Anyone NOT like the Gauss SAW?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Starlight288, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Coltorl

    It needs to be buffed to be in line with the em6 with .06 per shot and.4 moving
  2. Psykmoe

    Bigger bullets means slower rof and more bloom per shot. Or do 167dmg LMGs secretly need to be buffed to the 143dmg class 0.05 bloom per shot?
  3. AmazingPaladin

    I used to hate it but now I hate everything else.
  4. HerpTheDerp

    You do realize that EM6 has lower per shot bloom because it has higher rate of fire, right?

    If we calculate bloom per unit of time(bloom per shot * fire rate):

    SAW: 0.07 * 500 = 35
    EM6: 0.06 * 600 = 36

    EM6 blooms more than SAW.
  5. Coltorl

    It's also easier to hit targets with the EM6 than it is with the Saw. The high starting moving CoF is what kills the Saw in my eyes. Your first bullet won't even hit.

    The high moving CoF of the gauss saw means that you can't even hit the first bullet. I see no reason why it deserves .5 and .07 per shot, it's why the gun will never have a use in effective competitive play, because the EM6 has more DPS and it's far easier to hit targets with.
  6. Moisture

    Then dont fire often while moving, Pretending its a assault rifle.
    This really isnt a problem using it in a more supportive or defending role. or just adjusting habits around this weapon.
    You look at this weapon form an incorrect comparison perspective.
  7. Unclematos7

    "The first shot of the SAW is pinpoint accurate if you're stationary"

    The ADS accuracy of all weapons except for the Repeater is pinpoint accurate on the first shot. So no advantage there.
  8. HerpTheDerp

    You're preaching to the choir, I am probably the biggest "SAW hater" on these forums. But that doesn't mean we should spread misinformation about.
  9. Balthor

    Nope. Most weapons have a nearly perfect accuracy on their first shot, but only some have zero percent deviation (mainly sniper rifles and some other guns). If I recall correctly, it's the first number that appears under the "aiming down sights" stat in-game, and in the case of the gauss SAW, it's 0.
    Other than that, the "GodSAW" is not so godly at all... Just use the EM6 or GD-22s and youre done
  10. cruczi

    I find Gauss SAW extremely good for medium range, you can string together accurate bursts which are often enough kill the target thanks to the high damage per round. It basically sucks for CQC though
  11. Epic High Five

    Da SAW rulez

    Don't use a scope >2x though unless you want to feel like you're shooting from a roller coaster. The minimum damage on this gun is equal to the maximum damage of any other primary in the game (aside from the Reaper/X11) and the first 4-5 shots are damn near perfectly accurate. What more could you want in a weapon? A 100 round mag? oh wait

    Bursting someone down at 30m as fast as an SMG infil does at 5 will NEVER get old.
  12. NCstandsforNukaCola

    Don't forget hitting 3 bullets in enemies' head less than 10m
    Sometimes I'm impressed by saw
    Even nanoweave and resist shield cannot block those 3 shots
    • Up x 1
  13. asdfPanda

    It's really punchy, but it blooms way too much for me. The recoil isn't the problem for me, the bloom is. Random should never be in fps games, which is what bloom creates.
  14. KnightCole

    I love ur sig, thats great stuff.
  15. acksbox

    I completely disagree with this.

    Some degree of random chance and variation is absolutely critical to plausibility, and there is nothing about FPS games, even fantasy ones like PS2, that needs to make some degree of plausibility a bad thing.
  16. Unclematos7

    And now a Gauss SAW story.

    I am an Infiltrator trialing the KSR-35 and I'm running around killing random NC. Suddenly a HA with the SAW pops up right in front of me. I ADS, he ADSes and pops the shield. I win. That's right. The class with the least durability carrying a semi automatic long range weapon beat the class with the most durability carrying a fully automatic mid-long weapon IN CLOSE RANGE. He was BR 30something too so he probably had a basic idea of what's what in this game.

    Such a fail of a gun.
  17. KnightCole

    Ive been beat by Infils with those semi auto hand cannon weapons while using my SAW. And yeah, its ******** most times, cuz its not like I dont put 10 rounds in his face and body before he kills me.....I mean, 167x10....1670dmg? Lol....
  18. Psykmoe

    This is simply not true. Stationary first-shot cone of fire in automatic weapons (except SMGs, which have terrible first shot accuracy in ADS) is tied to bullet damage.

    200 damage guns: 0 cone. 167 damage guns: 0.03 cone of fire. 143 damage guns: 0.1 (~3 times that of 167dmg guns). SMGs: 0.3, regardless of bullet damage.

    Obviously the first shot cone of fire is so small it's irrelevant unless you're sniping with a 143dmg gun for some reason.

    But it has further implications: Keep in mind, that 143dmg guns kill a target in 7 shots up close and 8 at max distance.

    167dmg guns kill in 6 shots up close and 7 at max distance.

    200 damage guns kill in 5 shots up close and 6 at max distance.

    Now let's see how bad the scary bloom on the SAW really is.

    On the first shot, bloom values are as follows: SAW: 0, EM6, 0.03, EM1, 0.1

    Second shot: 0.07, 0.09, 0.15.

    Third shot: 0.14, 0.15, 0.2

    Fourth shot: 0.21, 0.21, 0.25

    Fifth shot: 0.28, 0.27, 0.3 At close range, the SAW has killed its target at this point.

    Sixth shot: 0.35, 0.33, 0.35. Even at Maximum damage loss, a SAW or Reaper target is dead now. Close range EM6 targets are dead.

    Seventh: 0.42, 0.39, 0.4: The SAW is overkilling now, while the EM6 kills regardless of range and the EM1 up close.

    Eight: 0.49, 0.45, 0.45: Finally, 143dmg LMGs kill at all ranges.

    So, if you are stationary, the SAW produces less bloom per kill than the other guns at all ranges, which means greater accuracy. In ANY scenario involving sitting still and using sensible burst control (up to 6 bullets) the SAW has less total bloom because it starts at 0. However, if you are the type to hold down the button and walk the gun onto the target, it'll get worse after that.

    The REAL downside to the SAW is that its ADS moving starting cone of fire is 0.5 compared to 0.4 on most LMGs and 0.35 on a handful (T32 Bull, MSW-R, GD-22S, Anchor, NS-15M). Yes, if you sit still you can fart out 8 shots and still have less total bloom than if you move and fire a single shot.

    This is the big, legit gripe about the SAW. People complaining about the 0.07 per shot bloom to the 0.06 on the 167dmg guns just look like they don't understand the gun stat display very well. Only snipers are more punishing about ADS movement than the SAW. If you think the SAW blooms too much during bursts, you're either holding down the trigger way too long or moving when the SAW wants you to sit still. The per-shot bloom is not the problem. Moving is. I don't need to explain why having to sit still to be accurate at range can be a detriment. I'm personally a great fan of 0.35 moving ADS LMGs like the GD-22S and NS-15M because I like strafing and I don't want to be punished so heavily for it.
    • Up x 1
  19. Epic High Five

    This is actually just a good example of how little guns actually matter in this game. If you aim for the head, you will win, regardless of anything else.

    Anyway, that's just one example from someone who was also moving and thus tanking the superior accuracy of someone standing still or (and this is what I like to do) crouching and uncrouching. I've got coming up on 5000 kills with my SAW and another 2500 between my X11 and Reaper, and I do 90% of my fighting in the 0-30m range that the SAW is supposedly **** at.

    ADS, pop heads, collect certs. Da SAW rulez

    This is my experience as well. The SAW is just no-frills accurate. It's not going to hold your hand and rub your feet or anything, it's going to give you ridiculous damage and TTK at all ranges so long as you play by its rules.

    And if you can't find a way to stop-fire-move-stop-fire-move playing a tank class with an overshield then you need to seriously re-evaluate how you play.
  20. Nakar

    Well, the way I play is I don't stop moving because that gets me shot in the head as you mentioned above. So I'm generally finding the GD-22S and Anchor more useful in that respect. Really intrigued by the SAW S and wanting to try it out though, but the Anchor has SPA too so it's kinda meh.