How should I deal with Warpgate ESF campers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by funkmetal, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. funkmetal

    Ive run into a problem while playing as TR on Waterson where there is a specific NC outfit that likes to hang around our Warpgate and kill unsuspecting and/or Bad Pilots. I am not a good ESF pilot, I will admit that. I use it to get to a location from the Warpgate and maybe a strafing run or 2. So dogfighting them is out of the question. Secondly all they guys, all they do is sit in there ESF's all day and do nothing else. I looked up one of their stats page on the player site and his most used weapon is his 2 Hacksaws for the Max with a little over 200 Kills on them as a BR 100.

    So anyone have any ideas how to deal with them without a Skyguard or Burster Max, because I have neither. Its getting really annoying and making me want to stop playing the game.
  2. CEGrif

    return the favour by locking down their warpgate with strikers
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  3. MasonSTL

    Squad up and find a way.
  4. RadiO

    That's probably the reason they're campin' your warpgate.

    @OP, Are you talking about Indar warpgate? Lockons and Flak at Indar Bay Point should help. If they're further out then consider Vanu Archives. You want a tower/ elevated ground.
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  5. Naterian

    AA turret
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  6. funkmetal

    This I do not want to do, I dont see how doing what they are doing is going to help my case.

    Yes, Indar Warpgate. Also, usually when they are doing it, it's at night so its hard to spot them when coming out of the Warpgate. I'll look into those turrets when I next play if they are camping it
  7. MrMurdok

    Seriously, join an squad.

    Or, y'know, pull a Gal, get clear far enough that they would have to stop warpgate camping to chase you, bail out, keep playing.
  8. CNR4806

    You know, there are quite a lot of towers around the warpgate and each of them has two AA Phalanx turrets.
  9. DLL2

    Same problem on all server/faction. use /re for warning your faction they will be killed.
  10. doombro

    Make some friends who do have anti-air stuff, and give them hell.

    There's also mounted turrets at those small towers around each warpgate. I don't know if any of those are AA or if your guy(s) goes in range of them, but, just telling you it's there.

    A few months ago, my outfit would regularly camp the NC warpgate on esamir with two or three squads worth of bursters and strikers. That sort of thing should be even easier when done from the inside of your own warpgate.
  11. Lividicus!

    What a bunch of absolute horse feces! If TR is easy mode then the VS and NC must be auto-win mode.... Seriously, we have been given trash for years now. I don't understand why you re-knobs are making threads like these... Maybe I need to switch servers, because last night, on conncery, TR had 11% Population... So, if we're "easy-mode" Then why is it the fourth faction are holding onto VS' Overpowered-ness like it was a winning lotto ticket?

    I stopped playing for a few months because of sever imbalance issues with the TR. I distinctly remember Higby saying something like "VS players will only use OP weapons..." Meaning that for a long time there the VS was underpopulated, and the players griped and moaned about wanting new suits, camo, weapons, etc. Well, they got it... Now the VS have a steamroller MAX, seriously, ZOE with the Comets or whatever they're called is ridiculous! Talk about "Easy-Mode"..... The TR's Mosquito is debated as the best ESF in the game WHEN you get used to it.... |How is that Easy Mode when you have to dedicate many hours to learning the feel of the plane? VS' ESF is Easy-Mode... What Else is????

    VS ESF is Easy-Mode
    ZOE is Easy-Mode
    Black Camo is Easy-Mode (obvious reasons, I have to play with lower graphics just to see the bastards at night)
    Strafing MBT?! WHAT?! Yeah, Easy-Mode....
    And Lastly, on my server at least, 2/1 Population advantage... EASY-Mode

    Hiow dare the OP call TR Easy-Mode... I'm pretty sure yesterday there was a post saying the same about NC... Pathetic....

    On my server we're outgunned 3/1 over the VS, and 2/1 over the NC most ALL THE TIME (Connery). If threads like these keep popping up and it ends in a nerf to our faction, I'm reasonably positive that the VS and NC aren't going to have the TR to shoot at anymore, Having 10% population is bad enough, and I fear we may lose those 10% soon too.....,,.
  12. funkmetal

    What are you talking about man? I was wanting help on how to deal with Warpgate campers. Not that any faction was OP, granted there are some OP things but this is not what this thread is about. So please get back on the topic of how to deal with Warpgate Campers
  13. Jogido

    dude, wrong thread?
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  14. P4NJ

    I used to do that, what you need is a few guys with voice comms. Try to outnumber them.
  15. EGuardian1

    You get a squad up dedicated to ending the camping. I'm sorry, but It pisses me right the hell off when my warpgate's gettinc camped. It's a perfectly valid tactic, but it's still infuriating because "Oh I'll just take this freshly purchased ESF over to- SWEET MOTHER OF VANU!"

    TR was doing the same to the NC warpgate a few days ago during an alert even - they were losing and it was a desperate ploy to keep reinforcements from getting to the front lines (addmittedly it was pretty effective.) What do you do? I convinced my platoon to break off an engagement and go stomp those mother****ers. How dare they decide "Derp, I'm going to camp their gate huh huh uh!"

    What pissed me off even more was that NC let it continue for almots half an hour until my platoon realized what was going on and went.
  16. Eclipson

    Sounds like rguitar, though I don't see Prey doing this very often unless there are no other esfs to fight on the continent. If I was you, I would fly as close to the ground as possible to avoid being seen, or if thats not working, trial a skyguard and keep shooting them until they get tired of dodging flak. Shouldn't take to long. Either that, or just find another facility to spawn it at, the warpgate isn't the only place to spawn an ESF.
  17. funkmetal

    Yes, twice over 2 days when I was trying to leave the Warpgate in my ESF (The only 2 times I left directly from the Warpgate I might add), they were both from PREY (Seperate people I will also say, one BR 100 and one BR 76 or so I want to say) and I decided to join a squad and squad and squad deploy on the squadleader to get into the fight.
  18. LibertyRevolution

    Welcome to waterson.

    PREY camps TR gate with reavers.
    NUC camps NC gate with mossies.

    Pilot learning curve is harsh no matter which faction your playing.
  19. MajiinBuu

    This morning on Amerish I pulled a Galaxy to try to get better at flying . 100 meters from our warpgate a full TR liberator attacked me(they had no territory anywhere in the southern half of the continent, let alone our warpgate) and I got tank-busted and shredded.
  20. funkmetal

    Yeah, I notice VS Libs on Waterson doing that alot, no territory anywhere around and there is a lone VS Lib just shelling people
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