PTS ZOE Changes (Video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Conflictt, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Conflictt

    We've all seen the AMA where they say they are looking to adjust ZOE timer/strafe speed, finally here are the changes in action.
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  2. Chipay

    For the people wanting the complete patch notes
    -Removed damage increase on most weapons (possibly bugged)
    -Removed movement speed increase when active
    -Added cooldown timer 15 seconds forced on, 15 seconds cooldown after that (ZOE rank5)
  3. Conflictt

    The removed damage increase is definitely a bug, if it's not then zoe is just a mobile Christmas tree, literally nothing else to it.
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  4. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Wait... I thought the no reduction in TTK for some weapons was a bug.

    It's a bug, right?
  5. Chipay

    It could just be that SOE added on to the list of weapons that didn't get a damage increase with ZOE.
    Currently on PTS: Blueshifts, Quasar, Vortex and Comets (which doesn't deal ANY damage with ZOE) don't get a lower TTK with ZOE.
  6. Hosp

    It's a bug. The Higs said a bunch of weapons and damages weren't working properly on PTS not to long ago.
  7. Odin

    So zoe might actually be a choice between it and charge, wow might actually be balanced. I wont hold my breath.
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  8. NightmareP69

    So so basically ZOE does nothing now, it doesn't increase damage anymore and it doesn't make you move faster so it's basiclly a tool now which makes you take 30% more damage and that's about it, gotta love SOE's balance ideas, just like the way they're "buffing" the enforcer by making it more crap.
    Well if they don't offer cert refunds to all of these"brilliant" balance updates than SOE is gonna have alot of pissed off users. The closer this patch is coming the worse it's looking, i honestlly might just give up from PS2 finally, i really hope i will give up because 1 year of horrible unbalanced weapons and a community mainly made up by people who take pleasure in harassing other people and causing them personal pain is enuf for me.
  9. jiggu

    The video didn't really show the frontal movespeed change, I guess I have to go check it out myself
  10. BoomBoom4You

    i hope this change goes live just for like a week, so i can drink the tears of all the vanu zoe users. all those tears will last a lifetime.
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  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    mass exodus of vs players detected
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  12. Poorform

    I assume you believe Vulcan on a harasser in the current form is perfectly fair and balanced then? Because that's what it was like going against ZOE at any time, completely unfair and broken advantage.
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  13. Pirbi

    Wherever the 4th faction goes, the nerf hammer slowly follows.
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  14. Chipay

    All movement speed increases have been removed from the ZOE ability
  15. DirtyRoger

    I tired of mead, I thirst FOR TEEEAARS
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  16. jiggu

    That doesn't sound like "tweaking" at all. Also wouldn't they have to turn down the weakness to small arms then?
  17. Morpholine

    If it neither increases speed nor increases damage, then it basically lets the Max turn pink in exchange for taking ~30% more damage. In a useless ability contest, this would take the cake. Yes, even above Lockdown, TR.

    I bet there are TR and NC players who will still think it's too strong.
  18. sindz

    And there it was, ZOE completely useless. Glad it was known SOE couldnt nerf this ability in a way that made sense. So now no one will use ZOE again.

    Glad they introduced ZOE and not jumpjets in the first place. Sigh.
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  19. Tenebrae Aeterna

    No interest in it, back to Charge we go.
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  20. MasonSTL

    bahahaha! be a bit more dramatic there James Lipton!

    •I do think that removing the speed increase completely is over kill for sure.
    •The damage reduction has been said is a bug
    •IT"S ON PTS

    Don't have to go full panic there bro.