How Beneficial is No Bullet Drop?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by thepackett, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. ColdCheezePizza

    no bullet drop + suppressors is pretty beneficial from my experience
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  2. TomaHawk

    I didn't make a point of saying Vanu was OP.

    But thanks for the laugh. You're an amusing, little guy!

  3. teks

  4. Kcalehc

    Not quite sure what your point is here. I know all this and did not say otherwise. I said that up to 180m (ish), in terms of just hitting the target, you literally do not have to adjust for distance with any weapon at all. "No bullet drop" is no advantage for landing that first shot.

    Hmm, fair enough, I don't play VS and must've missed that in an update. I stand corrected.
  5. Posse

    They don't, that's why they use Fractures and Ravens, heh, that doesn't mean the Comets should be made useless.
  6. Mxiter

    Fractures have drop too and are still viable. It's the covergence that makes mostly pounders and falcons useless and other small stuffs (falcons acceleration, pounders terrible ROF ect). The dop isn't the issue with those weapons.
    The fact that TR/NC have to spend 2000 certs and VS 250 certs to get viable AV weapons is an other issue.

    Adding a small curve to comets won't broke them and would makes it a little less powerful/ less EZ mode at mid-long range. See L100 HEAT python drop curve.

    But AV max weapons balance is an other debate than bullet drop.
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  7. Xasapis

    If you're using suppressors at distances where bullet drop becomes an issue, you are doing something wrong. You're better off with flash suppressor tbh.
  8. Xasapis

    I find Comets pretty horrible at anything past 50m. The bullet velocity is so slow and the bullet itself is so visible, that makes them very easy to dodge.
  9. Posse

    Fractures have a much faster velocity too.

    That's another matter but a weapons' power shouldn't be based on its cert cost, all weapons should be sidegrades of each other. The solution is simple, make the Falcons/Pounders viable AV weapons.

    If you can't dodge something when you have 1 second at 100m or 2 seconds at 200m... well, I don't know what to tell to you.
  10. Ohmlink

    I think you misunderstood what I said, I said that was dumb because it doesn't make sense, you should be doing shorter bursts in order to be accurate. Not making so one faction gets the benefit of firing full auto and not getting punished for that, but in the same faction punish bursting which is typically taught to promote accuracy.

    I usually find 7 or so shots hit accurately in most NC weaponry, which is enough to kill most of the time. NC weapons are solid at mid range, which sad since not much takes place at that range, and they are supposed to be a close range faction.

    Last but not least, there is absolutely not weapon in this game that is actually hard to use, only weapons that are easier and more effective.