Have players dumbed down to just using C4?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fredfred, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. tekknej

    i know, right... even when i fly in my little cute scythe and get fairypooped by c4 all the time. even when i try to hide at the flight ceiling. it's crazy how they also buffed c4 damage vs ESF recently. how am i supposed to counter that? seems like air game is over for now.
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  2. NC_agent00kevin

    I love the C4 Warriors. Cert Fodder. And the Rocket Warriors too. I blew up a sunderer once to have 9 Heavy Assaults pop out and proceed to chase me across open terrain wildly firing rockets. It was hilarious, and lucrative for me. Fighting at Quartz Ridge last night a steady stream of C4 Heroes kept gliding off the towers; they all died. The funniest part is killing them with their own C4.
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  3. blashyrk92

    2 C4s aren't enough to destroy a sunderer. If your plan was to deploy a sunderer then leave it out there alone while some guy with a C4 sets it on fire with his 2 C4s and it blows up 30s after that - you only have yourself to blame.
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  4. NinjaTurtle

    Or people are not defending their sunderers effectively
  5. vsae

    You guys quite misunderstand me. Its not just about one lone LA trying to blow the sunderer up, its a trend among people to try to blow any armor up as soon as they see it or know where it is. You can place sunderer with 2 AI weapons right outside the base and just watch numerous medics, engis and LAs heading your way and farm them and thats fine. What is not fine is when you're not running dual AI weapons and going for the point with 10 out of 12 people from the squad. Whoever cares to defend the base goes straight for the sunderer instead of cap point. This is literally like that. They know they can harm you alot, and it just makes them want to do it.
    Lets now imagine that most of the bases have well known sunderer placement spots or have no cover at all except the base walls, which makes it even easier to blow up the spawn point.
    If you place it farther with no cover, you will be a nice target practice for people standing ON walls.
    There is no middle ground, therefore the C4 are THAT effective, but because there will be no major base redesigns, because obviously, devs arent going to do that, C4 MUST be toned down. And again, I'm not talking about 48+vs48+ zerg fights with the squad of people able to defend sunderer, but about small to medium fights where you either cap a point and defend it or you defend a sunderer and eventually lose everything.
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  6. blashyrk92

    I'm not sure where you're going with this. Of course they're going for the sunderer first because destroying the AMS is what enables them to defend the base and effectively win the fight.

    Also, the smaller the fight, the easier it is to protect your sunderer as long as you have anyone there to protect it. AV weapons work just as well on C4 wielders as AI weapons (though this also applies in any given scenario and SOE should really nerf AI capabilities of AV weapons across the board IMHO, but that's a whole different topic).

    And it takes about 5 seconds to deploy and then detonate both C4s, not counting the time needed to get to point blank range of the sunderer - all in all just enough time for whoever is defending the sunderer to spot them and neutralize them.
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  7. Cinnamon

    This game needs more counters that target camping vehicles and vehicles in "infantry" zones more than moving vehicles in the open. Not less. Spawning system is another problem.
  8. Fredfred

    I made this thread not because I am sick of being C4'ed. Rather, I am sick of killing so many people trying to C4 me. Yes, there are a few that eventually make it to me and successfully c4 me. However, that is after killing several kamikazes, and I am not talking about one or two people doing it, I am talking about squads worth.
    It seems like a lot of players just want to play lone wolf or lack team coordination to take out a vangaurd, max or even one HA/Infil. Do players not have access to other means of fighting other than C4?
    And, no, you do not have to be in melee range to c4 a tank or max.
    But, why am I complaining, these guys are easy kills.
  9. Zakum

    Where did you get this image?
  10. Fredfred

    Basically describes PS2 in the last couple of weeks. Should include all other classes too.
  11. faykid

    C4 users are audacious and make me feel nothing but respect. I can only blame myself if they get me - they deserved it.

    Now, I say this because they die before detonation way too often, and sometimes they don't even have time to push the button. It is high risk high reward tool, and there is nothing wrong with it now.

    Remember, its was nerfed as the result of the latest balance passes.
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  12. NeonNoodle

    I would trade C4 for AI mines in a heart beat.

    I've been killed 6 times by C4, 7-8 times by AV mines, and countless times by rocket launchers in a little over 90 hrs of tanking. I don't think C4 is that big of a problem. Some people seem to really like moving their vehicles inside bases or try to camp on bridges...
  13. maxkeiser

    I don't think C4 is a problem. I've not found it to be (I don't use it myself).
  14. Larolyn

    He is trying to Auraxium the C85. NC shotgun on a tank. He is NC. I know he is NC cause of the weapon he said he was using.
  15. Seuchensaal

    The day they make AV-mines working again properly I stop using C4 with my engineer. Or maybe not. C4 is quite fine.

    If someone C4´s me while I camp somewhere with my tank or overextend and do not have an eye on the map... my fault. His XP.

    Mostly I see the fairy, pull back some meters, see him dropping on the ground because the fuel is empty and the fairy goes "Boom!" with a giant shell in his face. :)
  16. Midnightmare

    Seems as bad as always to me :)

    i guess the real issues is more solid ways to counter MAX's as a infantry.
  17. Tuco

    Awesome cartoon drawing.

    I can't draw worth a damn.

    The only classes which should NOT have access to C4 is the cloaker and the flying monkies.
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  18. DelusionsOfGrandeur

    Same here, I use C4 for Max removal and that's about it. Some times my squad will ask for several of us ( Light Assaults ) to blitz a target and give it the ol' C4 ******* treatment but it's very few and far between. As for people dumbing down and just using C4? I haven't noticed and I'm sure I could count my deaths by C4 on one hand for the last six months. What I have noticed is the incessant use of AV mana turrets and lock-ons, and then to add to the lock-on **** train SOE has more of them in the works being trialed on the test server. C4 is the least of my worries.
  19. BadAsElite

    The problem is with C4 is that its not been balanced properly in the way it deals damage.

    C4 on vehicles for example is classic.

    Main Battle Tanks being destroyed by 2 C4 bricks to the front is lazy game design and balance.

    What I would suggest is that C4 would only deal 25% damage of a MBT health pool to the front of the tank (4 C4 to the front to destroy).
    Aswell as 33% to the side. (3 C4 to the side to destroy)
    Leaving the rear to be 50% damage per a C4 brick to rear of the tank killing it out right by rewarding players by flanking. (2 C4 to the rear to destroy)

    I would even suggest somthing similar for the lightning, as it currently requires 2 C4 bricks to destory one anyway the same as it takes to destroy a MBT which is unbalanced.

    1 C4 to the front of a lightning = 50% of lightnings health pool (2 C4 to the front to destroy). 1 C4 to the side of a lightning = 75% of health pool. (2 to the side to destory)
    1 to the rear = a instant kill. (1 to the rear to destroy)

    Balance would be restored.
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  20. Fredfred

    Like I said, I am not upset in anyway when I die from C4. It is just so many people dropping what they are doing just to run towards a vehicle, max or infantry just to c4 it. Most of the time they die, and when you see this many people sacrificing their play time just to put some c4 on instead of using a whole heap of better and more efficient counters... just prefer the c4.... as in, they have no idea what else to do.