Fire Rate: 779
    Damage: 125@10m / 91@42m
    Reload: 2.84s / 2.6s

    NEW - MKV Suppressed
    Fire Rate: 800
    Damage 125@15m / 100@50m
    Reload: 2.9s / 2.45s

    2 new SMG Barrel slots - All SMGs can use these
    1. Compact Barrel - Removes moving accuracy penalty from hipfire, but increases vertical recoil by 50%, changes jumping modifier to be standard moving accuracy.
    2. Ranged Barrel - increases velocity and heavily reduces horizontal recoil, but doubles hipfire COF bloom.

    The new one allows for much more reliable kills in CQB, but less favorable performance at a distance, a fast depleted mag means you will be hitting that 2.9s reload much more often than the standard PDW. and the standard reload is still .1s slower than the normal PDW. Also it has slightly less accurate spray capability because of the higher COF bloom due to the RPM.

    Moving on from the new SMG, how about the crossbow, this is honestly less pressing than the other, but I still would very much like some of the changes. The first of which is a precision rail in the BARREL slot, cosmetically it would remove the cocking handle on the side of the bow and add some sort of speedloader inside the of the bow instead of the standard mag. As far as functionality goes, it will reduce the ammo per mag to 1 and increases reload speed to 2.1s instead of 3.6/2.6. Additionally it will increase the headshot multiplier from 1.5x to 2x, allowing for OHK headshots with the standard bolt at all ranges. Also, it increases hipfire accuracy to the standard SMG levels. The three other things are a bit more unrealistic to ask for but would be interesting. For one, the Detect bolt acts like the rank 6 recon dart with a twist, when it hits either a vehicle or infantry they are spotted for 40 seconds, this can be stopped by resupplying, dying, or cloaking. Add the advanced laser to the crossbow. (simple as that) The last one is really more of a quality of life thing. Add advanced ammunition types for both the detect bolt and the explosive bolt, allowing them to be used in addition to the standard bolt. equipping ammuntion in the AMMO slot will determine which type you have equipped to begin with. Pressing B will change the ammo type, which then you can press 'R' to reload the new ammo type. There I'm done, now for the actual infiltrator only stuff.

    Stalker cloak right now is really not worth the buy because of how unnecessarily limiting it is. I propose that the cloak have 20 seconds of cloaked movement, no drain but no regen while crouched moving, and regen with either 15-10 seconds while not moveing. Afterall you're giving up your primary, might as well make it worthwhile.

    Finally decoy grenades, WHY HAVE THEY NOT GOTTEN ATTENTION??? Sorry, but anyways, decoy grenades should be able to be 1. resupplied at ammo packs 2. cost no resources 3. Have built in grenade bandolier (this means that it cannot stack with GB and always comes with 4 nades) And of course the thing to make them useful, is they need to ACTUALLY MAKE FALSE RADAR SIGNALS. I'm done here.

    Comments? OP? Still UP? Constructive criticism is my food.

    OH I nearly forgot. Increase the TRAP-M1's ammo supply to 220 instead of 120. :)
    PS: Xbow detect bolts don't ping enemies on the minimap right now.
  2. Nephi1im

    Wouldn't this pretty much negate the cyclone style SMGs? Same fire rate, better range, same damage? It seems like you pretty much took it from almost identical to the NS7 to almost identical to the 800 rpm series of ES SMGs.

    The precision rail makes it essentially a completely different weapon. I don't like the idea of an SMG worthy hipfire accuracy to the thing. It is meant to be a medium range weapon, with the ability to hit things in CQC. The fact that it's pretty much "hit with the first shot or two or die" is indicative of it not being a charge in kind of weapon.

    Trying to make it use all three types of ammo as selective fire is completely broken. It's supposed to be something you give up a pistol for, not something that completely negates anyone with the certs never touching a pistol. Doing this means every single players has a medium range sniper rifle, an AV grenade laucher, and recon darts.... all the time.

    I don't think the stalker cloak should happen. It's pretty obvious, even from the 24 second version, that SOE is so afraid of the cloak that they will not make it what most would consider anything more than a novelty. As such, just scrap the thing. Hunter is fine. Stalker will never cut the mustard to the players without being considered OP by SOE.

    I pretty much think infiltrators got the complete shaft on special grenades. I'm hoping that, due to the lack of anything from SOE on the matter, that sometime in the future they are just going to give us two new grenades and scrap the EMP and decoy. I think I've been EMPed like once or twice.... EVER. Said, EMP never resulted in death or even damage sent my way either.

    I'd like to see an EMP field grenade. Same effect, but it causes a few meter radius EMP field that will kill shields and HUD if you run through it for like 10 seconds. Would be great for slowing folks down at choke points, or catching someone off guard as they run through a door, get EMPed and take a knife in the back.

    Second, I don't know, maybe a spotting grenade? Like it presses Q for you in like a 10-15 meter radius. A little different than darts, but would be cool for alerting snipers to targets and such. Overall, they need to make the ability to carry two types of grenades. As it stands, very rarely does anyone choose a special over a frag grenade, and 99% of infiltrators do not.
  3. Ghostloadout