One-Year Anniversary bundle pack

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GoldSlayer1, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. GoldSlayer1

    So i see that today is the last day for the One-year Anniversary bundle pack.
    and i was wondering, is it worth it?

    I'm actually new to the game (currently in download), and saw the page on the slide.

    Are the weapons good?
    and What is heroic boost?

    I will be playing the game and checking stuff out once its downloaded, and see if i like it.
  2. BigMacDeez

    Do us all a favor and join either the NC or TR. The VS has enough ZOE users as it is.

    If you want to spend $40.00 for the bundle as a new player, it might be worthwhile. The experience boost is always a good thing.
  3. Goretzu

    If you're intending to play the game for at least 6 months it's pretty decent value as a new player just because of the 50% 6 month boost.

    The weapons are pretty decent ones too.
  4. Ribero

    I think I recall hearing that the boost alone is worth more than the bundle costs, but not 100% sure on that. Could've misheard or the person could've been misinformed.

    The weapons are good, probably some of the "best" Carbines for Engineers and Light assaults, and Assault Rifles for Medics. The sniper rifles are also arguably the best, (though future changes to certain Ingame stuffs means which Sniper rifle you use will be a little less important)

    A heroic boost is a 50% Experience boost which lasts for 6 months, I think.

    The Camos are nice enough, though are a bit too shiny for my liking, on vehicles.
  5. GoldSlayer1

    yeah i been meaning to ask, what are those 3 things?
    in the page for the bundle pack it says "Bundle contains equivalent weapons for all 3 Empires."
    so its 3 empires? and can someone give some info on it? (like a story or something?)

    ohh, thanks for claring that up. I suppose the exp boost would be good.

    from the page i see here, it says the heroic boost alone costs $50 while the bundle pack is $40.

    I personally like snipers, so if they're some of the best (for someone new of course) then maybe it might be worth it.

    Im considering purchasing this (assuming i like the game) because i have 1000 SC that i racked up from a Legendary membership in DCUO.
    So i'd only need another 3k.
  6. BigMacDeez

    Heroic boosts are few and far between, so if you don't have one, and have the spare cash, have at it.
  7. kungflu

    Definitely worth it. You'll might only need to spend on cosmetics after getting this bundle :)
  8. RovingDeath

    The heroic boost I got actually was for experience AND resources. Bought the bundle from the website, and not in game if that helps.