VS MAX just a snowman now

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Broadcaster, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. minhalexus

    the VS max is great, i made a VS account, and tried the basic VS max (no upgrades) and went on a 74 killstreak in a biolab fight.
    (i died a few times but was revived so it didnt count in KD)
  2. P149U3

    No power huh?How does one do this then?
  3. Alox

    The MAX units from all three factions are still very strong. No matter the state of shield, lockdown and zoe. The VS has not stopped using their MAX unit, they have stopped using ZOE with their MAX unit.
  4. P149U3

    I prefer to have an extra 5 clips of ammo anyway. Of anything ZOE just makes you more vulnerable.
  5. GlyphZero

    i maxed charge and got auto repair on my VS max and alternate between blueshift and comets. if you think the vs max sucks you're just doing it wrong. still waiting to take targets out from 600m away on NC max and ageis shield to work right(again). still waiting for lockdown(maxed on my TR) to do something besides make me a target.
  6. Nerd Mode

    People in an uproar about ZOE being useless now and not used, welcome to TR Lockdown. Worst ability ever.
  7. Hodo

    So bad I won't even invest in it. But hey, it is equal to the shield that the NC MAX gets. Both are equally bad so at least that is balanced.
  8. lyravega

    Everyone forgets one thing that OP said. OP wishes he had those certs back. Well, they did, it's his problem that he re-invested again.

    Also, good that ZOE got nerfed. Now NC/TR maxes can go toe against toe, no longer a VS max pops ZOE and everyone dies shortly after.
  9. Mxiter

  10. OldMaster

    The first thing I thought after the pu2 patch was: why are all the VS Maxes running toward my tank and get farmed?? I guess the only reason was that after 6 month of OP Zoe, they lost all their skills... They were used to the "easy win mode"
  11. Snoozzzer

    Still the best. Blueshifts rock so hard, as do Cosmos'. Crab arms intimidate the enemy. l2p, kthxbai

  12. Shadowhunter1

    we should put ZOE back the way it was, in turn give the NC the FULL shield like PS1 and the ability to fire, 1/4 walk speed while active. give TR their insane ROF from PS1 with lock down, and their bouncing grenade pounds from PS1 as well. VS keep ZOE as it is and the jump jets back. everyone is happy.
  13. Ceskaz

    No, I wouldn't be happy
  14. Xasapis

    The MAX itself is fine. I think the title of this thread is misleading. The ZOE ability is another matter. It was nerfed to oblivion so NC and TR players feel better (which worked, considering the overwhelming population dominance of NC this winter). The MAX itself though, the weapons and the modules and the whole setup is just fine and is working great.

    Perhaps I'm biased though, considering that I found the former ZOE weak (unfitting to a tanking unit) and thus the current ZOE garbage and was using prior and now Charge.
  15. Venger

    I came here to Post my 40 kill streak tonight with my level 15 VS MAX. But I see that isnt needed from the other posts here. Its fine. Itno longer has an IWIN button. Get better at the game.

  16. P149U3

    ZOE never was a IWIN button it was a shoot me I take 33% more damage and kill me faster button.
    Also you didn't even get close to a 40 kill streak so don't flatter yourself. You die, streak ends, it doesn't start again when you get rezzed
  17. DocteurVK

    TLDR :

    Except for occasional use, take charge for your all-rounder loadout...

    I'm happy I never certed ZOE, was too much imbalanced and now too much of a "weaker" charge... :p

    BTW, even if NCs' aegis is not an easy to use ability, the gameplay related to it seems very entertaining... I wish we had other nice abilities...