A pro players guide to nerfing heavies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Accuser

    Asymetrical for sure... balanced I'd disagree with. The SV-88 has most of the advantages of the Orion, and nearly as much ammo as the Carv/SAW. Anyway, if TR/NC got an LMG like the Orion, then VS/NC would probably get an assault rifle like the TAR, and we can't have that ;)
  2. Posse

    Meh, the SVA-88 has 75 clip size vs 100 from the CARV/SAW, and it has less DPS than any of the 3 weapons, for my tastes it's overrated, supposedly the Orion is the situational weapon and the SVA-88 the allaround one, for me it's the opposite :D

    Even then, if the SVA-88 were to be nerfed, then the TAR should suffer the same fate. There are no reasons to nerf the Orion since its performance across BRs is pretty much the same as the CARV's
  3. Bill Hicks

    No. Actually I have read all the nerf call threads. And they never want to tone down resist. There are two types of nerf callers

    1. Drivers and pilots who farm infantry all day ( the people who have like 39.5 kd)

    2. Support infantry who want their utility ability and superior infantry ability

    The vehicle farmers want the rocket launcher either removed or severely nerfed

    The support whiners want the shield removed because after they repair a tank to full or revive a whole squad they want to kill the heavy who cannot do anything but kill.
  4. Bill Hicks

    Wrong a max is really a vehicle. It is a force multiplier but not considered essential. I can't wait for a damn Max everytime I enter a room genius. Should there be a wall of tanks everytime I want to roll over open area? A heavy is a dime a dozen infantry unit for breaching because they can clear a room of maxes faster than a max. Anti vehicle grenade. Concussion grenade.

    A heavy is better at room clearing than a max. A max is only really strong when its SITTING IN A ROOM defensively being repaired.
    Maybe a zoe max can storm a room but even then it will have trouble killing anything because It cannot do INDIRECT FIRE.

    A max first in the breach means a dead max that cannot be revived and a loss of a force multiplier. A heavy is DISPOSABLE and can do indirect fire.

    When going into a base do you send infantry or vehicles first? I bet you would say vehicles. BOOOM all your vehicles are gone and now the enemy is rushing your camping infantry with vehicle in a non defensive position.

    finally "Because they can absorb mines, c4 and nades " lololo really? Its far easier to mine and c-4 a max coming into a room than a heavy.

    a decade of planetside experience on my end tells me that a max going first with proper support is a far better setup than just bumrushing a held room with no plan as a heavy. are you telling me, for the last decade, I've been doing it wrong when its been one of the most successful tactics ive ever seen when it comes to cqb?
  6. Kanya

    I'm inclined to back P0intman on this...seeing as Ive played with and against him over this decade (man we are getting old)
  7. Bill Hicks

    Ill be sure to have a max ready whenever I go into any room.
  8. Hosp

    Guide to appearing Pro:

    1) Claim you're pro.
    2) Write out a bunch of stuff that may/may not be obvious and may/may not work.
    3) Place own spin on things while berating other people who do things differently (which may/may not work).
    4) ?:eek: ?
    5) Profit.
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    You ARE in an organized outfit, right? I mean, if you're pro...
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