Test server ZOE changes

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by SpaceKing, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. SpaceKing

    The new ZOE UI-charge-meter-thing is confusing (not sure if placeholder); you run out when it charges to halfway and wait till it's full to start again.
    It'd be less confusing if it was like the HA's shield meter - starts at full, drains, then you wait till it charges again before you can use it.

    I think it's too short; perhaps allow it to be certable to 30 seconds?

    Also, not sure if it was intended, but if you're sprinting after ZOE runs out, you just keep on runnin' at ZOE speed.
  2. Klondor

    Oh god, SOE, do not let that glitch go live. I will hate you so hard if that happens.
  3. Ibuprofen

    ZOE sprint and regular MAX sprint are the same speed now. All this means is that you get to keep sprinting at normal MAX speed after ZOE expires without having to spend 5 seconds accelerating.
  4. Klondor

    OH! That's perfectly acceptable. heheh
  5. Desann

    Seriously, a timer. Just get rid of the ability all together. The whole concept of extra damage but more damage taken is lame. Since we can't have a jetpack, I suggest we get a "drifter pack". That way a max can "drift horizontally" just like the LA drifter jet, at a slowly descending rate. Also, the drifter will allow a max to essentially "hover" if used on flat ground, giving a movement increase. The animation would be the MAX jump animation while the jetpack is active. This will allow the VS max to strafe at a "sprinting speed" and be able to use its weapons. Just remove the damage increase/increase damage taken, so I don't have to keep seeing NC and TR complaints of the ability. The ZOE is lame, so is the name..."Zoey". I hate even saying that on in game voice. Everyone hates it, except for the fact that it is nice to waste people with it, but everyone knows the ability is lame.....LAME!!!! get rid of it!

    The jetpack for VS maxes gave the VS a unique role in combat in PS1. The ability to boost above a tank made us a scary foe in open field combat. And flying over enemy walls was a great tactic as well.

    Also, Give the NC an over shield, just like in PS1. NC maxes are the kings of close quarter combat. If you wont do that, at least allow the NC max to melee with the shield, so they can be even more effective in CQC, as they SHOULD be. Everyone in PS1 knew not to go toe to toe with an NC max indoors. If I remember correctly, they were unable to fire while the shield was activated, dont quote me on that. But either way, the ability to protect themselves while reloading is nice. Also, it allows them to get out of danger with essentially extra health. OR make an over shield that reduces damage taken. Your choice. The riot shield is lame, unless it can be used in melee.

    Finally, give TR maxes a frontal waist high shield when anchored, since you have make the decimator a 1 hit max kill. Or reduce rocket damage against maxes, so that the TR can actually have a reason to anchor down and not be in fear of an easy rocket kill. This will give them some sort of frontal protection, but still be vulnerable to the sides/back.
    -also, the TR need the ability to "bounce" their pounder grenades, just like in PS1. Just add and alternate fire mode were the grandes have a 3-5 second timer, then explode. This gives a TR max the ability to attack around corners, which was what made them so effective in PS1. An anchored TR max could throw tons of grenades around corners and utilize the anchor from a safe position. In PS1, TR maxes would anchor down, side by side, and effectively suppress a hallway or staircase. Engineers would sit behind and offer repair from behind the TR wall of death. In PS1, enemies of the TR would fear a TR max wall, or suffer a quick death should they peer around the corner. In PS2, an anchored TR max is a ROFL kill with a decimator. A lot of players are deadly accurate with them.

    This is coming from a VS player.

    You developers want to come up with "new" ideas instead of implementing awesome features we all loved from PS1. I personally HATE the ZOE ability and wish it was never conceived. And instead of making the abilities awesome, everyone turns to nerfing for balance. MAXs should be FEARED in battle, not balanced so everyone can kill them with ease.
  6. Klondor

    ^ I like your TR MAX concepts. We really are in need of an overall change, the TR MAX was probably THE easiest to kill before ZOE changed. Its pretty bad, i only tend to use lockdown from behind the spawn sheilds in an outpost because i can rack up pointless kills just spraying in the direction of the enemy to a reasonable degree. I offered the idea of a coolant flush that would rev up our chainguns for maximum RoF, while suffering from movement speed penalties, but i think it's going to fall on deaf ears again.
  7. Desann

    Yeah, the thing is that in PS1, it took 3...yes THREEEEEEEEE decimators to kill a max at full health. So anchoring down wasn't such a bad idea, because you didn't fear one well placed decimator shot. The fact that an anchored TR MAX cannot move means they become decimator bait. The TR max SHOULD work as such. Anchor down in a hot spot, and have an engineer "hide" behind you and keep you alive. But with a decimator killing the max in 1 direct hit, this makes that tactic seem useless.

    So there are essentially 2 paths to fix this problem. Change the damge of missiles against MAXs. OR make give the TR MAX some sort of defensive advantage while anchored.

    Sacrificing all movement ability at the cost of vulnerability means that its not always a smart choice.

    Now as far as the ZOE is concerned, I vote that it only be a movement increase and do nothing to damage output what so ever. A small defense decrease would make it balanced.

    The basic most fundamental concept of planetside is this:

    TR: speed, firepower, numbers
    NC: Armor, damage, survive-ability
    VS: Agility, maneuverability, versatility