I did not log in to help you.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by smokemaker, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. Evil Lyn

    The spawn shield warrior tells other people they should "leave the box", be brave, and venture outside.
    Please tell me you see the irony here. I'ts not just me, right?
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  2. smokemaker

    its more for fun atm...tell me the forums have not been dull the last few months...

    I was pissed for a few seconds after the TK but then enjoyed trolling said player.

    And finally are you saying people in planetside 2 do not have the right to play the game their own way?

  3. Cirevam

    Honestly, I don't get why someone would TK someone else who is simply standing in a spawn room. It's a different story if they're firing on enemies from the spawn room (sitting in spawn + fighting enemies = spawnroom warrior) but maybe this guy is changing stuff in his loadouts, restocking explosives, waiting just one more minute for the next resource tick to pull a MAX, or checking the map and setting waypoints for his squad. You can be a team player without running around and shooting people. Some people don't seem to realize that.

    At least, if I were in the TKer's position, I would assume the OP was basically AFK or doing one of the things I described. Or maybe nature called, I don't know. Stuff happens.
  4. Typhoeus

    I rarely see this but it did happen just this past weekend during a biolab alert some platoon leader of a sizeable outfit was borderline raging in proxy chat inside a teleporter room urging people to get out and fight or that they would be removed from platoon (I left at this point). Thing is his platoon had been locked into that one room for the past twenty minutes getting insta gibbed the moment they stepped out. Pops were at 50/50 and we all know once an enemy is well dug in, it's practically impossible to take a biolab with even numbers. The sole reason for feeding them easy kills was to "keep them busy" so that the forces farming us wouldn't be bothering anyone else on our faction. This can be a legitimate strategy but I want to see results on the world map showing this is paying off, which it wasn't, far from.

    It's ok to want to help out your faction, but sometimes I wish leaders would consider if their squad/platoon is having any fun and if they know they aren't, at least is their sacrifice paying off? If not, do something else, anything really! PL's need to react much quicker to lost battles and come up with new plans rather then keep fighting a lost fight for twenty+ minutes screaming at people to keep dying. Sorry sometimes I just want to poke TR command in the eyeball ^^
  5. HadesR

    Let's be honest though, it seems the majority of the player base don't even know what they are doing themselves .. And you expect them to judge what someone else is doing ? :p
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  6. smokemaker

    Now reading is only 1 part of the skills needed to pass information thru words. One must also comprehend what is being said....

    I had already been out and about sniping with my light assualt and shotty w/ slugs... had a good run that ended with a sniper bullet to my brain pan.... so after i respawned in the spawn room, i sat back and started to smoke a bowl....

    Even if i was just sitting in the spawn room shooting thru the shields, are you saying a player in planetside 2 has no rights to play this game their way? That they MUST help their team?

  7. ExquisitExamplE

    Honestly, I wish I could get this much enjoyment from playing PS2.
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    How people play the game is really up to them. What I am saying is, why make a thread about it.
  9. RipperTR

    And yet your KD is only 2.6?
  10. WorldOfForms

    If I have a choice for a teammate between:

    A) Player who is selfish, doesn't actively help the team, but also never TKs (unless TKed first)

    B) Super team player who dictates how I should play, and if I happen to have to get up to grab my kid who is crying, leaving me AFK in the spawn room, he TKs me.

    I'll take player A every day of the week. There is nothing wrong with what player A does. He is an ally. Player B is an enemy.
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  11. Metaltoys

    It's ok man. I'll find some useful players to take back the bases so you don't have to sit in the warp gate with the rest of the spawn room heroes.
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  12. Astriania

    Sitting in a spawn or teleporter room is totally useless. Sometimes it is impossible to push that base even with a coordinate 4 squad MAX crash (and in biolabs that can happen), though it's rare ... but in that case your platoon will have a lot more fun redeploying to a different fight. Even if it's a biolab alert, go jump a different lab and use that platoon to secure the SCU gen room before the opponents get there or something. Yes, a platoon leader's first responsibility is to the fun of his platoon, but spawn camping is never going to provide that, and it's additionally not strategically valuable which excuses some other unfun activities like ghost capping or trying to slow an enemy zerg down with a tiny force.

    I wouldn't go so far as to TK but shouting at people in proxy chat? That's fair enough (and I hear it quite often in biolabs on Miller NC).
  13. Monkeydmomo

    KD padding is killing players, which is what I enjoy doing I play and fps to shoot at players. I play the game for the kill feed, nothing hard to understand
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  14. smokemaker

    Because there ARE players out there that believe you logged in to help them.
    And if you do not, you are to be killed.
    This has happened repeatedly to many players.
    You can see some of them here in this very thread....

    aka "if you are not helping me you are worthless"

    I say I am not here to help you and enjoy playing the game my way.

    Do you have an issue with either side of this coin?
  15. smokemaker

    Thank you.

    I read your reply again now. And ... Mother of god, what??? In no way has your relpy made sense to what I commented. Is this the twilight zone?
  17. Monkeydmomo

    Yes, because before hand I was one of the brain washed guys believing that I had to bust my balls for the "empire." I then joined Zaps, and learned to enjoy the game. My kd has slowly escalated since, it would be higher if I hadn't stopped playing the game for personal reasons and wasn't against the idea of padding with lolpods. Yes I have a crap load of hours flying but that's with the fuel tanks and rotary. I enjoy flying and fighting 1 vs 1s or 1 vs 3s and taking dumps at the ground pounder ****ters who don't bother to engage an enemy esf as I fly over them. I also like running my magrider but not for the sake of infantry farm but for the sake of destroying zerg armor or shooting down esfs/libs with my fpc.

    Look, I asked a question on why make a thread about something that every single one of us in PS2 deal with on a daily basis. If 10% of the player base on on PS2 had to make a thread about something like this, the forums would be filled with senseless threads. Onmce again your reply ahs got zero to to do with my reply.
  19. uhlan

    Thank you for this post.

    I am constantly amazed by the absolute selfishness on both sides of the issue. Some of it is so obtuse I can't help but laugh.

    Now, for those turds out there, go away and soothe your mind in a vat of pimple cream, lower your blood pressure and come down from your testosterone infused reasoning.

    That said, enjoy the game in any way you see fit... just remember there are other people with various levels of knowledge and skill out there trying to have a good time.

    The game NEEDS players to remain epic. Try not to be a jerk and be a team player as much as you can possibly stand it. Use leadership and LEAD by example if you want something done.

    Stop confusing cowardice (WTF!?!?) with racking up free certs delivered by morons who charge spawn rooms. When you're a new player, those certs are like gold.

    Eventually, they'll rack up handsomely and you won't need to camp so much. Even so, smack those idiots in the nose with a well placed round at every opportunity. If they're that dumb they deserve to have their cert taken... repeatedly. Consider your bullets like a careful bop on the nose by a rolled-up newspaper to an out-of-control dog.

  20. ColdCheezePizza

    Theres so many ways to fluff your k/d in this game that its a joke, its like bragging how many tickets you won in Chucke Cheese. Some of the best players in the game I know like Kudochop have garbage k/d but are probably better than 95% of the playerbase.
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