Server Downtime for PU02 December 17, 2013 9:30 AM PT (6:30 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. PaperCutWeasel

    Geez you guys went overkill on nerfing the vulcan... this isn't going to help Connery's population crisis, with the overspill of NC, its just a jumble of nerfs and slight buffs... also anticipating hossin and Nexus
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  2. pavelman

    bravo! servers are not available!:rolleyes:
    people draw conclusions, we were thrown!:rolleyes:
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  3. Basher

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  4. pizo1

    Why are you TR whining about Vulcan nerf,that gun can rip lightning in less than one clip,and above all taht his 3 times agile that tank so.........
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  5. Sjelden

    I dont expect many to read anything from page 35 on a patch note thread. Either way, I can rant like anyone else.

    Obivously, everyone is more or less biased. Most (if not all) play mainly on one faction, and prefer one particular toolset. Any nerf to this toolbox makes us go "Dammit!"

    There are a few things I did recognize that makes me go hmm though.

    • All MAX AV weapons except the VS Vortex have had their damage infantry reduced.
    TR and NC AV MAX damage reduced. But not VS.
    VS MAX gets nerfed, and cert points gets refunded.
    Now, on my server, Vanu totally dominate all alerts. I seldom bother go into Vanu territory because it feels futile. So I admit, I hate Vanu - with a passion. Its the color... its making my eyes bleed.
    So any goodie-package to the Vanu is simply herecy!
    But seriously - do everyone at Sony play purple Vanu?
    I cannot recall certs being refunded in previous patches (Albeit - I have not read them all).
    And what are the reasons for leaving VS MAX out of this nerf?
    And another Prowler-nerf. A sad day indeed.
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  6. GalliumSulfide

    • Laser Sight attachments will no longer reduce hip accuracy when jumping or sprinting
    WHAT! Nonononono augh, my dreams of certing into a Ski Assault build are over Dx
    All the damage nerfs made sense after reading to end that Nanoweave no longer provides straight health bonuses; Probably would have been better to place the Nanoweave patch note at the start of the balance patch list so people won't misunderstand.
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  7. Alizona

    Anybody have any CHEEZE to go with all the WHINE here? :)

  8. Gooey Engineer

    They nerfed the prowler ability not the max ability
  9. TerroR1337

    what about a Vanguard nerf? :) is normal for you the vanguard? TR had already problems before that ultra TR nerf, with that shamenerf terrans can just run away ;)
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  10. joey0341

  11. Awwe

    the fact that the harasser can be 3 shotted by a tank, either tank! means it must be exceptionally op........ and that is with max composite armor! it took skill to drive the harasser and dodge incoming fire all while having someone on turret who can put 4 entire clips into them before we died. if you saw the harasser as op you just needed to learn to aim
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  12. sL360

    So much nerf. I'd wait to check it out before declaring "x weapon or y vehicle is useless now"

    ....That is if we could even get in the game.
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  13. blag

    Anyone got a Cliff Notes version of what the changes are?

    Harrassers and Prowlers got their weapons toned down, I got that much. What else?
  14. cheezlelol

    I feel like the servers have been down for more then 2-3 hours...
  15. ADUILO

    Yeah, we can't get into the game and we also have moderators abusing their powers. ******* idiots!
  16. Awwe

    strafing in the mag is mostly useless since in first or third person view you still can;t see anything to the side of you, plenty of times i've been on turret for my friends mag and he tried to strafe a turret and ended up stuck inside rocks or flipped down a cliff, strafing is no advantage compared to a spinning turret or idk maybe a utility that prevents basically all damage?

    and btw if you spin your turret to the right and press w it's the exact same thing as a mag strafe
  17. misterespresso

  18. PaperCutWeasel

    LOL you should play TR on Connery, the whine will taste better
  19. TintaBux

    Stop lying to people.
  20. Solgryn

    Your point of view shades out the fact that you were effectively screaming in all caps and massive typeface for info on the patch rather than reading the first 5 pages for yourself.