People are far too ballsy with TKing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chakx, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. chakx

    Been playing a month. Still a noob; not always sure where turrets are, not entirely sure what infil-cloak sound belongs to what faction, don't even know my way around every single base on Indar like most players seem to.

    So today I had a guy teamkill me for getting into a turret he wanted to use. I didn't know he coveted it. He wasn't even an engineer - judging by my turning and seeing him fire his second rocket into me - so the turret was just simply destroyed and unused.
    An hour later another guy decides to laugh jovially on proximity chat before blowing up my freshly spawned sunderer, because my deploying it prevented his more fancier sunderer from deploying in the same spot.
    Later on a Max stepped down from B on Vanu Archives and killed me for taking cover from an enemy skirting in and out the doorway ahead. His reason: I wasn't helping him cap B.

    Two out of three of these chaps turned out to be BR100's in somewhat top-tier well known outfits on my server. This really isn't encouraging.

    I reported them, but I'd wager such activity goes by un-policed when people who've been playing far longer and invested money in the game care so little about spoiling the fun of their own team mates.

    I recall a time a week earlier where I deployed a engineer AI turret on biolab with a clear line to shoot and defend, only to find moments later everyone finding it great fun to dive in my gun's way and shoot things for me whilst also being shot in the back by me. This resulted in my guns being locked for 5 minutes. I'm not smart enough to figure out an effective anti-TK system, but I don't feel like this one is working chaps.
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  2. Teegeeack

    Out of curiosity, which faction are you?
  3. chakx

    Vanu, my fellow Bonnie-T appreciator.
  4. Simferion

    Either you report and move on or you teamkill back, just once, and move on.
    It's a MMO so it's full of @55-h*l3s.
    What I'd like it's an autoban for reaching a determined percentage of teamkilling in the last X% kills.

    Anyway if you got weaponlocked you should check again your game. I have NEVER been weaponlocked. Next time , change place. ;)
  5. chakx

    Indeed. Trying to make use of a AI turret in a busy 48-v-48 biolab facing a small door frame isn't a mistake I'll make again.

    Do reports actually achieve anything though? My point being, I presume such players believe they can get away with it if they do it so willy nilly.
  6. Simferion

    Most of times they won't sort anything unless the reported is really TKing a bunch of people. But you have done your duty. Move on and ignore. You'll always find such kind of people.
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  7. BuggerRat

    Can't really answer that, but what I generally do is to wait until a GM announcement comes on and send a /tell directly. Did it a few times to cheaters back in the day but I notice that GMs showing up nowadays seem a rare event.
    As far as some BR100s are concerned; well, the sheer level of entitlement some people have...

    I'd totally support this.
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  8. wolfva

    Like others have said, report and move on. Don't give idiots like that any room in your head, they're not worth it.
  9. bodmans

    what was said above basicly, it happens.

    I got TK'd once for gen overload xp...
  10. RobotNinja

    Going off SOE's current track record and past history, popular high BR players have gotten off with just a warning for a multitude of offenses including intentional stat-padding, i.e. setting up a dummy account or two, using a bot script and then repeatedly killing that dummy player hundreds of times, also racking up hundreds of kills by massively and intentionally abusing exploits, in-game harassment and more.

    So, I wouldn't expect intentional teamkilling to get them so much as a slap on the wrist or even a stern glare.

    I don't know if SOE has changed their stance on this recently but like I said this is going off their track record.

    Proclaiming your hardline stance against cheaters and exploiters doesn't mean a whole lot when you constantly dole out second chances to them as long as they liek totally promise they really weren't doing what they were caught doing or won't do it again at least...promise.
  11. Konfuzfanten

    To be honest the only way ppl like that understand it, is to TK with extreme prejudice. Report wont do it, trust me.

    Make them understand that if they rattle the beehive, They will get stung.

    Personally i TK nearly every day, if ppl kill me and dont "V8" or send a tell that they are sorry. I WILL kill them, blow up their sundy/tank, crash their plane or burn down their house.
  12. KiRRA

    Definitely taken the lower road on this one....TK em back and shows em what's what. Honestly though, if they apologize I don't see a big deal with it. I have TK'd quite a few folks and I try my best to either tell them I'm sorry, or if I'm close enough to a terminal or something I will switch to Medic to revive them.

    Last night was a different story. Had a guy last night ask for some ammo, so I popped out of my tank and drop some ammo for him. As soon as I did some random guy started shooting at me, wtf? So I popped back in my tank, and what do ya know...lil effer is still shooting at my tank. Who cares right? Well, the guy gets the bug up his butt to try and drop C4 on the top of my tank. Really? After just chilling watching out for NC and this lil bugger still trying to C4 me....a quick AP round to his face solved that problem.

    For all I know he could just be a lowly dumbf*ck who doesn't know Red from Blue....but...if you're gonna try to C4 a teammates tank, be prepared to die....
  13. ViXeN

    Any time I hear the cloak sound I always turn around just to be sure.
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  14. oherror

    Same here except i was on TR. Shot that @ssclown down when we was trying to land at the next area. overloaded the gen and shot him down agian in a lib. I go scorched earth style on TK'ers.
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  15. Pirbi

    Sometimes the person who get's TKed really is stupid or at least greatly mistaken and it's not the fault of the person who tked them. Sometimes the lag in the game or glitch results in a TK. I was getting credit for kills because occasionally someone would spawn under the sunderer. I was told it was because it wasn't perfectly level when deployed. I think it was on a 5 degree incline plus someone else decided to butt their sunderer right up against mine for whatever reason. Sometimes people run in front of your heavy or AI turret to take a few worthless shots that the heavy or turret would have wiped out anyway. Then that person gets both of you killed if you pause and wait for the friendly to move back out of the way. I usually don't V8 for stupid people.
  16. gigastar

    I remember once incident when some ****** was trying to blow up my Lightning with a RL.

    Unfortunately for him, i was in the tank and he ate a Viper shell for his troubles.

    Other than that my TK's are normally limited to outfit members who stray into the line of fire while i was shooting. And people who end up greasing my Lightning treads when they dont respect traffic laws.
  17. MarlboroMan-E

    I'd like very much for the grief mechanic to be improved. Seems to me that accidental TKing and intentional should be pretty easily distinguishable by the proximity of enemies and the number of consecutive friendly bullets that kill you.

    That being said, devs are optimizing. Then maybe Hossin. Then maybe Nexus and global lattice. Then maybe ESF update. Even if they recognize the grief system as inadequate (wait till the console players get ahold of it!), they might consider doing something about. Unlikely, though, based on their response to population issues.

    Just move on and file that BR100 TKer in the idiot category.
  18. FocusLight

    Pitiful really. I've TK'ed people for a few reasons, but never because "I wanted that turret" "How dare you not sit on B with me" or "I want the spawn EXP so your sundy needs to die". That's just total BS. Hunt those scum down and shoot them in the face as soon as you can, then proxy explain why you did and why this in unacceptable. TK'ing for score hogging or other such foolish reasons should be treated with zero-tolerance.
  19. Meeka

    Some people also switch factions to TK friendlies to help the other side win.
  20. Astriania

    I got the second weapon lock warning text yesterday after people jumped in front of my shots (including one guy that I killed by accident) D:

    Fortunately though the kind of shenanigans reported in this thread seem to be pleasantly rare for me.