Server Downtime January 17th, 2014 at 12:15 AM PT (9:15 AM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Jan 17, 2014.

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  1. Felkuro

    Logging in Always takes so damned long after a patch...... /cry :(
  2. JonboyX

    Servers came up over two hours ago.
    What was that explanation about stress on servers again?
  3. Jetamp95

    so im stuck at 96% loading when i click play :(
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  4. Bowl

    I've been in the loading screen long enough that I noticed the Magrider in the far right of the image appears in front of the Vanguard, when it should be behind.
    Either that or it's a tiny Magrider. That would be neat.
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  5. Jetamp95

    scratch that after 5-8 minutes it finally loadded
  6. Moki11

    I just hope mattherson server gets the warping issue fixed for a few dozen players
  7. FliegerPanzer

    liers. 1 hour right?
  8. FliegerPanzer

    idc your american servers, fix this goddamn 96% club
  9. Pathiean

    I finally log in and I get awarded a whopping 12 cert points after all that downtime..mind you I have the highest level of membership. Of course my 7 day boost timer kept on ticking away. They really need to find a way to sync this stuff cause it kinda makes me not want to buy boosts anymore.
  10. SniperShot187

    I haven't played this game yet but i downloaded it yesterday when the servers were also down. Well i tried to hit play and it closed the game and sent me to the website where it told me to register a new account. Is this happening because I haven't even played the game yet? Thanks for reading this.
  11. skuko

    i'm going to be blunt and straight - even though i understand the problems, as a customer, i don't care about what problems they get when login servers are enabled. it's SOE, they should by now know how much bandwidth they need to assure a smooth logon....this happens after every patch!

    i would understand if this happened maybe two or three times, but it happens all the time! by now, this problem shouldn't exist at all.
  12. Psychopoweranger

    No its not because you're new more than likely, recently they have been doing a terrible job of getting servers back up after a patch. You'll have to be patient
  13. SniperShot187

    OK thank you. :)
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  14. Jetamp95

    Connery is down D:
  15. Slapnutts

    Well dang. I was runnin' game on Esamir (Connery). VS was sucking the end of my Titan. Just how I like it. It's alright though. See y'all soon!
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  16. Gleerok

    Double xp
  17. Jetamp95

    thats what we do best xD
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    Double xp was on before it went down.
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  19. Jetamp95

    how long will connery be down for ?
  20. Snipe-yo-face-yall

    No!!! Why does it have to be Connery! XD Poor me...
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