Yay I climbed the biolab.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CuteBeaver, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. CuteBeaver

    I have conquered my Everest. I don't thing there is much practical purpose in doing this. I would need to clean this route up dramatically and get faster at it, but regardless it was a neat moment for sure. It reminded me of the feeling when I first learned to climb the exterior towers.

    Big thanks to NotYourBro for keeping me company during the climb in teamspeak.

    Any ideas what I should climb next?
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  2. IIXianderII

    There is a tower on esamir, I think its called bl-4 crash sight, that looks climbable but I couldn't find a way up the other day when I was fighting there.
  3. Get2dachoppa

    Made me think of this

    Just substitute beaver for pig
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  4. Scan

    Well done.

    I don't have the patience to do this sort of stuff. :)
  5. m44v

    videogame physics.
  6. MajiinBuu

    Climb the trees INSIDE the biolab :)
  7. Amundsenkalmah

    There is a way to do that..

    How about you climb a tech plant
  8. MajiinBuu

    Walk into the yellow beams :p
    Unless you mean the shielded side doors, I'd love to see how to do that.
  9. IIXianderII

    add IIXianderII on mattherson I am about to log on. I will show you.
  10. MajiinBuu

    Later, I'll catch you online sometime.
    And are those lowercase l's(ells) or uppercase I's(eyes), or maybe even 1s?
  11. KnightCole

    And then they go and smooth out the Biolab and make it more a round dome instead of a series of hexy boxes lol.
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  12. IIXianderII

    those are i's (eye)
  13. tproter

    My my, someone certainly has too much time on his hands.
  14. ColdCheezePizza

    they should do a biolab parkour contest on FNO one night and giveaway a free xp boost or something to the winner like they did that one time with the flash race.
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  15. LIKE A BOSS!

    I found a way to shoot through biolab shields from the inside....went on a 20 man streak lol. Hate those guys hiding on the sides of the main entrance....
  16. MajiinBuu


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  17. Epicstrat

    Find a way to get to the top of an amp station you don't own without taking the shields down or dropping in via pods or aircraft, I think it's impossible though
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  18. Takoita

    Shielded sidedoors at the techplant aren't that difficult. Still better not do that where the enemy can see you though.
  19. CuteBeaver

    Okay I got it down to 2 minutes with instructions ;)

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  20. MajiinBuu

    When you get past the first shield area and onto the metal part, don't go any higher. Drop an ammo pack for yourself and launch grenades down on passerby. Easy kills, they don't have time to react, and nobody ever looks up :D
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