Wrel is right stop making these changes to the game mechanics that make ps2 less fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wallonthefloor, Jan 17, 2014.

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  1. Wallonthefloor

    I am BR 100 and agree 100% with this video I think it needs shared, I think it needs listened to and the devs need to get on this. I don't want to see this game go in the wrong direction as we head near its ps4 release.

    The Youtube video
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  2. Kuriby

    Wrel hit it SMACK on. His points don't just go for PS2 but for every single new generation FPS since Halo began its creep on catering to casual players.

    I've said it before on other videos, i've said it on various fps forums. Games these days are trying to make more money and catering towards casuals by making their games "easier", and also requiring less skill. Overall, it lowers the skill ceiling.

    This causes the skill gap between veterans and newbies to shrink substantially, which is complete and utter ludicrous. IMO, I personally believe if games keep heading in this direction their will be a second crash in the gaming industry.

    Wrel said it perfectly. Everyone has their own personal goals in every game. But 95% of players always want to get BETTER. When games, such as BF4, CoD, and even PS2 start making the skill ceilings lower and lower. You eventually reach your "best" too early, and frankly too easily.

    Game developers need to find a balance between catering towards casuals, and designing their games with high skill ceilings. Like Wrel said, if they keep lowering the "skill" aspects out of games they are essentially taking out what is "fun" about a game.

    Anyone want to play a FPS game where everyone's mouse movements, walking movements, and aim capabilities are all exactly the same? Nope, I doubt it.

    Great Video Wrel.
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  3. doombro

    Very valid point. A lot of the reason why I put 2000+ hours into CoD4 was for the crazy glitches I could use to get around and do interesting things. Bouncing was an insane thing that had unlimited potential for gameplay. I put most of my time into that, probably. And then comes along the newer CoDs. I put less than 20 hours into any of those, because they had literally nothing beyond the core gameplay to them.
  4. Syrathin

    It's already being shared, In that thread on the front page.
  5. Pikachu

    Might be necessary because the price of making games keeps rising as hardware evolves and allows games to evolve and raises the expectations. Took 8 months to make a game in the mid 90s. Today it takes 5 years.
  6. SOE-MOD-19

    Thread locked. Please keep discussions on the same topic to one thread when possible.
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