Striker - Rework Idea

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gary, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. Gary

    Not used the striker for sometime but currently it is definitely the worst and least useful launcher in the game.

    1. Its useless, In some instances i still have the rockets swerve directly after firing to hit the floor.

    2. Maintining the lock is arguably the worst mechanic ever invented, The amount of obstacles that can "break" the lock is over the top. (oh hello leafs)

    3. DPS now is way to low and unreliable to even consider using it as a weapon.4

    4. Cannot dumbfire, Must be locked on to a target, Has a long lock on time and then the lock breaks for a split second no damage is applied

    Some changes i think would help!

    1. After losing the lock the rockets should not explode but instead carry on in which ever direction they were headed.

    2. If you reacquire a lock then the rockets track to the target again.

    3. If you relock the same target a 2nd time round the lock on time is greatly reduced to compensate for maintaining the lock( this should help to reduce refire time) (if you change to a different target you get the original long lock time) (lets say it stores targeting data)

    4.Projectile speed increase and a slight increase in the rockets ability to turn (since we have to keep the target locked at all times)

    5. Flares should not work, The ESF can easily avoid the fire by darting around or through a tree or even by going near another friendly aircraft making the lock jump over. maintaining a lock on these faster vehicles is almost impossible. Smoke on vehicles should still work as this blocks the view.

    Not expecting everyone to agree but that is the nature of these things, Feel free to post ideas and try to keep it constructive!
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  2. DJPenguin

    Just a tip, troll posts generally don't make it so apparent in the first line.

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  3. Spanziu

    Yes and also rework vulcan cannon to shoot gummy bears!
    And give ZOE double UBGLs!
  4. Cinnamon

    Solution is easy.

    Just give TR a nerfed version of the lancer. Then TR gets a genuinely good weapon and when the VS forum warriors start their hate campaign as usual it can just be pointed out that it is not as good as lancer in a simple straight comparison.
  5. Chipay

    Striker? useless? What? It's still eats air vehicles when squads are using it
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  6. IamDH

    That could actually be a good addition
  7. Spude

    Yeah troll . . .

    Striker is only viable to be used against ground vehicles from top of high objects. But if you dont have that strong autism then you might be in bases fighting and when there are vehicles nearby THE best launcher is decimator.

    Phoenix>Striker. Id love to get Phoenix just because it hits hard and can be fired from spawn room and guided to nearby sunderers :)
  8. Flukeman62

    just make it dumb fire/wire guided...
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  9. eldarfalcongravtank

    is... is this post FOR REAL?o_O

    striker does 2500dmg in one volley, lockon range 500meters, point hold and click fire to kill EVERYTHING on the ground and in the air

    phoenix does 850dmg, max range is 300meters, you need to steer the rocket to the target yourself leaving your char exposed to enemy fire

    it's ironic how you call someone else a troll...
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  10. KAHR-Alpha

    Hey look! Someone else ignoring resist modifiers exist!
  11. Keiichi25

    Actually, it should be done the way it worked back in Planetside 1...

    The Striker did the following:
    • 1 second delay between shots.
    • Could be dumbfired (Fired without locking)
    • Missiles will only track while target was painted.
    • Could re-acquire when target was visible.
    • Range limited to about 250m.
    I mentioned the last part mostly due to the fact that in Planetside 1, it was actually range limited to make the TR use the Striker for in close anti-air and more for ground vehicles. The striker also had a rather short lockon, about 1 to 1.5 second lockon. The striker also had a 2nd fire option, which was to not have the lockon be 'on' so it could be fired without warning the target of a threat.

    Now mind you, in Planetside 1 - There was no mitigation for missiles, no flares or smoke. Guided Missiles were actually showing on the mini-map, so pilots and tankers could react to missile attacks.

    Also, note, the Phoenix is not going to be great in comparison to the Striker. While firing behind a shield is great, it also means you are limited to firing a certain way out that shield so it won't explode on you and the turn ability of the Phoenix limits its effectiveness to a small cone. And while it hits reasonably hard, it also is quickly defeated by engineers repairing unless more than 2 phoenix users are hitting the same target.
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  12. eldarfalcongravtank

    Hey look! another Terran defending his blatantly OP tool!
  13. Keiichi25

    Yes... The striker does 2500 damage in one volley... IF AND ONLY IF all 5 rounds hit. Smart Tankers and Pilots will be paying attention to the 'Lockon' threat and react to it, preventing the 100% damage possible from hitting. There is also that whole thing about 'flares' which any pilot or tanker should be popping to lower the number of missiles in flight hitting you.

    Also, the recent change in the Striker, the TR user is also exposed to the world as to make sure all rounds in flight hit the target, they have to keep themselves in an ADS situation and follow their intended target to get the most possible damage into the target. Which means, at least 4 seconds to expend all 5 rounds into the air + Time to target based on distance In that time, the Striker user must maintain an LOS on his target, which also means, he will be vulnerable.
  14. KAHR-Alpha

    What OP toy? I don't even use it anymore, no one in my whole outfit does.
  15. WonkoDenFriske

    I agree that the striker is now useless. For some reason people from other factions still thinks it's OP.
    When using the striker now you have to rely on the person you are firing on be an idiot and then you also have to have some luck.

    Firstly there is flares and smoke to avoid the rockets and that's fine but when shooting multiple rockets with the striker you also have to factor in the time it takes to shoot these rockets. Often your target gets outside of maximum range so you only get one hit or so out of five and just waste ammo. I'd rather have shorter range rockets that actually hit.

    To get full damage with the striker you have to hit all rockets and that rarely happens because of the time it takes to fire them. The enemy has lots of time to get into cover so only one or two rockets hit. With other launchers that one hit will have delivered full damage.

    And on top of that right now the striker seems bugged as hell. Yesterday I fired 5 shots at a stationary target and shot one hit, shots two and three went up into the air, fourth shot hit and fifth shot missed.
  16. WonkoDenFriske

    Also forgot to say that after the first shot the striker user reveals his position but still has to remain stationary to fire the rest and keep lockon, This time is more then enough time for a decent sniper to headshot him.
    With only one shot the other launchers have to remain stationary for a shorter amount of time.
  17. jiggu

    Did you not know that phoenix and lancer(and vortex) deals double damage against vehicles?
  18. FoxD3v1lsW1ld

    Striker is still the best ESRL...
    Lancer just lacks the damage output and is pretty much useless against air. The Phoenix may have the damage, but it has crappy range, a slow projectile and can easily be dogded.

    The striker is still a lot better than the other launchers, which are situational at best.
    You only really want a lancer when shooting at super-long-range. And you only really want a Phoenix when you can sit behind solid cover and have enemy vehicles relatively close. And both are pretty much useless againt air.
    The Striker however just requires you to have a clear view on the target (which the map easily supports) and then you can spit out damage which is comparable to the dumbfire launchers.
    Of course, a vehicle / aircraft can run for cover or use Smoke/Flares and then run for cover, but that doesnt mean you are not effective; because in fact you just denied that vehicle / aircraft the ability to take part in the battle...
  19. Roll Fizzlebeef

    You mean... like the Lancer? Except the Lancer can't lock on to Vehicles or be used against air.

    None of the ESRL's are able to be used inside of a base... effectively anyway.

    Yeah, I hear a lot of people not giving the Phoenix enough credit... The same goes for the Striker. /nudge nudge

    That all being said. I have never seen a squad of NC camping the VS warpgate with Phoenixes. It's always TR that have the ability to lock down everything.
  20. Camycamera

    the striker is no where NEAR as OP as it is now, thanks to it being nerfed to the ground.

    probably gona get flamed, so flame shield is on, but...

    i think that if you maintain a lock on a vehicle that goes behind a rock, and the missiles fired are following the target, maintaining a lock through rocks etc should still hit them, because the missiles were RIGHT behind the target.

    right now, as SOON as an obstruction gets in the way of the rockets, they become useless. this makes using the striker near damn impossible, especially w/ ground vehicles on say, indar. i'm not asking to bring back the striker that could shoot through walls, i'm saying that rockets that are 2 meters away from the target shouldn't just fly straight up in the air as soon as the target goes behind a tree.

    nerf the trees SOE!