Say NO to respawn changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OldMaster80, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Torok

    And this this this this!

    The game has to go Forwards guys, if you can't adapt or live up to the changes you won't last until 2025.
    I wonder If people forgot how this game used to change meta every patch or so back in the first months of the game, now SOE is going full speed ahead and you have to keep up!

    Say no to Inactivity!
    Changes, Welcome!
  2. Meliorist

    You have my vote, a resounding no.
  3. Taemien

    For all of you saying this will "dumb down the game" get over yourselves. Learn to adapt. If anything this will make the game more complex. But you knew that. You are not so stupid or inept to realize this will make things harder for you to counter. And that is what you all are afraid of. This is why you try to act like you're god's gift to PS2, but in reality, you're wetting yourselves, figuratively speaking.

    This thread is no longer about 'dumbing down the game' or 'they're making it like COD'. Its now about why these fools can't adapt to a simple dynamic that is new and scary to them. I'm serious, these people don't actually believe what they are stating. They want to keep the status quo and not have to change up how they play, no matter how big or how small it is. Unless of course it changes their narrow way of play directly for the benefit.
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  4. Sigmundr Rumare

    Your logic is flawless, I applaud you.:rolleyes:
  5. Sigmundr Rumare

    And no, my outfit is already figuring out how we can use this change to cut down our mass redeploy times even more (not that 1-2 minutes to move an entire platoon onto point on the opposite side of the map is long anyway.)'

    But what it does is make PS2's main redeeming quality, it's scale, even less important, by making that map feel smaller, and smaller.
  6. ajma

    Yes change.
  7. Torok

    They're probably mostly lonewolfs, and as such they're scared that they will get owned hard by Outfits, finally having tools at their disposition, to make more than what a random could do alone before.
    When people will see what you can do with those new mechanics, they will either start thinking seriously about joining platoon / outfits, and thus improving, or simply being cannon fodder against the other empires outfits.

    In my post there's room for both "Change" and "Forward" which put together makes for an Improvement over the current gameplay.
    I don't see any harm in these changes, it'll be troublesome and sometimes hard to deal with at first but hey, everyone gets this.
    Everyone can make the best out of it, are you gonna complain or activate yourself to help your Faction with Sunderers & Galaxies? It's your call!
  8. acksbox

    I'm not too keen on these changes either. I don't think it will "break" the game, but I do think they will be highly detrimental to base defense in a game that already offers little incentive to hold territory rather than recapture territory.

    Catering to the lowest common denominator, two thirds of whom don't have the experience to make informed decisions regarding these aspects of play, is not going to make the game better for much of anyone.
  9. faykid

    Haters, haters everywhere. Community has been crying out for galaxy deploy for ages, now SOE gives it to us - and people complain! What an actual *&%$?
  10. Nintyuk

    No this is a great change, And I personally can't wait. It will almost be like HART Shuttles.
  11. Giggily

    You have no idea what you're talking about.
  12. acksbox

    You do realize that most of these probably aren't the same people?

    I've never been in favor of galaxy deploy. I think AMS equipped sunderers and beacons are bad enough. If I had my way, everyone would spawn at the warpgate and warpgate only. That way the game would have some actual logistics and a supply chain to protect or disrupt.
  13. ThreePi

    Expanding spawn options in general is a bad thing. While acksbox up there is maybe a little too extreme in suggesting everyone spawns at warpgate, there is a point that this game seriously lacks logistics when it comes to fighting. Response times is something that should be an important aspect to this game, if a base is being captured, how long it takes to mobilize and travel to the destination should be a factor, but it isn't because with redeploy hopping that time is effectively a minute or two from anywhere on the server. The reason why Galaxies aren't used is because of how easy it is to already get to a fight, shoehorning a new function like this is just going to lead to abuse, like when The Enclave famously abused the hotdropping feature to move platoons worth of players all around the map.

    You want to make Galaxies more useful? The easy change is to make it so Redeploy/Suicide gives you two spawn options 1)the hex you were in, or 2) your Warpgate.

    Secondly, the benefit of working in a squad should be the increased organization and coordination it provides. That's how it was in Planetside 1. There shouldn't need to be squad-specific toys that give players a distinct advantage over other players. Squad beacons are annoying enough, more squad-specific spawn options is a bad direction to go.
  14. EmperorPenguin5

    Yeah this is an idea stolen from BF3/4.
    What the hell SOE...
    God damnit guys seriously...
    They don't ******* think at all about how this affects the game because THEY DON'T play their game at all.
    ITs sickening...
    They should know how their game works. They should know every strategy that would be implemented and what is available to their players but they don't..
    I DEMAND Episodes viewing them and their design process that makes them come up with this ****...
  15. TomoB

    Well geez, seems that there's some use coming for anti tank mines. Now I can plant them inside bases in front of gate shields and wait for sweet sunderer points.
  16. siiix

    gate diffuser and ams are a useless new combo because of the no deploy zones... it would have been great many months ago but now it irrelevant and useless

    i dont even understand why this is popular tread, this will change nothing
  17. Elrobochanco

    This thread is a hilarious mash of people who think the sky is falling but don't understand the current game well enough to see how small of a change it is for spawning and how large of a change it is for vehicle play. This is going to make the game better for ESF, Tanks, and squad players across the board.
  18. Taemien

    There is some merit to what you are saying.

    Personally I would love to see more and more group oriented content. Not things that a zerg can use, but a well coordinated squad. If a platoon can swap out members in a squad to get them all to pile out of a Sundy.. more power to them. But I doubt that is what these spawn changes will cause, at least not on any extended scale.

    I think there is plenty of content for the lonewolves. You spawn a tank, join the other zerglings and pelt a base until you take it and move on to the next one, or the enemy zerg gets lucky and takes out your zerg, rinse and repeat. There's plenty of content that allows for that.

    But there needs to be more things for coordinated groups to use. There is a discussion about breaking zergs and I commented on actually how useless vehicles are to higher end players. They drop on a point, take the point, redeploy and take another point. They don't have any uses for Sunderers. And the only use for Galaxies is to get them on point.

    These changes are a step in helping those high end squads actually have a use for Gal's other than a taxi. It also gives them a reason to use Sunderers.. even if its only a little more often.

    Now we just need a reason to get them into Tanks, ESF, and Libs. Yeah.. we hear about how these honorable dogfighters are good at what they do. But a guy who is at a 47.3 KDR vs other ESF in duels is doing literally nothing for those high end squads. They don't want him and don't need him. So in reality he's just a zergling helping other zerglings kill other zerglings and others like him.

    When I speak of high end squads, I mean the ones who have the same people in them day after day, week after week. Not PUGs. There needs to be more options to those people who work together day in and day out. This way more and more players are drawn to them.

    Think about it in other MMOs. Those peeps who run groups and raids together everyday, or if they PVP they are using Premades. Out of all of SOE's games this one is the most Solo friendly, and I think a bone needs to be thrown at the more non-casual players.
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  19. NinjaTurtle

    I took a **** when I read these notes and got very concerned about the gate diffuser + ams combo.

    As long as no deploy zones persist there is no great issue
  20. Orpheus66

    I guess one has to ask the question, why did they removed this in the first place?!? In Beta you were able to deploy on galaxies so why did they take it out when game went to live?

    Also, it's not like you can spawn in a galaxy in transit, the thing has to set down then deploy.