K/D, medics and team kills

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saool, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Saool

    After spending several months away from the game, the change that stood out most, upon returning, was that getting rezed removed that last death. At first I liked this. But now it just seems odd.

    There are many indicators for performance, and K/D is certainly not the be all and end all indicator, but I do view it as a good indication of my performance against the enemy. And this is the problem. Rezing creates bias stats for everyone. The kill still counts, but the death does not? If K/D shows performance against the enemy this makes no sense at all.

    On the other hand, being team killed does count. Again, I want K/D to reflect performance against the enemy not how many times someone shot me in error / I was not paying attention to the max behind me / someone else wanted that kill with a rocket despite me being right next to the enemy / some people are dicks. Again it makes no sense. Also people would probebly get less irate if TK was just an unconveniance as opposed to also adding a death.

    TL : DR

    Rezing should not remove a death. But team kill should not count as a death. This keeps K/D as a better indicator of performance vs the enemy.
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  2. Vandali

    It only effects ingame stats for that sessions play, it doesn't actually remove it from your overall characters k/d.
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  3. Syrathin

    I would agree to a certain extent but I don't really care about the stats that much, When I play bad/good I know it and really that's enough for me. Though I could see where stat watchers and some of the more rigid and higher performing outfits wouldn't like it.
  4. Irathi

    Still OP's points are valid.

    I also wish K/D where a simple factor of the numer of enemies you killed and the number of times you died because of an enemy.

    Leaving all sorts of rez and TK out of it as it has nothing to do with either session or life-long stats.

    Edit: Although maybe TK should be in there, as you often find your self at the front line killing enemies and then getting TK'd because of either bad luck or recklessness. It should perhaps count as well. Especially if it was recklessness.
  5. Liquid23

    eh K/D is rather useless anyway because it doesn't differentiate... let's say I kill a fresh, just D/Led the game BR1 who doesn't even know where he is or that I'm actually an enemy with tank spam from across a base and you kill a BR 100 in a decked out MAX 1v1 as an infiltrator in an epic drawn out CQB while armed with nothing but a BASR and a pistol... they count exactly the same (as 1 kill) despite the fact my kill was a joke and your's was a testament to your skill as a player

    a rez taking away a death doesn't matter with how inaccurate a measuring stick the base stat is to begin with
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  6. DJPenguin

    Light Assault players confirmed K/D hard mode as we typically die out of reach of medics.
  7. Santondouah

    are you 100% sure of this ? my ingame K/D is superior than my KDR found on external stats websites such as PSintel or DasAnfall
  8. Saool

    I too would like to know if that is so. If it is I honestly did not know that. My K/D has been slowly going up on each of my characters, and whilst I might like to think it is because I am getting better at the game, I think it has more to do with the amount of times my deaths are scrubbed due to friendly medics.
  9. Santondouah

    If you really want to know your stats without these death removals, just go to http://stats.dasanfall.com/ or http://planetside-intel.com/ ;) You can have it on a daily/weekly/monthly or overall basis !
  10. Alarox

    I use K/D to challenge myself, as I do with S/H. I like being able to watch my stats magically rise from the pit they once were when I just started playing the game, into something more in line with how I actually play.

    But here is the really awesome part. In my attempts to raise the stats to my real average, I end up playing far above my normal level. And then I realize my actual level is better than how I'm playing... so then I play even better.

    The information is useful to me not because I think stats are important, but because it is a way for me to measure my progress as a player rather than going on specific instances or a general feeling.


    K/D should actually show my my K/D. I don't want to see a fluffed up version of my current session, I want to see how I'm actually doing.
  11. Sen7ryGun84

    Pretty sure getting a revive doesn't count as a death on your lifetime score sheet at all. My KDR has been steadily rising over recent months due to extended periods playing with elite ninja medics and it's being actively reflected in my stats, both in game, trending and on my lifetime sheet.

    I think when you look at your kill feed it shows the image of who killed you with what weapon, but if you are revived that kill does not count on your score sheet.

    Either way I think it's a good thing. Playing as part of a team, not over extending and being easily picked up again with some "first aid" because you stick with your team mates are all positive traits for a player to possess and is the sort of play that should be encouraged.
  12. disgruntled newbie


    K:D is an ego stroking tool. If you feel powerful, then enjoy feeling powerful. If you feel like you need to learn and practice, then learn and practice more.
  13. Vandali

    I thought SOE's stats added on the deaths after the session has finished, but checking there and dasanfal that isn't the case it seems.
  14. Dark Pulse

    K/D is pointless for anything other than how good of a combatant you are - no more, no less. But we all know the true metric of "Hey, this guy is useful!" is Points Per Minute.

    Low PPM + Low K/D = "Can't shoot, can't heal, can't assist, excellent at dying."
    Low PPM + High K/D = "Awesome killer, poop at everything else."
    High PPM + Low K/D = "Wicked team player, but shoots himself in the head."
    High PPM + High K/D = "Get this man on the front lines!"

    Of course, the caveat of this is an absolute beast of a killer can get high PPM because he just juliennes his enemies like nothing, but in this game, even having a K/D of 1.0 or so means you're at least better than a good chunk of players, because pretty much anything can drop you in a handful of shots.

    It also obviously doesn't tell the whole story as sniping infils are going to tend to be lower PPM players.

    So the fact that a rez "erases" a death really isn't an issue to me, because a rez isn't going to make up PPM. What a rez WILL do, however, is shoot the medic player's PPM up, because they're being useful to their cause. In a tower defense just last night (a siege we sadly lost) I was rezzing people left and right and I think I was in the top ten by the end of that battle just because of the fact that I'd race around and rise people up - I think I only recorded 7 kills during the failed defense. (Though to be fair, the TR decided not to challenge the tower and just wimped out and held B/C.)
  15. Flapatax

    The DasAnfall stats site has your adjusted K/D (without revives). Also a lot of other things. I'm actually closer to around 1.8 compared to what the players site has me at.
  16. deggy

    0.915 on DA Stats.

    Seems to match my ingame KDR pretty closely, but I also die a lot in vehicles, which means my body doesn't drop and I can't be rezzed.

    Oh well. I'm having fun regardless, and that's what matters :p
  17. -MJ12-

    And the best thing is:
    You can DOUBLE your USEFULNESS by using boosts or membership! Yaay!
  18. Thpthpthp

    Revives removing a death is only there so that people who are obsessed with K/D won't deny rezzes for fear of dying again.
  19. KnightCole

    Ok, where is this page that shows my "actual" KD? Ive been rezzed and the players page here reflects that in my stats. It does display the deaths, but the stats are those of the rezzed stats. its the same in game. DA's stat page have it the unmodified way or something?
  20. KnightCole

    PS Intel is still displaying stats the same as PS2 players....

    DA Site I need to register with?