Primetime NC Connery Pop - %40 VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Benton!, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Benton!

    10:30pm (Primetime) Friday Night Connery pop:
    What could be causing this? Why?
  2. soeguud

    People have come to their senses.
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  3. CDN_Wolvie

    Because playing NC sucks.
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  4. HadesR

    That's 6:30am for me .. Sorry I went to bed :(
  5. Lividicus!

    I'm really surprised that the TR have that high of a population to be honest. Most nights, during prime time on Connery, the VS have 55% or more and own two of the three continents. It's so bad, NC and TR don't even bother doing alerts anymore... SOE should just give them 10k XP 5 times a day and take away the alert...

    I think it's just been a steady incline of people swapping to the VS. I totally understand why, I'm really tempted to go get on a ZOE myself. That's of course, not the only reason, I think everyone's been switching because of Camo, ZOE, and their weapons are all extremely well balanced. Sniping as a VS is a dream compared to TR (in my opinion)..

    It's getting really bad. I only play on whatever continent TR has more than 25% population on, which lately is only indar... Something needs to be done, I suggest giving them back their purple spandex, it's what they should be wearing anyway. This whole "Shadow VS death squads" is getting old, fast. I had to crank up my Gamma just to be able to see the rats at night... And it's unfortunate, because it makes the game look like trash....
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  6. soeguud

    FotM (faction of the month lololol) is shifting precariously between vanus and TR IMO. Has been since the start of the year. Extroadinarily evident with the onset of this WDS bullcrap (honestly SOE get your heads out of your anuses and focus on actually making the game better) as NC was out of the running from the first minute.

    NC and its players can realistically be folded into VS and TR, making this a two faction game that'd be much more easily balanced. It's not as if SOE hasn't already completly bastardized and mutilated its fluff beyond recogition already anyway.

    And it's not like the meta will ever progress past a perpetual stalemate.
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  7. Diamond Sword

    I should start playing more if our pop at primetime is the highest... I stopped played as much because we were constantly outnumbered 3-1.
  8. MurderBunneh

    If they applied a damage debuff to any faction above 33% the populations would even out quickly.

    Or they could increase the spawn timers based on pop that would be too smart though.
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  9. Peebuddy

    In PS1 the under popped factions would get a health buff, up to like 50% in some really bad cases. Would be like giving everyone nanoweave today, what ever happened to that?
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  10. Jalek

    Like the last biolab alert, VS holds six biolabs, NC is pushing on one.
    TR sends in prowlers and mossies to attack the NC positions, since they're underpopped and lightly held, they don't even enter the biolab hex.

    The only conclusion possible is that TR is afraid of spandex.
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  11. HellionX

    Yep. Population as of late has favoured the VS. The question is why? Can't be guns or gear because we would see the same trend over all the servers. What could it be?
  12. Peanut Butter

    It doesn't help that every second alert is a Biolab alert, meaning you spend the next two hours against waves of ZOEs.
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  13. HellionX

    Who cares nerf it for a 4th time than. Now lets have a chat about what's op with the TR shall we.
  14. Peanut Butter

    Two things:
    1) They have been nerfed once to my knowledge after release.

    2) I never said they were OP. They are just a complete and utter pain to deal with.
  15. HellionX

    twice for sure actually. maybe 3 times not sure.
  16. Brewery

    Apparently not OP enough to take on 40% pop and win 1 alert per week.
  17. FateJH

    Connery just died.

    I blame the VS.
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  18. HellionX

    only on connery. not on every other server.
  19. Jalek

    True, it's been worse on Mattherson.
  20. Roll Fizzlebeef


    yeah... nah... nah.

    I always see the pops balance out around 7:00 p.m. and start to swing in the favor of VS around 10:00 p.m.

    Sometimes earlier if there's an alert.