There was a developer AMA on Reddit. Here are the notes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RoyAwesome, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Tommyp2006

    No it isn't, the keyboard warriors just appear that way. Harmless IRL.

    I'm excited for all the upcoming changes, but I'm far more patient than most people around here are. I'm willing to wait for things to get done right, I already enjoy the game as it is right now. Excited for that Amerish Revamp, maybe I'll finally get to see some good action on my favorite continent.
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  2. Holomang

    ZOE down.
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  3. GSZenith

    I'm from the future 2014. here is the last year of ps2.

    MLG failed
    the US east server Merged
    The EU server merged
    LA became op for 6months
    Ps2 have 2 streams with 3viewers daily
    Flamethrowers were op for 2months
    DA.dll didn't work
    Vonic.exe DId
    My KDR went up to 5.6
    Daddy has a 75KDR and have earned 1200k certs
    ESF update became a joke and all flyboys quit
    amerish is still a ghost town
    nexus has been empty for the last 6 months
    Mission system turned into a huge zerg grind (like now but 95% more ghost capping)
    NC maxs became op for 2 days before nerfed.
    Marauder is still the best statpadding weapon after skilltube.

    now brb screenshot and save on server and 1 USB to the bank vault!
    i bet at least 50% will be right xD cya in 1 year thread
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  4. Grimfalcon77

    Hilarious that players have to repost notes from SOE on their own forums because they're too busy on Reddit.
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  5. Pikachu

    You forgot to tell about ps4.
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  6. faykid

    if you consider it calmly, then you will probably realize, that it will most probably be the option of spawning right into the AMS sundie, instead of spawning near it. i'm sure shield diffuser equipment will exclude any AMS capabilities
    as for other vehicles (tanks) - that could be tricky
  7. AdmiralArcher

    i honestly think its the worst idea ever

    imagine the ANT from PS1 in PS2,

    now think of the Nvidia particle effects

    now think of the deployment animations

    put it together and you have an awesome little deployable resource gatherer or transport that is seperate so sundys remain spawn stations while you refuel other bases

    sunderers are just too dam big for it
  8. AdmiralArcher

    no, not really, its more like

    Anoymity + audience = azzholes who think they have a right to say whatever they want without consequence

    guess what

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  9. MurderBunneh

    They said alot about the resource revamp also. Such as it being harder for the big zerg to maintain resources. And also for resources to be affected when fighting in drawn out battles. (i posted this idea myself. Good to see it going in.)

    Also ZOE nerf It will recieve a mechanic similar to the HA shield and will have to recharge. Also it will be prevented in some way from being turned on and off instantly. This is to make up for the fact that both TR/NC have animations that have to play and right now ZOE is instant. ( Another thing I pointed out. Damn I'm good.:p).

    Edit: They know that NC noobs have harder gear to use and are going to fix it. They said it is hard to balance cause veteran NC are good and buffing the weapons might make them too good but our noobs have it the worst.
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  10. SpaceKing

    He didn't say no, just unlikely.

    ...I want m' Scorpion.
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  11. Takoita

    - Vehicles spamming capture points is not intended. File a bug report if you see a place where it's possible and they will fix it.

    I really doubt about that. Considering that I've seen a Reaver sticking its rotary inside the tower capture point window and murdering everyone inside once, I can understand it could be hard to imagine to the amount of crazy stuff the players can get to, but a simple circle around the base in an MBT should've shown them about 80% of the holes on any outpost.

    EDIT: also, Boomer/Radiator hybrid for infiltrators to force tank crews out. Would go along nicely with vehicle hijack.
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  12. Spartan101

    Is that Northern Hemishphere Summer or Southern Hemisphere summer? ;)
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  13. Lucidius134

    "Rotor based VTOL flight felt archaic in the theme of PS2."

    *screaming "this" for all eternity*

    • Xander is spending more effort to create fun field fights
    THIS SO MUCH MORE THIS. The only thing preventing this is the abundance of sunderer's and the lack of actual transportation vehicles. People don't pick others up in sunderer's as often because they can just rush a sunderer to a base where it was lost and stragglers can redeploy and teleport across the map to the sunderer.

    I honestly stand by my statement of removing small out posts sans towers from lattice but requiring adjacency (hex connection) on top of making defunct spawn rooms some sort of garage for a sunderer spawn or removing the shields on it. Make terminals neutral and REQUIRE an infil hack to be usable. Make hacks on neutral terminals time limited so they only stay that way for a few mins.
    • Vehicles spamming capture points is not intended. File a bug report if you see a place where it's possible and they will fix it.
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  14. Harbinger

    Please, no more Biolabs, they're already the worst piece of crap design I've ever seen in a game. No more, please. TELEPORTERS ARE LAZY GAME DESIGN.
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  15. Jeslis

    More then likely squad deployment would be something that was an attachment to the sunderer, perhaps replacing gateshield.


    Perhaps it will work like the squad beacon, a 3+minute timer inbetween respawns per player, etc..

    There are ways to balance it.

    I do agree flight ceiling gals may be a problem tho.
  16. Phazaar

    Thank you for taking what must have been a pretty massive amount of time to read through and post this.

    Exactly. Not having the AMA here, whilst professing more interest in the forums than Reddit (and attempting to clear up the forums) was one thing (and fortunately Luperza is now going to try to get us an AMA here for the forums :D ), but I do get that they were worried it would become toxic and require too much moderation.

    On the other hand, simply having a locked+pinned thread with even 1/10th of those responses posted in it would have at least made us feel informed, even if still alienated and uninformed. It shouldn't be down to community members to spend their time trawling through the inanities of Reddit, Twitter and the like in order to disseminate that information to the wider community...
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  17. RoyAwesome

    It took me less than 5 mintues, but no problem :D

    Also, I wrote these up for reddit originally (I'm one of the mods over there, and was the one who suggested this to higby in the first place), but it was no trouble to cross post this to PSU and the Official Forums.

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  18. Turkeys!

    Thanks for posting these notes. Nice to know they have stuff in store still and the patch is still on schedule :)
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  19. MichaelS

    They better reduce the resource cost, 400certs is much to wast when you can not equipt AMS.
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  20. Torok

    You don‘t want dual wielding guns light assaults

    as for anything else I feel shame for each day that passes with Amerish still without lattice, it's embarassing to tell new players that they are still working on It, It was late one month ago.
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