Heroic Boost question

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JasonVoorhees, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. JasonVoorhees

    I read on earlier threads that heroic boost gives extra XP and resources. The 7 day boost is either xp or resource not both.

    The Heroic Boost in game now just says XP. So did they change it or were people wrong in earlier threads about this?
  2. Greddy

    They changed it to only XP.
  3. Sen7rygun

    There was an initial **** up on SOEs part with the last run of heroic sales. In game you only got the weapon pack and a 6 month exp boost. On the online sale, you got what was the equivalent of an alpha squad boost for all 3 factions which was exp, resources etc.

    They changed the online sale content as soon as they realised the error but a lot of people scored resource/exp boosters for the 6 month period. Bank error in favor of some.