OK, the harasser is way to hard kill.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chilly154, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Poorform

    Nice mental gymnastics there.
  2. ObtuseCanadian

    I agree with you Poorform that the Magies did see and try to engage the Harasser, however if you count the shots that are fired compared to the actual hits, all you see is that the Magies were not the best shots. Rak was able to kill the enemy harasser and only took one hit from the harasser. He then killed two Mags by surprise and took no damage. The remaining two Mags tried to engage and had six top gun hits, and only one main gun hit. Yes, the harasser took down four mags and another harasser, but three of the enemies didn’t even know he was there until it was too late, so no real argument for OPness there. As for the two Mags who did see him, gimil217 (the driver) was able to do what the harasser was meant and designed to do, move in-and-out and evade the main guns (excellent driving by the way). Again, the harasser was not designed to be a third tank. A quick shout out to their Engineer Frater88 for a great job keeping them up and running. An excellent job all around for the three of them doing what the harasser was designed to do.
  3. Poorform

    I thought it was designed to harass, not obliterate.
  4. ObtuseCanadian

    the point is they didn't...they only engaged two mags, the rest were killed before they could defend. And those two mags weren't that accurate...if they had been up against two AV mags who were more experienced (no offence to the two crews) it would have been a lot closer. I'm only using the above video because it is here. There are plenty of videos out there where the harasser doesn't survive that long. I don't believe that the harasser should be nerfed at all, my personal opinion is that it usually comes down to the skill of those in the harasser.
  5. TheFamilyGhost

    I saw the two magriders slamming into each other disrupting the other's aim.

    What the heck were they doing so close to each other, and who told them that was a good tactic?

    The harasser driver and gunner were pretty good, but their victims were LOUSY.

    Stop blaming the game.
  6. TheFamilyGhost

  7. CNR4806

  8. MaCritz

    All the while I see TRs defending the harasser as if nothing's wrong.. They all seem to adopt what the VS used to defend ZOE maxes...

    It's the "It's killable, if you try hard enough.. If you can't aim, that's because you suck.. Stop blaming the game.." tactic..

    Double standards at its best...

    Don't get me wrong, i have no problems with ZOE getting nerfed, but this is kinda funny..
    • Up x 1
  9. KnightCole

    Exactly, not a single one of them survives a single blast from a 120-125mm HEAT/Sabot/HE...w/e the hell round.

    Small arms doesnt hurt them...some of them, but Large ordanance...lol.
  10. vulcan78

    This video is from July, and it is my understanding that the Vulcan was actually buffed two consecutive GU's in a row (again, while the Saron was simultaneously nerfed, yes this actually happened and yes I question SOE's competence/judgment) so it may actually be more powerful than shown here, you can skip ahead to the 11 minute mark for the TTK against all vehicles.

    I am still looking for videos against infantry, but from what I hear and speaking from personal experience it is very fast, no more than 3 seconds TTK, not nearly as bad as the insta-kill of the Marauder.


    I found a video that I think you will find interesting, here is footage of a Vulcan spree taking place inside of an Amp Station primarily against Infantry. Things get "exciting" (not for the Magrider operator I am afraid, again this is extremely typical, how the TR can even attempt to argue that the Vulcan isn't ridiculously OP is beyond me) at around the 2:50 mark and culminate with what appears to be the unassisted kill of an infantryman around 2:57. How many rounds fired and TTK? You be the judge.

    We're not hallucinating.

    Your faction is OP.


    Some other moronic TR poster, who I am not even going to waste my time responding to, said that "other factors were involved with our hard-earned and fair victory".

    SOE fixes the imbalance or I'm out.

    To be honest I haven't played the game in two days, and have been enjoying Bioshock: Infinite, which should be a veritable prequel to Planetside with "Father Comstock" setting up Columbia on Auraxis with the Terran Republicans at his beck and call. Being another end-less bad-guy to jump out of a corner at an Amp Station for "Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Swarzenegger in their Vulcan Harasser" has become extremely stale. Enjoy the 3+ KDR, but remember, not all of it was gotten fairly with many of us tired of crying foul-play and leaving the game for even single-player campaign only games.

    Developer 1: "Hey wouldn't it be great if we distilled the single-player campaign experience, where you, the protagonist is totally outnumbered but because of your special intelligence, skill, and superior weaponry fight and defeat waves, no hordes of enemies and instilled that into a massive multi-player online Universe?"

    Developer 2: "Oh that would be brilliant! But who would actually volunteer to be just one of the multitudinous bad-guys to be easily dispatched?"

    Developer 1: "We'll I was thinking that we would have multiple fighting factions, and some will have a certain appeal about them, say reversed engineered alien technology, hovercraft, plasma rays etc, which will lure in the dupes, mostly anime fans, and one faction, the one meant to have this distilled single-player experience will be be Fascistic, kinda like a futuristic German Third Reich, this will be the faction that has the single-player campaign experience".

    Developer 2: "What happens when the players discover the imbalance?"

    Developer 1: "We tell them that changes are planned, but we will only make minor revisions to the game, so as to keep the imbalance and central design feature, that of a single-player campaign experience in an MMO".

    Developer 1: "And we could make it Free to Play, but charge like $5 for unique items!".....
  11. NC_agent00kevin

    A weapon as forgiving, deadly and easy to use as the Vulcan is obviously imbalanced. DPS may not be the issue; the fact that its so easy to use and hard to screw up makes it's damage output a little too much. VS may be easy mode, but TR certainly do get a lions share of the imbalanced toys. I might also add that pulling double duty (AI and AV) is a significant factor. Saurons are ok for Infantry as they have a little splash, but you cant just rapid fire the shots off or they go wild. You have to hesitate and let the crosshiar go back down to 'sniping mode' before you can land the second shot - a great balance for an AV weapon as the vehicles are s large that you dont have to wait unless its extreme distances. Enforcers have downtime where you cant even fire another shot - but Vulcans spray a constant stream of bullets that have the coverage of a shotgun. You're going to hit your target, and thats that. You dont have to worry about missing a shot or if a couple bullets go wild.

    Im the kind of gamer who starts his games off on the hardest difficulty available. Its what makes games fun; a challenge. That is reflected in my 3 toons: NC BR 92, VS BR 34 and TR BR 22. Sure, feeling absurdly powerful is fun now and then, like turning the cheats on in a single player game and laying waste to everything - but when you're done you know you had a clear and overwhelming advantage and your victory had little to do with skill.
  12. Ryekir

    Simply stating that one unit is capable of beating another has absolutely no meaning. You know what else can beat a tank? Other tanks, heavy assaults, ESFs, Liberators, Heavy Assaults, Engineers, Medics, basically every single unit in the game is capable of beating a tank (similarly, the tank is capable of beating just about every other unit too).

    Medic can beat a Heavy Assault my god.
  13. vulcan78

    No I think what he means is that Harassers should not be able to defeat an MBT that has an gunner, it is similar to a Heavy with 100% health going up against a Max with 100% health and (C4 and Decimator round excepted) easily dispatching it. It does happen now and then but it isn't meant to be the defining relationship. With the Harasser, and the Vulcan Harasser in particular, this relationship is actually reversed with the Vulcan Harasser the top-dog in the vehicle department. To take this further, it is pretty common-sense that a Flash ought not to destroy a Harasser right? Well imagine if a Flash had a certain weapon, say a Vulcan, for instance, and was running around dispatching Harassers with ease, you would see comments akin to "A Flash capable of destroying a Harasser, my God".

    I think it is unfortunate that instead of just making minor tweaks to the Harasser's capability in general, SOE refuses to address the real Elephant in the Living Room that is the Vulcan. I think the Harasser could use a minor reduction in C4 protection, mobility and on-the-go rumble seat repair ability but what they are doing is nearly halving all of this and leaving the Vulcan untouched.

    Is the Harasser itself OP? Only slightly.

    Is the Harasser ridiculously OP when coupled with a certain factions weapon? Outrageously so.
  14. vulcan78

    Trust me if there were NS versions of the PPA and the Lancer you wouldn't use them. PPA IS decent against infantry but unlike the Vulcan is extremely situational, don't expect it to be effective against armor, other Harasser and good luck trying to shoot anything airborne other than a hovering Galaxy or Liberator, and then its only a nuisance. Lancer? Needs another buff, still ineffective outside of a squad of other Lancers, don't bother shooting any ESF with it period. You MIGHT use the Saron and the Phoenix, but you too would be calling for the restoration of the Saron's pre-nerf damage as you discover that infantry require 3 direct hits, half the magazine, to kill with the Harasser variant.

    Lets break down the rest of your non-argument shall we?

    1. "Full second reloads": Don't matter when youre dead now do they? You can have the penalty of having another second to reload what with all that DPS per magazine and rate of fire, maybe you won't be able to kill a third VS so easily.

    2. "Annihilator"? Did you really mention this POS? Lets see now, 1500 damage per 10 seconds (fire, reload and re-acquisition of lock). What is the striker now? Nearly double that? Oh and no dumbfire. I have the Annihilator and stopped carrying it as I can't dumb-fire on C4 prepped oblivious Prowlers (75% of Prowler operators seem like they have had a little too much Sodium Fluoride if you ask me).

    3. "Full-auto, 167 Tier Carbine" I assume you mean 167 damage. What the Corvus? With its sub 500 RPM RoF? Are you kidding? Again, data show that TR small-arms have the most DPS per magazine, highest RoF overall and the statistics reflect the highest KDR. Yes you are allowed to hold subjective OPINIONS about weapons but BOTH the data and the stats bear out what faction has the best weapons.

    4. "You do have the M40 Fury". This argument is both humorous and insulting. This is the new, popular response to complaints of our other favorite weapon to die to aside from the Vulcan, the Marauder. "Why you have something almost similar to the Marauder, sure it only does about half the damage but hey its a close enough!"

    5. "Serpent has 45 more RoF than anything TR carbine!" I use the Vx6-7 with my Light Assault, which is nearly identical to the Serpent, and I can tell you that it IS a great weapon, but youre not going on a spree like you would with the Chaingun with it. I usually find that after dispatching only one infantry, I have maybe half a magazine or less remaining, meaning I can take the chance and engage another or do the safe thing and find cover and reload. 45 more RPM sounds great but when you only have a 30 round magazine you find that you go through that REALLY fast.

    5. "Comets". ? Really? How about the Fracture? Care to compare data and stats between the two? Didn't think so.

    You might find my previous post, on the Vulcan, enlightening. Go ahead, I'd like to see a rebuttal to the video footage I provided since nearly all of the TR deny profusely how OP the Vulcan is and demanded footage. Well I provided it. Go ahead, its right above, I'll wait here!
  15. TheFamilyGhost

    No, they don't.

    They get obliterated if they are hit with return fire.
  16. Goretzu

  17. huller

    So basicaly you claim "you are wrong cuz stats" and proceed to make up stats as well as deny thruths about VS equipment?

    You are just a borderline bad.
  18. TheFamilyGhost

    Actually, considering the origin of the word tank, yes.
  19. Liquid23

    have you not seen First Blood Part II? ...

    Rambo + explosive tipped arrows = light anti-tank vehicle ;)
  20. KoS-1

    The buggy could use very slight adjustments. Not wholesale ones.

    Frankly, they are not all that hard to take out. Just sideswipe one with a sunder...Boom! Also, use the sunder or other heavy vehicle to play out the age old adage...between a rock and hard place....Boom!

    Better yet, take a battle bus or two or three...heck as many as you want. Dead buggy as fast as the gunners can cap one with Basilisks. The default vehicle gun works wonders against them.

    Another good tactic, get another buggy or buggies. And kill that SOB buggy, bugging you!

    People just need to think on their feet more and try to counter something in game that bugs them. It's much better than whining and crying for nerfs or buffs. In my trails and trivializations, I lose more than I win. But so what, I've learned more from the failures than I have from the successes.

    As a disclaimer I drive and gun buggies. Our outfit is mostly geared towards running buggies whether one or two or up to squad(s) of them. Personally, I hate them with a passion when I play infantry. But even I don't like the potential changes.

    Isn't the object of the game to kill other toons? Which by default means oneself must die, just like everyone else. It shouldn't matter how one dies, so long as it's not a cheat/exploit. Our toons do re-spawn with everything we need to get back in the battle asap.

    I could understand the concern about death if we had the rule set of early EQ. Imagine having to run back to your corpse to retrieve gear before being able to resume the battle. Unless some kind medic happened to be there or walk by to rez it. Heck not to mention the exp lose. Death or how we die in this game is trivial in comparison.